U-M’s newest Biological Sciences Scholar ‘fascinated’ by discovery


From a young age, Dr. Kaushik Choudhuri was fascinated by science.

“My early interest in science stems from reading my father’s subscription to Scientific American and watching reruns of Carl Sagan’s ‘Cosmos’ as a child,” he recalls.

Ultimately, Choudhuri pursued a career in medicine, earning his medical degree at King’s College London School of Medicine. He credits his first scientific mentor, liver immunologist Dr. Diego Vergani, for opening his eyes to the possibilities of basic research at medical school. He thrived under Vergani’s guidance, publishing several first- and co-authored papers as a medical student.

During his residency programs in hematology and oncology, respiratory medicine, general medicine and neurology, Choudhuri yearned to further explore his scientific roots.

Dr. Kaushik Choudhuri came to U-M in May 2015 as a scholar in the highly competitive Biological Sciences Scholars Program. (Photo by Austin Thomason, Michigan Photography)

“As a junior doctor, I was astonished by how little we understand about chronic diseases, and I recognized how essential it is for clinicians and basic scientists to work closely together to make progress,” says Choudhuri, assistant professor of microbiology and immunology, Medical School. “A good example of this is the recent emergence of immunotherapies for certain cancers and autoimmune diseases.”

After completing his medical training at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London in 2002, Choudhuri began graduate studies at Oxford University and earned a doctorate in molecular immunology. After completing postdoctoral fellowships at Oxford and New York University, he came to the University of Michigan as a scholar in the highly competitive Biological Sciences Scholars Program.

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With a goal to develop a new generation of leaders in biomedical research at U-M, the BSSP provides startup funds to recruit outstanding scientists in key areas of life sciences investigation. Since 1998, U-M has successfully recruited more than 60 current U-M scholars in genetics, microbiology, immunology, virology, structural biology, pharmacology, biochemistry, molecular pharmacology, stem cell biology, cancer biology, physiology, cell and developmental biology, and the neurosciences.

As the newest BSSP scholar, Choudhuri joined the Department of Microbiology and Immunology as an assistant professor in May 2015. Since then, he has been establishing his lab, focused on the cell biology of lymphocytes — a key immune cell type that defends against infections and cancer.

His team uses various types of advanced optical and electron microscopy to study the molecular and cell biological mechanisms by which lymphocytes detect and respond to pathogens.

“Fundamental biology is endlessly fascinating, and the thrill of breaking new ground — or finding a better explanation for how something works, even in small ways — is very compelling,” he says.

Q & A

What moment in the classroom or lab stands out as the most memorable?

I joined the faculty a few months back, so have not yet had truly standout teaching/lab moments — although seeing my microscope arrive on campus was just thrilling.

What can’t you live without?

Operationally, coffee of-course, but existentially, fin de siecle and early 20th century painting, especially by the Expressionists and their descendant movements.

What is your favorite spot near campus?

I love the architecture and decor of the Rackham building and auditorium — it is beautifully maintained in period style, and so evocative of a bygone era. I go to lectures there whenever I have a chance.

Who inspires you?

Clyde Stubblefield, who was a drummer in James Brown’s band. His breaks beats gave birth to hip-hop. I think if I can manage to do science like he does drums, I will be pretty satisfied with my lot.

What are you currently reading?

“Failure: Why Science is So Successful” by Stuart Firestein. It gives an excellent flavor of what the doing of science is about.


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