The University Record, December 17, 1996
Fay Freshcorn, a medical transcriptionist for 33 years, got her first job in the Department of Pathology in 1956 after she successfully spelled ‘appendectomy’ during a job interview. She had a bit of trouble getting used to entering the autopsy room while an autopsy was being conducted.
She eventually changed to the 3-11:30 a.m. shift to she could be with her son when he returned home from school—even though this required her to leave her Clinton home shortly after 2 a.m.
She enjoys her work as a transcriptionist because, she says, she is ‘a fast typist and I was able to learn medical terminology.’
In her spare time, she used to raise and ride quarterhorses and grow herbs. ‘I’m just a country girl at heart,’ Freshcorn says. ‘I love country living. There’s a freedom that you don’t get living in the city. I like to walk through the woods and fields by my house.’
Freshcorn continues to ride horses. When she retires she plans to spend much of her time helping to raise her grandchild.
Shirley Anderson retired last month after 40 years at the University, all of them in the School of Social Work. Serving under five deans, Anderson has watched many changes within the University and enjoyed the ‘ever-changing, stimulating environment’ at the U-M.
Anderson was part of the group that did the initial planning for the new building into which the School will soon move. Though she won’t be there, she says the move is an exciting one and will be a good change for the School.
Anderson has enjoyed the people she worked for and with at the University and says that in her jobs here she got the most satisfaction from being able to cut red tape and facilitate processes for students, staff and faculty.
Now that she and her husband are both retired, they have been traveling—to Utah over the summer for a senior softball tournament and to California. They plan trips to New Zealand, Australia and Newfoundland for this summer. Anderson fills in her spare time re-learning in-line skating techniques and volunteering with the Ann Arbor Amateur Hockey Association.
Christine Jones, after driving from Inkster to the U-M for 35 years and from Ypsilanti for another five, has retired from University Hospitals food service. Jones began her career at the University when she was only 16, working part-time serving. Later, she kept employment records for approximately 300 people and handled grievance procedures.
Although there have been many changes over the years in food service, one thing Jones says has not changed is the quality of baked goods. ‘They’ve always been baked right there in the kitchens. They were excellent when I started and they are still excellent.’
Jones plans to spend some of her time visiting relatives and has already traveled to North Carolina and to Florida. She is looking for shorter trips with the senior citizens groups to help fill her time, and is active in her church.
‘I’ve enjoyed all my years at the University,’ Jones says. ‘They were good years for me. I enjoyed everyone I worked with.’
Mildred Gillespie, a surgical technologist who assists doctors with supplies and instruments during delicate eye surgery at the Kellogg Eye Center, started her career at the University as an elevator operator. In 1965, she successfully completed training for surgical technology and began working in the operating room, moving to Kellogg in 1982. In addition to assisting with eye surgery, she has also assisted at transplant procedures of nearly all types in previous positions and has enjoyed seeing medical procedures and outcomes change over the years. ‘Surgical techniques are so improved today, compared with what they were when I started. There are so many more successful transplants,’ Gillespie says.
Gillespie, who plans to work for at least another year before retiring, says that when retirement finally does arrive, she plans to spend more time with her granddaughters, ages 12 and 13, who live in California.
Joan M. Mrofka, administrative associate for the Center for Corporate and Professional Development at U-M-Dearborn, is also a devoted U-M football fan who says that, despite the Wolverines’ somewhat disappointing finish this year, she is ‘still behind them 100 percent.’
Mrofka handles the financial aspects of the Center’s operation, including payroll and some training for corporate clients. ‘There’s a lot going on here: We just moved into a brand new building.’
One of the most interesting facets of her current position, Mrofka says, is coordinating the activities of the SABIT (Special American Business Internship Training) program. SABIT, a joint project of the Center, the United States Department of Commerce, the Ford Motor Co. and the U-M-Dearborn School of Management, seeks to assist economic restructuring of the independent states of the former Soviet Union by placing top-level scientists from those countries in internships with U.S. firms. ‘I coordinate their activities. It’s very, very interesting work.’
Excited about her job, Mrofka says she hasn’t even considered the thought of retirement.
