Sobig virus filling mailboxes

A virus making its way through U-M mailboxes tries to forward itself to addresses found on infected computers, causing high e-mail traffic and, potentially, e-mail overloads.

The Sobig.C variant of the Sobig computer virus began spreading rapidly worldwide June 1 and has been filling many University inboxes with infected e-mail. The virus spreads through attachments.

The Sobig virus family infects only computers running Windows. It cannot infect Macintosh computers or those running other non-Windows operating systems. However, anyone using e-mail may receive infected e-mail from the virus. Windows users who have installed the antivirus software available from U-M and who keep it updated are protected against Sobig.C.

Sobig.C forges the From line, so the infected e-mail may appear to be from someone you know or from a stranger. The text of the infected message always is, “Please see the attached file.” The Subject line is one of the following: Approved, Re: 45443-343556, Re: Application, Re: Approved, Re: Movie, Re: Screensaver, Re: Submited (004756-3463) or Re: Your application.

If you get a message infected with Sobig.C, it’s best to delete it. For more detail about the virus, see the U-M Virus Busters W32/Sobig.C page at

As always, users can protect their computers from viruses, including Sobig.C, by installing and regularly updating antivirus software. Members of the U-M community can download this software from the Virus Busters Web site at
For updates on the virus, visit


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