The Office of International Academic Affairs has mailed questionnaires to all instructional faculty on the Ann Arbor campus in order to compile a profile of their international interests and linkages.
Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. and John H. D’Arms, vice provost for academic affairs, urge faculty to respond promptly to the questionnaire. They note that building a reliable information base is essential to expanding opportunities by improving communication and visibility.
“The most frequent request to our office is for information about faculty expertise and involvement in international activity,” explains Ruth G. Hastie, director of the Office of International Academic Affairs. “We cannot respond with appropriate accuracy. As a result, much of our international strength lacks visibility, and our students and faculty may be missing out on opportunities that could be very useful.”
The questionnaire also offers an opportunity for faculty to comment on how the University can more effectively target and strengthen its international resources.
“Faculty knowledge and counsel are critical in advancing our international initiative,” D’Arms notes. “The benefits will be substantial if all of our faculty respond to the questionnaire.”
Information from the survey will be incorporated into the BEST database that is maintained and updated regularly by the Division of Research Development and Administration. Additional copies of the survey can be obtained from the Office of International Academic Affairs, 764-4492.