The University Record, December 5, 1995
40 Years of Service
Elizabeth A. Bracken, Purchasing and Stores; Vivian H. French, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Donald W. Gallup, Maintenance Services and Renovations, Plant Operations; Melton E. Hatcher, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Grace E. Park, Purchasing and Stores; Jerry D. Rapp, Mosher Jordan Residence Hall, Student Residences; Barbara A. Stoner, Internal Medicine, Medical School.
30 Years of Service
Darlene A. Ammerman, Purchasing and Stores; Sandra K. Barth, Mathematical Reviews, LS&A; George J. Brooks, Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering; Lynn J. Buege, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, College of Engineering; Owen G. Campbell, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology;
Rodney D. Capps, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; George R. Carter, Jr., Personnel Office; Robert M. Chance, Plant Extension, Plant Extension; Bertha Mae Colbert-Provost, Mott Operating Room, UMH; C. William Colburn, Alumni Association; Brenda L. Collins, Nursing 8B Gynecology/Oncology, UMH; Linda A. Collins, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology;
Elizabeth C. Cord, Medical Administration, Medical School; Juanita Davis, Nursing 5B General Surgery, UMH; Nancy A. Dinsdale, University Architect, Plant Extension; Helen C. Dulinsky, East Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Robert G. Fischer, Plumbing and Heating, Plant Operations; Mary Lee Gatlin, Cafeteria, UMH; Prentice J. Gowans, Payroll Office, Financial Services;
George J. Greene, Facilities Planning and Design, Plant Extension; Susan C. Griffin, Space Physics Research Laboratory, College of Engineering; Neil Haldeman, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Luenell Harden, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Lorine Harris, Food Production, UMH; Gerald E. Hatchard, Financial Operations; Robert H. Hawkes, Building Maintenance, UMH;
Mildred L. Heath, Billing and Third Party Collections, UMH; Robert S. Holbrook, Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Judith L. Jackson, Institute of Public Policy Studies; Charles G. Jenkins, Grounds and Waste Management Service, Plant Operations; Donald B. Jones, Space Physics Research Laboratory, College of Engineering; Roy B. Jones, Jr., Air Conditioning and Ventilation, Plant Operations;
Kathleen K. Kaikkonen, Law Library, Law School; Thomas M. Karunas, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Dennis L. Kelley, Plumbing and Heating, Plant Operations; Betty J. Kelsch, Environmental Health, UMH; Barbara A. Lanese, Perinatal Nursing, UMH; Margaret Nona Mustard, Office of the President; William Mykolajenko, College of Arts and Sciences, Flint Campus;
Bonnie L. Nuttall, Plant Extension, Plant Extension; Betty L. Passon, Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases, Medical School; Herbert G. Pfabe, Jr., Administration, Institute for Social Research; David M. Plawchan, Division of Research Development and Administration; Nancy E. Poole, Materiel Services, UMH; Diana E. Richards, Perinatal Nursing, UMH; Carol L. Riggs, Technical Services, University Library;
Evelene Robinson, Materiel Services, UMH; Roosevelt Robinson, Materiel Services, UMH; Doris E. Roehm, Residence Operations, Student Residences; Arlene M. Schneider, Anesthesiology, Medical School; R. Stephen Schneider, Center for Great Lakes and Aquatic Sciences, LS&A; Edward B. Seguin, Mental Health Research Institute, Medical School;
Larry B. Smith, M-Care Health Centers, UMH; Sharon L. Smith, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; James C. Snyder, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Carol A. Sobecki, School of Business Administration; Bernice A. St. Pierre, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Carol L. Standardi, Ophthalmology, Medical School; Barbara E. Taylor, Mott Operating Rooms, UMH;
Janet Taylor, Laundry Services, UMH; Glen D. Tompkins, Center for Great Lakes and Aquatic Sciences, LS&A; Marilyn E. Weismore, Medical Campus Human Resources Department, UMH; Joretta Wigley, Occupational Therapy, UMH; David Herman Wiley, Materiel Services, UMH; George Warner Williams, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching; Judy A. Yahr, Administration, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.