10 years of service
Mary D. Acosta, Surgical Nursing, UMH; Veronica I. Adams-Owens, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Linda S. Adler, Ophthalmology Clinic, UMH; Helen E. Agurs, Food Production, UMH; Michael T. Aksamit, University Stores; Edith A. Alexander, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Janet C. Allen, Social Work Office, UMH; Novella Sue Alliston, Building Maintenance, UMH; Mona G. Alonzo, Theatre and Drama, School of Music; Edward L. Amison, Jr., Materiel Services, UMH; David W. Anderson, Residence Operations, Student Residences; Rhonda L. Anderson-Oliver, Periodic Health Appraisal, Health Services; Jose P. Anin, Patient Food Services, UMH; Therese M. S. Apostoleris, M-CARE; Paul G. Archer, Radiation Oncology, UMH; Colleen A. Archibald, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Colleen R. Arnold, Med Sports, UMH; Clifford O. Arnott, Associate Director, Professional Services, UMH; Soon-Hee Ashton, UMH UH Trauma Burn Acute Care, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Carmen G. Asis, Clinic Operations, Health Services; Eileen M. Astrologo, Pediatric/Perinatal/Psychiatric Nursing, UMH; Larry W. Atherton, Biology Department, Flint Campus; Heidi E. Atkins, Psychiatric Nursing, UMH; Jeffrey V. Atkins, Building Services, Plant Operations; Evelyn Atreya, Engineering Summer Conference, College of Engineering; Rebecca L. Augustine, Recreational Sports, Athletics; Michelle R. Ayers, Internal Medicine, UMH; Rebecca Nace Bahlibi, Asian Language and Culture; Daniel Leroy Bailey, Building Maintenance, Plant Operations; Lisa Mary Bain, Mental Health Research Institute, Medical School; Beverly A. Baker, Cancer Center, Medical School; Kay F. Baker, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Lucinda R. Baker, Medical Administration, Medical School; M. Regina Baker, North Campus Area, Student Residences; Tim G. Baker, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Max R. Balden, Security Service, UMH; James J. Balgooyen, Athletics; John L. Ballbach, Health Science Information Technology; Edward L. Balowski, Air Conditioning and Ventilation, Plant Operations; Linda K. Bardeleben, Alumni/Continuing Education, School of Dentistry; J. Annette Bardouille, Personnel Office; Gloria Chang Barends, Psychiatry Other Non-Clinical Programs, Medical School; Robert A. Barr, Astronomy, LS&A; Carolyn Reed Barritt, Marketing Communications; Sheri L. Barron, Psychiatric Nursing, UMH; Tina M. Barrow, Materiel Services, UMH; Karel Barton, Med Sports, UMH; Jay H. Basten, Admissions Office; Ardith E. Bates, Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases; Marion D. Beals, Administration, Rackham School of Graduate Studies; Michael A. Becker, Respiratory Care, UMH; Daniel S. Bedrosian, Health Science Information Technology; Yvonne P. Beerens, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Rose E. Bell, UMH Physician Services, UMH Chief Financial Officer; Verna T. Bell, School of Social Work; Lisa E. Bennett, Executive Education, School of Business Administration; Mark S. Bennett, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; John G. Berger, Henry Ford Estate, Dearborn Campus; Denise J. Bertoni, UMH UH Nursing 6C Pulmonary, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Emil W. Bethke, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Derrick C. Beverly, UMH Radiology Central Services, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Carl A. Bieske, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; David C. P. Bigelow, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering; Daniel J. Bilodeau, Medicine Diagnostic and Treatment, UMH; Robin R. Bingham, Cafeteria, UMH; John W. Bishop, Jr., Electric Shop, Plant Operations; Edwin M. Bissett, Barbour Newberry Residence Hall, Student Residences; Randall C. Black, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Gwendolyn M. Blackford, Medical Information, UMH; Benjie E. Blake, Executive Residence, Student Residences; Cheryl L. Blevins, Medicine Diagnostic and Treatment, UMH; Diane F. Blyskal, Payroll Office, Financial Services; Patricia Ann Boczar, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Kathleen L. Bolen, UMH UH Nursing 8B Gynecology/Oncology, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Francine Mcquade Bomar, Family Practice, Medical School; Horace I. Bomar III, Medical; Administration, Medical School; Cynthia Moore Bond, Computer Aided En-gineering Network, College of Engineering; Jean M. Boote, Transportation Services; Monica Bopp, Financial Operations; Kevin C. Bordine, Building Services, Plant Operations; Linda L. Bowden, Herbarium, LS&A; Gerald F. Bowerman, Plumbing and Heating, Plant Operations; Alice E. Boyd, Materiel