The University Record, October 29, 1996
Thanks for the help, donations
Organizers of the “UMatter: Recognition Beyond Words” staff recognition program would like to thank the following University units and members of the Ann Arbor community for their generous donations of door prizes for the event. More than 200 door prizes, ranging from free golf at Raddrick Farms and U-M golf courses to tickets to University Musical Society events, were presented to event attendees. Donors included:
Ann Arbor Flower and Garden Show, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, College of Engineering, Conference Management Services, Department of Athletics, Department of Public Safety, Department of Recreational Sports, Exhibit Museum of Natural History, Division of Kinesiology, Financial Operations, Grounds & Waste Management Services, Hospitals Security, Human Resource Development;
Human Resources and Affirmative Action Administration, Information Technology Division, Institute for Social Research, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, Law School, Maintenance ServicesContracting Group & Architectural Trades, Matthaei Botanical Gardens Gift Shop, Michigan League Food Services, Michigan Union Food Services, Museum of Art Gift Shop, Office of the Associate Vice President for Business Operations;
Parking Services, Plant Building Services, Plant Extension Services, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, School of Art and Design, School of Business Administration, School of Dentistry, School of Education, School of Information and Library Studies, School of Nursing, School of Public Health, School of Public Policy Studies, School of Social Work, University Housing, Cambridge House, Oxford Conference Center, Workplace 2000, University Musical Society, Utilities Department.