20 Years of Service
Robert F. Adams, Heating and Utilities, Plant Department; Louis James Almashy, Construction Management, Plant Extension; Rose L. Anderson, Materiel Services, UMH; Janis Ardanowski, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Phyllis I. Askew, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Anne C. Bagley, Administration, Rackham School of Graduate Studies;
Alan C. Baker, Vera Baits I Residence Hall, Student Residences; Rhonda K. Banks, Registrar, Flint Campus; Robert L. Barbret, Financial Operations; Wendy H. Barhydt, Transportation Research Institute; Elizabeth D. Barlow, Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, LS&A; Beverly Benjamin, Materiel Services, UMH; Loretta G. Billups, Surgery, UMH Satellite Billing; William A. Bishop, Grounds and Waste Management Service, Plant Operations;
Beverly Black, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching; Christine Kahan Black, Division of Research Development and Administration; Eric R. Bolling, Office of the Chancellor, Dearborn Campus; David Brant, General Surgery, Medical School; Lila K. Breitner, Dean’s Office, School of Public Health; Susan K. Bremer, Nursing 8B Gynecology/Oncology, UMH; Lloyd R. Brenay, North Campus Area, Student Residences;
Lori Briggs, Obstetrics/Gynecology, UMH; Ann N. Brown, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Linda J. Ellis Brown, Office of the Registrar, Dearborn Campus; Shirley Bryant, Materiel Services, UMH; Donna A. Burke, Laundry Services, UMH; Maureen A. Burns, Business and Industrial Assistance, School of Business Administration; D. E. Butterfield-Halbedel, Grounds Maintenance, Flint Campus;
Keary S. Campbell, Educational Resources, School of Dentistry; Brenda S. Chism, Registrar, School of Dentistry; Charles Clark, Building Maintenance, UMH; Robert Leroy Clark, Microbiology and Immunology, Medical School; Marjorie H. Clough, Physical Therapy, UMH; Karen Lynne Collins, Clinic Operations, Health Services; Joseph A. Compton, Heating and Utilities, Plant Department;
Kathleen F. Conboy-Talley, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Sonia Cosme, East Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Leo Cottrell, Materiel Services, UMH; Linton A. Crawford, Building Maintenance, Plant Operations; Jackie L. Creager, Administrative Services, University Library; Pamela Sue Davenport, Materiel Services, UMH; Jacina M. Davis, Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs;
Larry D. Davis, Transportation Services; Patricia L. Dean, Nursing 4D TICU, UMH; Neil E. Dechert, Mail Service; Marielle Demers, Alice Lloyd Residence Hall, Student Residences; Ronald N. Dick, Personnel Office; Ingrid J. Dickinson, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Dorathea A. Dootz, Health Behavior and Health Education, School of Public Health; Audrey F. Elliott, Transportation Research Institute;
Marianne J. Elser, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Dennis Evans, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Diane S. Ferguson, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Thomas A. Ferrier, Security, Student Residences; Leann Fields, University Press; Susan Flewelling, Mott Operating Rooms, UMH; Pamela Fons, Financial Operations; June E. Fowler, Reproductive Sciences Program; Gary L. Frierson, Building Maintenance, Plant Operations;
Kathleen A. Getchell, Operative Dentistry, School of Dentistry; Myrtle F. Gilgallon, Patient Services, UMH; Janet Lee Goldberg, Nursing Administration, UMH; Joette B. Goudie, Office of the President; Sylvia J. Grossman, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Marc Halman, Radiation Oncology, Medical School; Joan Hamman, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH;
Philip Hance, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Jane M. Hansen, Near Eastern Studies, LS&A; Susan P. Harris, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Suzanne E. Harris, Medicine Diagnostic and Treatment, UMH; Carol Sue Hayes, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Tena Hayes, Radiology, UMH;
Kathryn G. Helm, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering; Kurt W. Hillig, II, Chemistry, LS&A; Marion L. Hogan, Plant Service Unit; Robert L. Houbeck, Library, Flint Campus; Peter M. Joftis, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research; Susanne Jones, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Vann Jones, Institute for Continuing Legal Education;
Cynthia A. Kabza, Personnel Office; Sylvia S. Kay, Merit Computer Network, Information Technology Division; John B. Kennard, Jr., University Musical Society; Joann Marie Kennedy, Assistant Administrator, UMH; Dolores E. Kerns, Development, School of Dentistry; Leland L. Kitchen, Central Area, Student Residences; Lori L. Kornelson, Computer Programming, Dearborn Campus; Mary Kozonis-Marudas, Social Work Office, UMH;
Julie Ann Kuehn, Patient Food Services, UMH; Lynn M. Lamirand, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Lynne Bachman Leadholm, Materiel Services, UMH; Elaine Ledwon-Robinson, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, UMH; Marsha Lee, Building Maintenance, UMH; Robert Leverett, Security, Student Residences; Karel E. Looker, Pediatric Nursing, UMH;