Services, UMH; Tracene L. Boyd, Ophthalmology, Medical School; Jeanne L. Boyea, Medical Rehabilitation, UMH; Stephanie F. Boyer, Residence Operations, Student Residences; Bruce M. Brackney, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Alma J. Bradley, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Mary Jean Brady, Mott/Women’s/Holden Admitting, UMH; Elyse B. Bragg, Preadmission, UMH; Althea C. Brandon, Financial Services, Dearborn Campus; Kenneth R. Brandt, Heating and Utilities, Plant Department; Ricky Allen Brandt, Heating and Utilities, Plant Department; Rhonda Ann Brazil, UMH Radiology Special Procedures, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Sabra C. Briere, Center for Population Planning, School of Public Health; Jonathan L. Bristle, Food Production, UMH; Joanna N. Brode, Major Gifts, Office of Development; Willie Brooks, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Beverly J. Brown, Health Science Information Technology; Bonnie G. Brown, Medical Administration, Medical School; Chester F. Brown, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Minnie L. Brown, Materiel Services, UMH; Phillip M. Brown, Public TV, Flint Campus; Lorie Jean Brunetti, UMH Waste Management/Recycling; Janet Ann Brunsden, M-CARE; Daniel Brzozowski, Psychiatric Social Work, UMH; Dana D. Buck, Kelsey Museum of Architecture, LS&A; Mary J. Bucrek, Hospital Pharmacy Services, UMH; Betty L. Bunnell, Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases, Medical School; Laurie L. Burchett, Records/Business Operations, Health Services; Tommy G. Burdette, Hospital Chaplain, UMH; Sandra S. Burdi, Athletics; Terrie L. Burnett, West Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Frenchie A. Burroughs, Engineering Undergraduate Education, College of Engineering; Donna Y. Busch, UMH UH Nursing 8B Gynecology/Oncology, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Cheri D. Buschlen, Ophthalmology Clinic, UMH; Michele H. Bushaw, Otorhinolaryngology, Medical School; William J. Bushaw, Accreditation and School Improvement Studies, School of Education; Geraldine A. Bustany, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Janet A. Buswinka, Chemistry, LS&A; James H. Butler, Building Services, Plant Operations; Russell Butler, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Janice V. Byrd-Burdine, Patient Food Services, UMH; Jose Caballero, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Mario Caballero, Laundry Services, UMH; Rosa Maria Cabello, LS&A Undergraduate Education, LS&A; Margaret M. Calarco, Nursing Administration, UMH; Matthew F. Callahan, Plumbing and Heating, Plant Operations; Kathleen Elizabeth Callihan, North Campus Commons, Student Residences; Audrey S. Campbell, Medical Information, UMH; Deborah Caplan, UMH UH Nursing 7C Cardiology, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Lori J. Carey, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Tina J. Carlson, Medical Information, UMH; Susan L. Carpenter, College of Pharmacy; Humberto J. Carrillo-Gonzalez, Building Services, Plant Operations; John W. Carroll, Carpentry Shop, Plant Operations; Clarissa Yvonne Carter, UMH Materiel Services; Laura M. Carter, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Nina Lynn Cassanova, Medical Information, UMH; Shirley Castillo, UMH UH Nursing 6C Pulmonary, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Peppino Cavallini, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Isaias P. Celestino, Building Services, Plant Operations; Glenn R. Cerny, Plant Extension, Plant Extension; Naomi J. Chall, Perinatal Nursing, UMH; Donna F. Chambers, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Young Ja Chang, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Bonnie L. Chapin, Staff Benefits Office, Financial Services; Cornella A. Chapman, Registrar’s Office; Scott D. Chapman, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Nirut Chareonsup, Financial Operations; Nancy S. Charles, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Diane M. Chartier, Health Science Information Technology; Rose Cheatham, Executive Residence, Student Residences; Mary E. Chizek, Health Services Management and Policy, School of Public Health; Joy A. Christensen, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; Michael H. Christian, Building Services, Plant Operations; Julia S. Chu, Epidemiology, School of Public Health; Rebecca A. Chu, UMH UH Nursing 5D SICU, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Lisa A. Cieri, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; Rita W. Cikanek, Patient and Staff Relations, UMH; Linda Ann Cirenza, Ophthalmology Clinic, UMH; Joan E. Clauss, Engineering Undergraduate Education, College