Participation in the university’s vanpool program has reached an all-time high with 100 vans helping long-distance commuters get to the Ann Arbor campus.
The vanpool program, which began in 1970s, has nearly 700 participants and serves 33 communities within 60 miles of Ann Arbor, including Detroit, Flint and Farmington Hills. The largest numbers of commuters are from Jackson and Toledo.
“Vanpool is an extremely important part of U-M’s strategy to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips to campus,” said Steve Dolen, executive director of Parking & Transportation Services.
“The milestone of 100 vanpools means 400-500 fewer vehicle trips to campus per day. If you translate that into parking terms, it means we have to park that many fewer vehicles a day. That’s nearly half to three quarters of one parking structure.”
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Dolen added that, fewer vehicles mean less congestion on area roads and fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
“It might be a small number from an overall percentage but every little bit helps,” he added.
Up to six passengers and a driver meet each day in their community and ride in together, are dropped off near work, and the van is parked in a reserved parking place on campus.
The van is supplied by MichiVan, a program sponsored by the Michigan Department of Transportation, or the Ann Arbor Area Transit Authority through Parking & Transportation Services.
Besides the seven-passenger vans, the program provides routine maintenance, repairs, insurance and registration. U-M pays the monthly rider fees and provides a free, reserved parking space near the driver’s office. Vanpool riders share the cost of gasoline.
“Vanpoolers save a significant portion of their pay that would otherwise be spent on a parking permit, fuel and depreciation of their personal vehicle. Everyone wins,” Dolen said.

Faculty and staff can locate a vanpool, or create their own, by using ride-matching software called GreenRide Connect found on the PTS website.
Individuals are able to search the database for other U-M staff members who live near them or have similar work schedules. Search results provide a map of the general area showing potential ride matches near the individual or along their commute route.
Vanpool riders also can enroll in the Guaranteed Ride Home Program, which offers a free cab ride up to six times a year in case of emergencies, such as a child who’s become sick at school or a last-minute deadline at work.
The vanpool program is part of an overall strategy to promote alternatives to bringing single-occupancy vehicles to campus. PTS officials say those who have traditional working hours and come and go at the same times should consider the possibilities for vanpools or ride-sharing to save money and reduce the number of vehicles on the road.
PTS provides additional alternative-transportation programs such as the university bus system, MRide with AAATA and the Zipcar sharing program.
Carol Bartholomew
Are there any vans from the Dundee area that need a rider. I work from 7 – 3:30.
Please advise….thanks.
Bonnie Clark
Recently moved to Dundee and am looking for a van pool to join. My hours are 8-5, M-F and I work at the Med School. From Toledo, Monroe, Tecumseh even the Milan area.
Elena Georgieva
Is there such vanpool program (MichiVan) available to U of MI students who travel from Detroit to Ann Arbor every day?
Eldred Baird
Are there any occasional use (e.g., once per month} opportunities or on demand?
Joel Brickman
I recently broke my foot and I am unable to drive or buy any weight on my right foot. I live in Dundee, MI and I was hoping to be able see if this service was available in my area. I work from 8-5 but I could change my schedule if needed.