The University Record, March 26, 1996
U-M contributions will end for staff with close-ended funding
University contributions to health, dental and life insurance benefits for staff with close-ended funding will cease unless those staff members take action to continue the coverage over the summer months.
Staff members with eligible confirmed fall appointments must pay 100 percent of the premiums during spring and summer terms to continue benefits. Staff without a confirmed fall appointment must pay 102 percent of the premiums to continue health and dental benefits as provided by federal legislation (COBRA). COBRA-eligible staff will receive notification from the Benefits Office at their last known address.
In order to ensure that staff members who will return in the fall qualify for the lower cost coverage in the summer months, departments must:
Send a memo to the Benefits Office confirming the staff member’s fall appointment.
Include the duration and percent of effort of the appointment.
Include the signature of the department head or designated signer.
The Benefits Office will then notify the staff member of which benefits may be continued and when to pay for them.
For more information, call 763-1217.