of Engineering; George G. Claxton, Building Maintenance, UMH; Shelley Chancellor Clifton, Respiratory Care, UMH; John M. Cockrell, Building Services, Plant Operations; Barbara L. Cole, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Daniel B. Cole, Electric Shop, Plant Operations; C. Jeffery Colley, Plumbing and Heating, Plant Operations; John T. Collins, Microbiology and Immunology, Medical School; Kelly M. Comfort, Interior Design; Kathryn L. Compton, Engineering Technology Transfer, College of Engineering; Ann Comstock-Reid, Medical Rehabilitation, UMH; Barbara A. Conlon, UH Nursing 6B Med, UMH; Charles Edward Cooper, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Kathleen J. Corbeil, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Robert L. Coury, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, College of Engineering; Linda Mae Cox, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering; Alice Mae Craddick, Hospital Pharmacy Services, UMH; Dexter Lee Craiger, Building Services, Plant Operations; Sherry Lyn Crossley, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Louis R. Cruzen, Michigan League; Gorman R. Culver, Jr., M-CARE; Phyllis B. Cunningham-Rouse, Educational Outreach Program, Flint Campus; Mary Catherine Cureton, Law School; Joann M. Currier, Building Services, Plant Operations; Polly A. Cuthbert, Rackham School of Graduate Studies; Ronny R. Cypert, University Productions, School of Music; Timothy D’Annunzio, Security Service, UMH; Thomas J. Daly, UMH Managed Care Con-tracting, UMH Chief Financial Officer; Guy B. Daoust, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Brenda L. Darwin, M-CARE Health Centers, UMH; Michael A. Dashner, CIC-NET, Vice Provost for Information Technology; Betty I. Davis, UMH UH Nursing 6D CCMU; Henry G. Davis, Materiel Services, UMH; Linda Davis, College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters, Dearborn Campus; Mary Ellen Davis, Preadmission, UMH; Edward G. Dawson, Medical Administration, Medical School; Jan C. De Boer, Printing Services; Sharon Lou De St. Aubin, Perinatal Nursing, UMH; Anthony D. Dean, Materiel Services, UMH; Deborah A. Dean, Nutrition Services, UMH; Gemina Maria Dean, Materiel Services, UMH; Wesley W. Dean, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Cathy A. Demars, Psychiatric Activity Therapy, UMH; Susan J. Deremer, Upjohn Center, Medical School; Kelly H. Desmond, Risk Management, Financial Services; Sally M. Desprez, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Stephanie L. Diccion, Nursing Administration, UMH; James D. Dickinson, Botanical Gardens, LS&A; Virginia M. Dieterle, School of Nursing; Tom A. Dixon, Mental Health Research Institute, Medical School; Julia A. Dodge, Health Behavior and Health Education, School of Public Health; Germaine M. Doeren, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; Linda Marie Dolinski, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; James Dorow, UMH Waste Management/Recycling; Michele Marie Dotson, Merit Computer Network, Information Technology Division; Jerome D. Dowis, Student Counseling; Gina P. Downer, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Mary Anne F. Drew, College of Architecture and Urban Planning; Belinda Jane Driver, Materiel Services, UMH; Mary C. Ducker, Respiratory Care, UMH; Ruth A. Duey, Personnel Office; Karen M. Dulle, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Sandra Du Monde, Transportation Research Institute; Charles Kirt Duncan, Lawyers Club, Student Residences; Larry H. Duplessie, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Daniel Lee Durance, Custodial Services, Flint Campus; Carolyn J. Dymond, Economics, LS&A; Kimberly A. Easterday, Michigan League; Robert W. Eckert, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Timothy J. Eddins, Materiel Services, UMH; James G. Eder, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Susan L. Ederer, Office of University Events, President’s Office; Christopher M. Edwards, Patient Food Services, UMH; Kathleen L. Edwards, Registrar’s Office; Mary Pat Edwards, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; Nancy S. Egerer, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Barbara A. Eichstead, Clinic Operations, School of Dentistry; Susan J. Eisner, Psychiatry Adult Ambulatory Programs, Medical School; William H. Eisner, Psychiatric Nursing, UMH; Norma S. Elias, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Linda L. Elie, Financial Operations; Larhonda R. Ellison, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Stephen W. Emerick, Ophthalmology, Medical School; Everett L. Emery, Heating and Utilities, Plant Department; Grace L. English, UMH Neurology