University recognized for outstanding work-life effectiveness


The University of Michigan has been recognized by the WorldatWork Alliance for Work-Life Progress for strategies and practices that help employees achieve success in work-life effectiveness.

U-M is one of 77 employers, and one of 16 universities, awarded the 2015 Seal of Distinction. 

“The university places a high value on having work-life services that make a real difference in the lives of faculty, staff and students working to balance multiple commitments successfully,” said Jennie McAlpine, director of work-life programs.

“Not only do these programs help make our organization stronger, they also contribute to the health, engagement and wellness of our University community.

The seven categories of work-life effectiveness on which recipients are evaluated are:

• Caring for dependents.

• Health and wellness.

• Workplace flexibility.

• Financial support for economic security.

• Paid and unpaid time off.

• Community involvement.

• Transforming organizational cultural.

This year’s recipients include employers from areas including higher education, finance, government, health, law, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals, across 25 states, the District of Columbia and Canada. 


  1. Jennifer Sporer
    on February 5, 2015 at 8:53 am

    Yes, I love where I work!

  2. Cathy R. Hendrix
    on February 6, 2015 at 7:54 am

    I am a part of the Work Life Dept. via one of the Campus Children’s Centers and I LOVE my job and find my work very rewarding. I have outstanding colleagues and Supervisors and always feel supported, valued & respected. GREAT PLACE TO WORK!

  3. justine bykowski
    on February 9, 2015 at 5:28 pm

    Hats off to you, Barb. I know you work hard to make connections for the employees seeking elder care resources.


    Justine Bykowski

  4. Amelia Roster
    on July 8, 2015 at 8:15 am

    It’s really a great initiative in the part of the University of Michigan which has been successful for having work-life services that create a positive effect in the lives of faculty, staff and students. I really appreciate their efforts and thanks for sharing the post.

  5. Tamojit Kumar
    on May 24, 2016 at 3:10 am

    This is great news and I applaud the University of Michigan for achieving this position. Work-life effectiveness is a broad topic engulfing several important factors that advance us towards a well-balanced happy life. More such institutions should work for this cause.

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