The University Record, May 21, 1996
Visit Wolverine Tower to swap your old ID card for new
University identification cards are now available at the ID Office in Wolverine Tower. Previously only available at the North Campus Entree Plus office and through the Department of Public Safety, the new cards can now be issued in the same building that houses the new employee orientation program. The office also provides uniqnames for staff to access University computing services.
“We’ve moved the ID Office out of Public Safety into Employment to provide one-stop shopping for all our employees,” says Vivian Corwin, office assistant, who staffs the new ID Office with receptionist Pamela Irish. “After new employee orientation, they can step next door and get their new card in five minutes.” The Benefits Office and Pay roll are also located in Wolverine Tower.
In order to receive a new ID card, employees must bring in their current ones. If any information on the card needs to be changed, staff members must also get an Identification Card Request and Change Form signed by a supervisor. Cards are free to new employees and to those who bring their old IDs. If an employee has misplaced an ID card, there will be a $15 charge to get a new one.
The card holds name, photo, signature, University affiliation (student, faculty, staff and major department or unit), card number, expiration date, uniqname for access to University computing services, bar code, Bank Stripe and Cash Chip smart chip. In addition to being your photo ID, the new card (MCard) serves as a library card, Entree Plus card, entry card (for some buildings), debit card, optional ATM card and optional calling card.
“We would like all faculty and staff to get their new ID cards as soon as possible,” says Employment Office Director Cynthia Kabza. “Getting a new card will only take five to ten minutes after arriving at our office in Wolverine Tower. The identification office is open every weekday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.”
The office is Suite 16 on the ground floor of the Wolverine Tower high rise. To make an appointment for groups, call 763-7725.