Clinic, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Glenda M. Enriquez, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Nancy Milner Exelby, Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research; Catherine Michele Fahrner, Respiratory Care, UMH; Willie F. Faison, Jr., Patient Food Services, UMH; Suzanne M. Farrell, Associate Dean of Students-Activities and Programs, Vice-President for Student Affairs; Rohn Alice Federbush, Applied Physics Program, LS&A; Charlene Fegan, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Elon M. Ferguson, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Joni K. Fernau, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Cinda D. Ferrier, Facilities Planning and Design, Plant Extension; M. Collette Ferry, Registrar’s Office; Macey J. Fetters, UMH Physician Services, UMH Chief Financial Officer; April R. Fielek, West Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Janet S. Finfrock, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Kristen Lidke Finn, Planning and Marketing, UMH; Sally J. Fisher, M-CARE Health Centers, UMH; Barbara L. Flower, Physics, LS&A; Donna J. Flowers, UMH Pediatric/Perinatal/Psychiatric Nursing, UMH; Betsy Folks, Transportation Research Institute; Cynthia L. Folsom, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research; Dwight L. Fontenot, Comprehensive Study, LS&A; Gena M. Forest, Campus Safety, Dearborn Campus; Jacqueline J. Forgie, Personnel Office; Brenda Sodt Foster, Library Administration, University Library; Jackie Foster-Davis, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research; Margaret A. Fox, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Margaret E. Frangiosa, Space Physics Research Laboratory, College of Engineering; Randall L. Frank, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Ruth P. Freedman, Mental Health Research Institute, Medical School; William E. French, Lab Animal Medicine, Medical School; Genell K. Fries, Radiation Oncology, UMH; Carl Fulton, Materiel Services, UMH; Donna M. Gailliard, Nursing Administration, UMH; James D. Galloway, Building Maintenance, UMH; Catherine D. Galura, Respiratory Care, UMH; Xiaomei Gao, Technical Services, University Library; Catherine A. Gardner, M-CARE Health Centers, UMH; Barbara Ann Garen, Hospital Chaplain, UMH; Linda K. Garrett, M-CARE; Mary P. Gass, Psychiatric Youth Services Program, UMH; Nancy Lynn Gassdorf, Project Support Office, UMH; Diane Sue Gaul, Hospital Pharmacy Services, UMH; Zena M. Gholston, Pediatric Cardiology, UMH; Mary E. Gibbons, School of Art; Deborah A. Gilbert, News and Information Services; David L. Gildersleeve, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Dail D. Giles, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Paramjit K. Gill, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Douglas D. Gilpin, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Dean B. Girbach, Business and Finance, School of Dentistry; Jill L. Gist, University Relations, Flint Campus; Veronica J. Glatfelter, UMH UH Nursing 8B Gynecology/Oncology, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Julie M. Glenn, Vascular Surgery, Medical School; Forest W. Godsey, Public TV, Flint Campus; Judith E. Goings, Space Physics Research Laboratory, College of Engineering; Bernard L. Gold, Clinical Services, Health Services; Jennifer L. Goldsworthy, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; Dan R. Gonczy, UMH Waste Management/Recycling, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Karen A. Good, Sr. Associate Director’s Office, UMH; Neal R. Goodman, Paint Shop, Plant Operations; June K. Gordon, UMH UH Nursing 4C Thoracic/Neurology, UMH Chief Op. Ofcr.; Marjorie L. Gork, Bursley Residence Hall, Student Residences; William A. Gosling, Library Administration, University Library; Maria S. Gray, Financial Operations; Thomas P. Greeley, College of Pharmacy; Victoria Marie Green, Billing and Third Party Collections, UMH; Cless M. Greenfield, Research/Computing/Facilities, LS&A; Louisa C. Griffes, Assistant Director’s Office, UMH; Sheila D. Grindatti, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research; Theresa Ruth Grissom, Medical Campus Human Resources Department, UMH; Vickie P. Gross, M-CARE; Ellen A. Grunau, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Martha J. Guenin, Office of the Provost, Flint Campus; Masada Habhab, Accounting, UMH; Barbara R. Hackney, Post Anesthesiology Recovery, UMH; Frances R. Hagadorn, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Susan E. Hagerman, Staff Benefits Office, Financial Services; Carol A. Hall, UMH Radiology GI/GU, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Debora L. Hall, Biology Department, LS&A; John R. Hall, Health