Virtual event honors staff celebrating service milestones

University Human Resources hosted a virtual Service Awards event Nov. 16, honoring 422 staff members who celebrated 30, 40, 45, 50 or 55 years of service in 2020.

“Milestone work anniversaries are always important to acknowledge and celebrate, especially when it comes to recognizing people who have dedicated three or more decades of their lives into supporting and sustaining our great university,” said Richard Holcomb, associate vice president for human resources. “This year’s event was different, but our gratitude has never been greater.”

Typically, such recognition takes the form of two Service Awards banquets, one for the Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses and another for Michigan Medicine.

This year’s virtual Service Awards featured live and recorded performances and messages from university leaders and colleagues at all levels. The event was co-hosted by Holcomb and Deloris Hunt, chief human resource officer at Michigan Medicine. Its theme was a simple and sincere expression of gratitude.

“Our faculty and staff — our people — are this organization’s most important asset. We are fortunate that these employees have decided to make U-M their employer of choice,” Hunt said. “We thank them for all they do for this great institution and all of our stakeholders.”

Additionally, messages from President Mark Schlissel and Marschall Runge, chief executive officer of Michigan Medicine, dean of the Medical School and executive vice president for medical affairs, underscored the extraordinary challenges of the past year.

Brief videos from 55-year honoree, Diana E. Richards, nurse practitioner, and 50-year honoree Gail Lift, application development lead with Information and Technology Services, were highlights of the event.

For more information about the Service Awards, including a listing of those celebrating career milestones beginning at 10 years, visit the UHR Service Awards page. Faculty and staff are encouraged to use the comments section to share kudos, congratulations and kind words of support.


  1. Pam Soltman
    on November 17, 2020 at 8:12 am

    Congratulations to all!!

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