Marlene Loyd, Billing and Third Party Collections, UMH; Ruth M. Lum, Reproductive Sciences Program; Lavinia S. Lynn, Materiel Services, UMH; Bernadette Malinoski, Personnel Office; Geraldine Markel, Institute for Human Adjustment, Rackham School of Graduate Studies; Jerry B. Masters, Heating and Utilities, Plant Department; Nancy L. McCullough, Medical Center Attorneys Office, UMH;
Steven W. Mckelvey, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Marilyn Sue Mckinney, Admissions Office; Jesse Mcqueen, Food Stores; Richard E. Mericle, Building Maintenance, UMH; Merle T. Merriam, Heating and Utilities, Plant Department; Ervin Michaels, Dearborn Physical Plant Administration, Dearborn Campus; Carol A. Miller, Health Science Information Technology; Corinne M. Mills, Allied Health Education, UMH;
Christina L. Milton, University Press; Catherine P. Moorehead, Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases, Medical School; Leea P. Mullaney, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; James L. Murdock, School of Business Administration; Rebecca Sue Murillo, Ambulatory Care, UMH; Susan M. S. Nalepa, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, UMH; Carol L. Nimke, Administration, Rackham School of Graduate Studies;
Denise D. O’Brien, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Patsy A. Oates, Kellogg Eye Center Nursing, UMH; Bonnie R. Ofchar, Nursing 4B Neurology, UMH; John Oliver, Security Service, UMH; Mary Jane Olsen, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Julia Ann Panek, Nursing 4C Thor/Neurology, UMH; Billy J. Parks, Air Conditioning and Ventilation, Plant Operations;
Alice M. Peer, Registrar’s Office; Christine Percy, Anesthesiology, UMH Satellite Billing; Gordon N. Peters, Transportation Services; Ruth Ann Alice Petran, Ancillary Medical Service, Health Services; John L. Pittman, Sr., Building Services, Plant Operations; Bruce Platte, Building Maintenance, UMH; Daniel A. Pollet, Heating and Utilities, Plant Department; M. Robin Potthoff, Anesthesiology, UMH;
Vivian May Price, Anesthesiology, UMH; Bruce B. Pringle, Personnel Office; Francisco B. Publico, Student Residences; Nemesia Publico, Materiel Services, UMH; Gretel Quitmeyer, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; Etta M. Rajkovich, Nursing 4B Neurology, UMH; Barbara Reader, Registrar’s Office; Cheryl L. Reed, Financial Operations; Gerald Reed, Mott/Womens/Holden Gift Accounting, UMH;
Patricia Jane Reed, Nursing Administration, UMH; Donald Rhodes, Maintenance Services and Renovations, Plant Operations; Connie D. Ring, Clinic Operations, School of Dentistry; Richard J. Robinson, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Marguerite Roos, Clinic Operations, Health Services; Robert E. Russell, Systems and Bank Cards, Financial Operations; Patricia A. Saran, General Surgery, UMH;
Elaine M. Schenk, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Diane M. Schrock, UH Nsg 6B Med, UMH; Linda K. Schroeder, Physical Therapy, UMH; May Kuei Scott, Laundry Services, UMH; Vicki M. Serino, Kellogg Eye Center Nursing, UMH; Vimla Sharma, Circulation Services, University Library; Rochelle E. Slay, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH;
Linda L. Southward, Financial Services, Dearborn Campus; Martha A. Smith, Mary Markley Residence Hall, Student Residences; Michael David Speer, Pulmonary Services, UMH; Pamela K. St. Louis, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering; Howard L. Staples, Maintenance Services and Renovations, Plant Operations; Keith David Steinaway, Building Maintenance, UMH;
Nancy Ann Stockman, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; Elizabeth A. Sweet, Consulting and Support Services, Information Technology Division; Richard O. Taepke, Administration, Institute for Social Research; Randall F. Talkowski, Food Stores; Iris E. Templin, College of Pharmacy; Deborah L. Theodore, Human Genetics, Medical School; Lou Ada Tillman, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH;
Barbara Torretti, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Louann R. Trudeau, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Renia M. Truitt, Patient Food Services, UMH; Beverly Ann Vargo, Youth Services School, UMH; Fred A. Voss, Jr., Grounds and Waste Management Service, Plant Operations; Liina Wallin, Honors Program, LS&A; Barbara L. Walunas, Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, College of Engineering;
Nancy M. Ward, Medical/Surgical Nursing, UMH; Kendra L. Weasel, School of Business Administration; Barbara Ann White, Medical Administration, Medical School; Fred J. White, Jr., Financial Operations; Melvin B. Williams, Food Stores; Judith Wirth, Student Loans, Financial Operations; Patricia Anne Wright-Kersey, Patient Food Services, UMH; Susan Lynn Yaw, Nursing 8B Gynecology/Oncology, UMH;
April L. Young, Nursing 4A Urology/Neurology, UMH; Carol D. Young, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Carl Zang, Assistant Director’s Office, UMH; Laura M. Zang, Nursing Administration, UMH.