Science Information Technology; Larry Joe Hall, Michigan Union, Student Residences; Madeline Krausse Halloway, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Pamela S. Hamblin, Facilities Planning and Design, Plant Extension; Vince E. Hamilton, Patient Food Services, UMH; Susan E. Hamlin, Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering; Leon J. Hamm, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Lewis L. Hampton, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Mary Jo Haney, Physical Therapy, UMH; Jeffrey M. Hansen, Technical Services, University Library; Debra Ann Hardenbrook, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; Kamala Hariharan, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Mary Lou Harmon, Merit Computer Network, Information Technology Division; Andrew L. Harrell, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Laura M. Harrington, Otorhinolaryngology, Medical School; Robert E. Harris, Bursley, University Housing Division; Shirley A. Harris, Purchasing, Flint Campus; Regina D. Hart, UMH Environmental Services; Janine M. Hartman, Staff Benefits Office, Financial Services; Annabella D. Harvard, Housekeeping Services, UMH; James Raymond Harvey, Facilities Planning and Design, Plant Extension; Lorraine S. Harvey, Medical School Administration, Medical School; Debra L. Hatchard, Office of Financial Aid; James F. Haven, University Productions, School of Music; Herman Hawkins, Jr., Security Service, UMH; Rose M. M. Heaney, Institutional Research, Dearborn Campus; David G. Heath, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Regena Mae Hecker, Materiel Services, UMH; Elizabeth Ann Helmbold, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Catherine M. Helmling, Business and Industrial Assistance, School of Business Administration; Michelle Henderson, Registrar’s Office; Susan Lucas Henderson, Facilities Planning and Design, Plant Extension; Susan M. Henning, Respiratory Care, UMH; A. Brian Hensler, Michigan Union, Student Residences; Kathy J. Herman Brown, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Kristina Sturm Hester, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Catherine A. Hetzner, UMH UH Nursing 8B Gynecology/Oncology, UMH Chief Operating Officer; James David Heydlauff, Sr., Building Maintenance, UMH; Peter G. Heytler, Engineering Technology Transfer, College of Engineering; Brenda Sue Hieber, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Arnold A. Higgins, North Campus Area, Student Residences; Lynn M. Hill, Division of Research Development and Administration; Spring Hill, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; James Edward Himes, Building Services, Plant Operations; Joseph Alan Himle, Psychiatric Social Work, UMH; Keith Hinton, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Sandra Sue Hirt, Construction and Utilities, UMH; Robin K. Hirth, UMH UH Trauma Burn ICU, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Glenn E. Hmay, Security Service, UMH; Charles R. Hockey, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Mary L. Hoffmann, Administration, School of Education; Sarah J. Hollingshead, Anesthesiology, UMH; Sharon E. Hollister, Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry; Deirdre Holmes, Payroll Office, Financial Services; David A. Holzschuh, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Mari Jo A. Honeck, Neurology, Medical School; Alice L. Horgrow, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Willie Horton, Building Services, Plant Operations; Sharon M. Howard, M-CARE Health Centers, UMH; Maureen L. Howell, Materiel Services, UMH; Wan-li Hsu, Microbiology and Immunology, Medical School; Mary A. Hubbard, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Mary Louise Hummel, Residence Operations, Student Residences; Joy L. Humphrey, UMH Materiel Services; Jody L. Humphries, Athletics; Donald R. Hunsche, Building Services, Plant Operations; Glenda K. Hurd, Lawyers Club, Student Residences; Linda A. Hutchison, Health Science Information Technology; Diana Inmon, Bursley, University Housing Division; Beth Anahata Iris, Electric Shop, Plant Operations; Shelley M. Irwin, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Leo Isom, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Harold Jackson, Materiel Services, UMH; Larry Jackson, Computer Aided Engineering Network, College of Engineering; Yun Chong Jackson, Laundry Services, UMH; Mark D. Jacob, Campus Safety, Dearborn Campus; Randall H. Jacob, Technical Services, University Library; Patricia I. Jacobs, Executive Residence, Student Residences; David Lindon James, Admissions, Flint Campus; Richard A. Jatczak, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; David