University transitioning to virtual parking permits


Logistics, Transportation & Parking has announced the launch of a new virtual parking permit system utilizing license plate recognition technology, set to go live July 1.

This system modernizes the traditional parking permit system by replacing physical parking permits with the convenience of using a vehicle’s license plate as a parking credential.

The move to virtual permits comes in response to feedback to LTP from the campus community seeking more flexibility in their parking options. This change also aligns with the university’s commitment to sustainability.

License plate recognition is a widely used technology that improves parking enforcement, increases compliance with parking regulations, and offers users greater convenience. Nearly all Big Ten universities and hospitals have implemented similar systems. 

A new online system for purchasing a virtual permit will be available starting May 1. Through this system, users can sign up for their desired virtual permit level and register their vehicle license plate number for fiscal year 2026 parking permits.

Those permits are valid from July 1 through June 30, 2026, with license plate recognition enforcement beginning July 1. Starting July 1, physical parking permits are no longer valid.

Existing permit holders will receive detailed instructions via email this spring. Step-by-step guides and support resources will be available to assist with the transition. 

The LTP website includes a comprehensive FAQ page, which addresses common questions about the new system, registration process and what to expect. Additional information will be provided closer to the launch date. 



  1. Anita Goldstein
    on March 28, 2025 at 7:57 am

    Will this change affect us retirees who have a hang tag good for 5 years? Will we still be able to use it? Thanks!

  2. Jessyca Hannah
    on March 28, 2025 at 8:14 am

    The fact that daily parks must be activated each time they are used is ridiculous. What’s more ridiculous is that it has to be a minimum of 15 minutes before your arrival, so you either activate it when you leave home – and lose the park if something comes up before you get to work – or you have to activate it while driving (or pull over to activate). I hope they figure out a better way to deal with that because I purchase daily parks because I’m only on campus once a week and don’t want to think about them until I have to purchase more.

  3. Philip Larson
    on March 28, 2025 at 8:33 am

    Currently we have 2 cars and have a blue pass. In the past we have used either car to park in the parking structure (like when 1 car is being repaired). With a license plate reader, now we will either have to choose which vehicle or pay for 2 parking passes.

    The current system is tied to the person.
    The new system is going to be tied to the vehicle

    • Parker Cruz
      on March 28, 2025 at 9:02 am

      I commented below before I realized I could reply to this post but I second this comment.

    • Allen Farmer
      on March 28, 2025 at 10:39 am

      I checked the FAQ, and looks like this actually won’t be a problem – you can change the linked license plate number in the app/online portal to transfer the permit between multiple vehicles.

      • Raine Baker
        on March 28, 2025 at 2:56 pm

        convenient in 12 easy steps while dealing with other emergencies

  4. Helen Budd
    on March 28, 2025 at 8:56 am

    As an employee at UM-Flint, I am permitted to swipe my MCard to access the Blue Lot structure on Thompson Street (I haven’t used the other Blue lots yet). Will I still be able to swipe my MCard to access the Thompson St lot?

    Thank you.

  5. Parker Cruz
    on March 28, 2025 at 9:01 am

    I second Philip’s comment. My wife was recently hired on as staff as well and even before she was staff we used to carpool and could easily switch vehicles and distribute mileage between our older vehicle and newer hybrid. This is a major disruptor and seems contrary to the sustainability goals of the University because now you are forcing me (and I assume many others without the financial resources to make values-oriented choices rather than practical and financial choices) to choose between paying for two passes or cutting my personal emissions. Of course I am going to choose the option that makes the most sense for my family and not buy two passes. I will pay for one pass on my older, less efficient vehicle so the new one does not rack up the miles from my 40 mile daily commute.

  6. Danielle Keys
    on March 28, 2025 at 10:22 am

    Requiring people to have a front license plate if they wish to back into a space, or they will be cited—is excessive. The state of Michigan does not require front facing plates, and not all vehicles have a frame to accommodate one. People are already paying to park, and must pay more to park facing the other way or they risk paying more in fines? And as stated above, having this tied to the vehicle makes it more difficult if there is ever a situation where a car needs to be swapped in cases of accident, repair, or general convenience—logging in to add a new plate is not necessarily easier than grabbing a physical pass, especially if it is a sudden situation.

  7. Raymond Bourgeois
    on March 28, 2025 at 11:52 am

    I am sure that you are getting quite a bit of comments in regards to how a vehicle is parked and requiring a front license plate if you plan to back into a parking space is actually ridiculous. In your own policies it is posted that the rear license plate is used by the readers to gain access to the parking structure. Why would you then require people to park in such a way that their plate is visible? This completely contradicts your statement in regard to access. I for one prefer to back into my space and will not be getting an additional tag for the front of my vehicle as the State of Michigan doesn’t require this of me. I have nothing to hide and will not be forced to park a particular way.

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