Statement on freedom of speech and electronic mail

The University Record, April 10, 1995

Statement on freedom of speech and electronic mail

Statement on freedom of speech and electronic mail

The following statement was recently approved by the executive officers. It will be posted at campus computing sites.

Freedom of speech is central to the mission of higher education. The University of Michigan respects and encourages the exchange and debate of ideas, including electronic interchanges. However, electronic messages should not interfere unreasonably with one’s education or work at the University, nor should they harass or threaten an individual or group. The University does not condone messages of hate and harassment, including electronic messages and other electronic materials.

If you believe you have been the subject of questionable electronic materials, contact the ITD User Advocate, [email protected].

Acts of harassment and threats will be thoroughly investigated by University, state and federal enforcement agencies.

If you believe you are in danger, immediately call the Department of Public Safety at 911.


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