The University Record, September 5 , 1995 Publication of today‘s issue of The University Record officially marks the beginning of its 1995–96 publication schedule and the return of its staff to wonderfully refurbished quarters in the News and Information Services (NIS) Building at 412 Maynard St. (We spent the summer at Wallace House, home of the Michigan Journalism Fellows Program. Thank you Charles, Robin and Marti for your warm hospitality.)
The Record staff includes Jane R. Elgass, executive editor, 747-1841, [email protected];‘ Rebecca A. Doyle, editor, 764-6825, [email protected]; and Jared Blank, associate editor, 764-4266, [email protected]. Barbara J. Wilson ([email protected]), NIS administrative assistant, prepares the Calendar, and Kim Haskins (khaskins@, NIS secretary, handles the Studies Seek Subjects listings and Kudos.
As the University‘s official publication, the Record carries articles of interest to active and retired faculty and staff, and letters to the editor from members of the U-M community on issues of broad general interest to that community. (See page 4 for letters policy.)
It also includes job postings for the University‘s three campuses and a calendar of events.
Published by the Office of News and Information Services, Office of University Relations, the Record is distributed every Monday September–April, except for holiday periods, and biweekly May–August.
It is distributed on the University‘s four Ann Arbor campus areas in pick-up racks in high-traffic areas in buildings, usually in a lobby or near a main entrance. Copies are available in residence hall lobbies and are sent via Campus Mail to a number of departments and administrative units.
The Record also is mailed to faculty and staff retirees and surviving spouses, and to community, state and federal officials. Subscriptions, sent via first class mail, are available for $40 (one year) and $15 (three months).
Suggestions for articles are welcomed by the editorial staff, all of whom are accessible on e-mail.
Faculty and staff also are encouraged to submit items for Kudos, a feature that highlights honors received by individuals for activities directly related to their University work.
Information for news briefs (the short items at the tops of pages) and the calendar must be received by 5 p.m. the Monday preceding publication. They must be in writing and can be sent via mail, e-mail or fax (764-7084).
A form for submitting calendar listings is found below. Organizations submitting calendar and news brief items must be affiliated with the University.
Once a month, the Record carries a page titled “Faculty Perspectives.” This is prepared by a faculty editorial advisory board. Faculty interested in placing material on the Perspectives page should contact Bruce Oakley, 3127 Natural Sciences 1048.
The Record also publishes notices for researchers seeking subjects for their projects. The fee is $25 for each notice, to be billed to a University account.
Display advertising space is available for both U-M and commercial advertisers. Rate cards explaining fees, deadline dates and copy preparation are available at the Record office, 412 Maynard St. 1399.
1995–96 publication dates:
Sept. 5, 11, 18, 25; Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; Nov. 6, 13, 20; Dec. 4, 11, 18; Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26; March 11, 18, 25; April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; May 6, 20; June 10, 24; July 8, 22; Aug. 12.