State Senate passes higher ed appropriations bill on to House

The University Record, June 5, 1995

State Senate passes higher ed appropriations bill on to House

The State Senate last Thursday approved higher education appropriation recommendations made by Gov. John Engler and included in its bill an additional $18.8 million on a one-time basis for maintenance and technology purposes at 12 of Michigan’s 15 public universities. The U-M could expect to receive about $9 million of this special appropriation.

Engler earlier this year recommended increases ranging from 6 percent to 7.8 percent for Michigan State, Western Michigan and Grand Valley State, while the other 12 state universities would get just a 3 percent increase in base funding.

The bill now goes to the State House, which is not likely to concur. The bill will then go to a joint Senate-House conference committee for deliberation.

An amendment offered by Sen. Joe Conroy to withhold the U-M’s base appropriation until it meets an enrollment ratio of 70 percent instate students and 30 percent non-residents was defeated.

Legislators still expect to complete budget actions by June 16.


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