Two granted emeritus status

Two faculty members were granted emeritus status by the Regents at their September meeting. They are:

Kenneth A. Lockridge, professor of history

In 1970 Lockridge joined the U-M and published his first major book, A New England Town: The First Hundred Years.

“By 1985, when an expanded edition was published, more than 130,000 copies of this influential work had been sold,” the Regents noted. “The book combined sophisticated quantitative methodology with a sensitive treatment of qualitative aspects of New England town development.

“These attributes also characterize Prof. Lockridge’s later work, Literacy in Colonial New England, and a series of subsequent essays on historical demography. In 1981, Cambridge University Press published his Settlement and Unsettlement in Early America: The Crisis of Political Legitimacy Before the Revolution. These volumes and a series of distinguished essays firmly established Prof. Lockridge as one of the country’s leading colonial historians.”

Patricia A. O’Connor, associate professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases

Prof. O’Connor, who was an instructor here in 1956–57, rejoined the faculty in 1963. “Dr. O’Connor’s career has been characterized by consistent devotion to the rigorous training of medical students and pediatric residents in those aspects of medicine designed to prevent illness and promote normal growth and development,” the Regents said. “She was awarded the Kaiser Permanente Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Clinical Sciences because of her 25 years of outstanding service to that goal.

“Throughout most of her career she was responsible for all of the administrative and much of the clinical supervision of medical student education in all facets of ambulatory pediatrics. In this role, she was responsible for nearly 10 percent of the educational experience of every third-year medical student for 30 years. Dr. O’Connor’s personal clinical practice was exceptional in that she provided service to large numbers of multiply-handicapped children and their parents.”


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