By Mary Jo Frank
Human Resources & Affirmative Action (HR/AA) will move to Wolverine Tower this month, along with Payroll and the Benefits Office.
HR/AA will move into 39,000 square feet of space, including a portion of the Low Rise, half of the second floor and the entire fourth floor of Wolverine Tower, an 11-story office building on the southeast corner of South State Street and Eisenhower Parkway.
The HR/AA departments and the dates they will move are:
Each HR/AA department will be closed the day it moves. Medical Campus Human Resources, Human Resource Development, Family Care Resources Program, M-Quality, and the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program will remain in their current locations and their services will not be interrupted.
The hours of operation for all of the HR/AA offices at Wolverine Tower will be 8 a.m.–5 p.m., including the noon hour.
They plan to host an open house in June.
Noting that the move of any large office will be felt by the campus community, Jackie R. McClain, executive director of human resource development and affirmative action, says, “We’re making a concerted effort to minimize any negative impact on the campus. We’re trying to be creative so we can continue to deliver the same level of service to customers.”
HR/AA staff are excited about the possibilities afforded by the move, McClain says. “I think the quality of the space is much better. The fact that we’ll have many of the human resource functions in one location will allow us to make better use of staff to improve and increase services with the same resources.”
HR/AA’s information number during the move period is 763-1284.
Benefits Office
The Benefits Office at the Administrative Services Building will move Friday (May 13). The office will close at 3 p.m. Thursday (May 12) and reopen at 7:30 a.m. May 16 in Room G405, Wolverine Tower Low Rise. Telephone and FAX numbers will remain the same: 763-1214 and 763-0363 (FAX). Benefits Offices at the North Ingalls Building, U-M-Dearborn and U-M-Flint, which will not be moving, will be open May 13.
The Benefits Office at Wolverine Tower will be open 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. weekdays, including the noon hour, beginning May 16.
Payroll offices at the Administrative Services Building will close at 4:30 p.m. Friday (May 13) and reopen at 7:30 a.m. May 16 at Room G395, Wolverine Tower Low Rise. Payroll telephone and FAX numbers will remain the same, as listed in the faculty and staff directory. The walk-up window for deliveries, located outside Payroll’s new reception area, will have the same room number as the reception area.
Payroll’s hours will be 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. weekdays, including the noon hour, beginning May 16.
The move of HR/AA, Payroll and Benefits this month and Purchasing in June is Phase II of the University’s occupancy of Wolverine Tower. They join three other units—the Division of Research Development and Administration, the Office of Contract Administration and the Technology Management Office—that moved last August.
Phase III—moving Business and Finance and the Office of Development—is scheduled for mid-1996, according to William A. Dergis, assistant director of capital planning.
The Regents approved purchase of Wolverine Tower in November 1992 to free up campus space for academic and research uses and reduce the costs of leasing space. At that time the Univer-sity was leasing approximately 345,000 gross square feet of space in more than 60 Ann Arbor locations.
Wolverine Tower, built in 1973, has a gross square footage of 219,950, including a mechanical penthouse, the Low Rise facility and basement. This converts to a total of 175,000 square feet of office and retail space and 7,949 square feet of storage area.
LS&A’s departments of Philosophy and Classical Studies will move from Angell Hall to the Administrative Services Building this summer and are expected to stay there until the summer of 1996, when they are scheduled to return to Angell Hall, which is being renovated.