L. Jedele, University Parking Service; Donna L. Jedele, Personnel Office; Glen R. Jedele, University Parking Service; Carla Lucille Jefferson, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Leroy Jenkins, University Parking Service; Warren K. Jenkins, Building Services, Plant Operations; Annise Learon Johnson, Transportation Research Institute; Barbara M. Johnson, Management Administration, Vice President for Development; Diane M. Johnson, Anesthesiology, UMH; Monica Lynn Johnson, UMH UH Nursing 5D SICU, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Stacey L. Johnson, Communications, UMH; Cherri L. Jones, UMH UH 5A Trauma/Orthopedics/Endocrine, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Danny L. Jones, Heating and Utilities, Plant Department; Jean Marie Jones, Sciences Library, University Library; Julie Murphy Jones, Human Genetics, Medical School; Katharine M. Jones, M-Care Health Centers, UMH; Leon Jones, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Rozeta M. Jones, Patient Food Services, UMH; David P. Joseph, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Martha Jane Judd, Medical Administration, Medical School; Alamaina Judson, Security Service, UMH; Mary A. Kagan, Emergency Services, UMH; Kurt W. Kaiser, Law School; Lawrence A. Kaiser, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Patricia L. Kane, Emergency Services Surgery, Medical School; Steven M. Kark, West Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Ted L. Karns, Plumbing and Heating, Plant Operations; Gloria Marjorie Karpinski, UMH Physician Services, UMH Chief Financial Officer; Duncan M. Kaufmann, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, College of Engineering; Kenneth R. Kay, Emergency Services, UMH; Debora A. Kayner, Thoracic Surgery, Medical School; Amy M. Kazanowski, School of Management, Dearborn Campus; Cynthia I. Keesler, Respiratory Care, UMH; Marc E. Keezer, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Joan M. Kemble, Patient Food Services, UMH; Jennifer E. Kim, Laundry Services, UMH; Anmarie Auty Kingsinger, UMH UH Nursing 5D SICU, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Karen L. Kirchner, Radiology, Medical School; Rebecca A. Kirk, Mary Markley Residence Hall, Student Residences; Robert N. Klaffke, Purchasing and Stores; Mary Elizabeth Klimecki, Dean’s Office, School of Public Health; Pamela G. Campbell Knafl, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Gregory M. Knapp, Residence Operations, Student Residences; Robert E. Knisley, Patient Food Services, UMH; Brian D. Kobylarz, Preadmission, UMH; Julie A. Koch, UMH Managed Care Contracting, UMH Chief Financial Officer; Kurt W. Kohtz, Department of Safety; Cheryl A. Kolb, UMH Radiology Inpatient, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Sally A. Kope, Social Work Office, UMH; David E. Kouba, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering; Donald A. Kramer, University Parking Service; Mary Lynn Krasny, Project Support Office, UMH; Mary E. Kratz, Health Science Information Technology; Uldis Krolls, Chemistry, LS&A; Rose M. Kronsperger, Transportation Research Institute; Jacqueline L. Kuehn, Residence Operations, Student Residences; Mahendra Kumar, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research; Barbara J. Kupferschmid, Nursing Administration, UMH; Janet Kay Kurth, Ophthalmology, Medical School; Michael J. La Haye, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Ann D. Lacivita, School of Business Administration; Barbara E. Laird, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Deborah A. Laird, Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering; Kathleen M. Lanava, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Joanna Marie Larson, UMH UH Nursing 8A Hematology/Oncology/Bone Marrow, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Roger E. Lauer, Psychiatric Adult Services, UMH; Andrea R. Lawson, UMH UH Nursing 4A Urology/Neurology, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Donajean Lawson, Nutrition Services, UMH; Mary Ellen Le Blanc, Institute for Continuing Legal Education; Carolyn J. Leach, M-CARE; James L. Leach, Paint Shop, Plant Operations; Rose Lee, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Mary Lynn Lemanski, Health Science Information Technology; Elizabeth A. Lemasters, UMH Physician Services, UMH Chief Financial Officer; Paul J. Lennon, Chemistry, LS&A; Gail Liber, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Michele Li Liberty, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Cassie M. Lindsey, Perinatal Nursing, UMH; Janet L. Lineer, Space Physics Research Laboratory, College of Engineering; Michael A. Lippens, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Robert