The University Record, April 24, 1995
Some have to assume cost of benefits over summer
University contributions to health, dental and life insurance benefits for staff with close-ended funding are not available to those individuals during the summer months. Coverage will cease unless action to continue coverage is taken by the staff members who are affected.
Group coverage can be retained if staff members pay 100 percent of the premiums during the summer months, provided an eligible fall-term appointment is confirmed with a memo from an individual’s department.
The memo must include the duration and percent of effort of the appointment and must be signed by the department chair or designee. The Benefits Office does not identify and notify staff with close-ended funding of this policy. Departments are encouraged to notify these individuals. In addition, staff members are responsible for ensuring that departments confirm their fall-term appointments.
On receipt of the memo, staff will be notified by the Benefits Office as to the benefits they may continue during the summer and the premium rates. The first premium payments must be received by the Payroll Office (G395 Wolverine Tower 1279) by May 20.
Without a confirming memo from the staff member’s department, the employee’s benefits may continue in the University group under federal legislation (COBRA); however, the staff member will have to pay 102 percent of the premium.
Those who do not continue their health and/or life insurance benefits during the summer and who subsequently are reappointed in the fall must re-enroll in health and/or life insurance within 60 days of the effective date of the reappointment. Enrollment is not automatic.
For additional information, call the Benefits Office, 763-1214.