L. Little, Michigan Union, Student Residences; Tracy L. Litzer, UMH UH Anesthesia; Kenneth Livingston, Michigan Union, Student Residences; Norma J. V. Lloyd, Clinic Operations, Health Services; Elaine E. Lober, Post Anesthesiology Recovery, UMH; Jack T. Lockridge, Maintenance Services and Renovations, Plant Operations; Carol Ann Logan, Plumbing and Heating, Plant Operations; Donna Rose Logerquist, Administration, Institute for Social Research; John P. Loreto, Campus Safety, Dearborn Campus; Patricia G. Lossing, UMH Pediatric/Perinatal/Psychiatric Nursing; Yolanda A. Lothery, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; Gloria A. Love, Research, Computing, Facilities, LS&A; Michael W. Loviska, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Kimberly D. Lowe, Medical Administration, Medical School; Sue D. Lowe, Staff Benefits Office, Financial Services; Declan P. Lugin, Security, Student Residences; Judith L. Mackey, Women’s Studies Program, LS&A; Candace J. Madigan, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Stephen S. Magee, Perinatal Nursing, UMH; Carolyn L. Maki, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Janet M. Malhoit, Perinatal Nursing, UMH; Pamela A. Manee, Perinatal Nursing, UMH; John C. Mann, Physics, LS&A; Beth Ann Manning, Staff Benefits Office, Financial Services; Duane F. Manor, Electric Shop, Plant Operations; Mary L. Manor, Occupational Safety and Environmental Health; Cheryl A. Manuel, UMH UH Mott Post Anesthesia Care, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Lon H. Marsh, Radiation Oncology, Medical School; Robin B. Marsh, Radiation Oncology, UMH; Diana M. Marshall, Perinatal Nursing, UMH; Tamsen G. Marshall, Purchasing and Stores; Elisabeth B. Martin, UMH UH Nursing 5D SICU, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Louise Martin, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Virginia S. Martin, Medical Information, UMH; Lanettia A. Massey, Alice Lloyd Residence Hall, Student Residences; Raymond J. Masters, Transportation Research Institute; Kim M. Mata, Movers, Plant Operations; Jeffrey Lawrence Matthews, Materiel Services, UMH; M. Cecilia Matthews, Building Services, Plant Operations; Virginia A. Maulbetsch, Vera Baits II Residence Hall, Student Residences; Marguerite Mayville, Counseling, LS&A; John P. McCauley, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Maxine L. McClary, UMH Physician Services, UMH Chief Financial Officer; Debbie McCormick, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Doritta M. McDaniel, Chemistry Department, Flint Campus; Anita McDermott, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research; Sally Kathleen McDermott, Anesthesiology, Medical School; Catherine A. McDonald, UMH UH Nursing 6C Pulmonary, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Kevin M. McHugh, Internal Medicine-Cardiology, Medical School; Nancy Elena McKay, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Linda L. McKinney, Bursley Residence Hall, Student Residences; Susan Diane McMahon, Nursing Clerical Services, UMH; Linda D. McMichael, Institute of Public Policy Studies; Earl W. McTaggart, Plumbing and Heating, Plant Operations; Robert E. McTaggart, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Dorothy Jean Meade, UMH Plastic Surgery Clinic, UMH Chief Operating Officer; Sundra L. Meads, University Audits; Elizabeth J. Mehalic, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Joy Melzian, School of Art; Robert C. Meske, Construction Management, Plant Extension; Catherine Meyer, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Steven J. Meyers, Residence Operations, Student Residences; Barbara Ann Michael, Ophthalmology Clinic, UMH; Cheryl A. Miller, Residence Operations, Student Residences; Dianna L. Miller, English Language and Literature, LS&A; Janet L. Miller, Human Genetics, Medical School; Wanda M. Miller, Employment Transition Program, School of Social Work; Gerald B. Milliken, Electric Shop, Plant Operations; Marlene K. Milliman, Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology; Deborah Lynn Mills, Billing and Third Party Collections, UMH; Clark J. Mitchell, Laundry Services, UMH; Rita L. Mitchell, M-CARE Health Centers, UMH; Ann Marie Mogan, Biostatistics, School of Public Health; Lawrence A. Molnar, Business and Industrial Assistance, School of Business Administration; Lisa J. Molnar, Transportation Research Institute; Jackie Monk, Kelsey Museum of Architecture, LS&A; Zelma L. Monroe, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Deborah L. Montague, Alumni/Continuing Education, School of Dentistry; Catherine Ann Moore, Chancellor’s Office, Flint Campus; Karen A. Moore, UMH Livonia Surgery Center, UMH Chief