10 Years of Service
Barbara P. Aaron, Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Center, Medical School; Brenda S. Adams, Nursing Administration, UMH;
Pamela S. Adams, South Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Patrick S. Adams, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Martha Adler, School of Education; Michelle L. Aebersold, Nursing Administration, UMH; Susan J. Ahrens, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Nur Akcasu, Pediatric/Perinatal/Psychiatric Nursing, UMH; Kathie J. Albright, Psychiatric Youth Services Program, UMH;
Carol J. Aldrich, Program in Linguistics, LS&A; Shelley Jan Almburg, Biology Department, LS&A; Gloria E. Amison, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Sue M. Andersen, Health Behavior and Health Education, School of Public Health; Carol L. Anderson, Health Behavior and Health Education, School of Public Health; Kathy Maria Anderson, Materiel Services, UMH;
Manya J. Anderson, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Robert James Anning, Radiation Oncology, UMH; Ingrid J. Apel, Simpson Memorial Institute, Medical School; Deborah K. Apsley, Psychology, LS&A; Lorri A. Arendt, Maintenance Services and Renovations, Plant Operations; Holly Marie Arft, Anesthesiology, Medical School; Jean M. Arnold, LSA Media Services, LS&A;
Deanna J. Aronson, Athletics; Judy Ann Artman, Nursing 4D TICU, UMH; Patricia C. Ascione, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Gladys I. Ash, Facilities Stockroom, UMH; Annamarie A. Asher, Physical Therapy, UMH; Sutten M. Avery, Nursing 4D TICU, UMH; Gwyneth E. Awai, Student Counseling; Carol A. Baker, Infection Control, UMH;
Rick T. Baker, Space Physics Research Laboratory, College of Engineering; Joshua M. Banner, Hospital Pharmacy Services, UMH; Rita L. Banta, Psych Adult Ambul Pr, Medical School; Brian K. Barker, East Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Brian W. Barnes, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Linda K. Barthel, Anatomy and Cell Biology, Medical School;
Diane L. Bauer, Office of Financial Aid; Elizabeth D. Bauer, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Denise E. Baughman, Accommodations Alternative, UMH; Thomas J. Bauld, III, Biomedical Engineering, UMH; Linda K. Beavers, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Mary Jo Beck, Psychology, LS&A;
Gregory W. Bell, Paint Shop, Plant Operations; Terry L. Bell, Building Services, Plant Operations; Lue Brenda Bellard, Nursing 4D TICU, UMH; Joan M. Bennett, Institute of Gerontology; Judith M. Bergen, Clinic Operations, School of Dentistry; Michael C. Berger, School of Natural Resources and Environment; Jill A. Berki, Clinical Research Center, UMH; Darryl D. Betts, Building Services, Plant Operations; Douglas Biddles, Housekeeping Services, UMH;
Marie Anne L. Bien, School of Business Administration; Diane E. Bishop, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Glynnis D. Bishop, South Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Trina A. Bishop, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; Joann Blackmon, University Stores; Melanie S. Blair, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Richard D. Blair, Housekeeping Services, UMH;
Juanita Blaisdell, Health Care, Flint Campus; Johnnie R. Blassic, Heating and Utilities, Plant Department; Ardys E. Bloomer, School of Education; Rick A. Bluhm, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Larry J. Blunk, Merit Computer Network, Information Technology Division; Aurelia Boanca, Patient Food Services, UMH; Dolores K. Bolsenga, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering;
Suzanne J. Boltach, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Agnese B. Bomis, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research; Joann M. Bonneau, Kresge Hearing Research Institute, Medical School; Diane M. Bontemps, Patient Accounts, UMH; Juanita King Boone, North Campus Area, Student Residences; Shirley J. Bordine, University Stores; Kerin Mcquaid Borland, Career Planning and Placement;
Martha M. Boron, School of Business Administration; Timothy R. Borowiak, Post Anesthesiology Recovery, UMH; Katherine Z. Borysko, Biologic and Materials Sciences, School of Dentistry; Kevin L. Bosley, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Leslie E. Botti, Internal Medicine/Nuclear Medicine, UMH; Carolyn Fischer Bovenkerk, Mental Health Research Institute, Medical School; Rosetta Bow, Medical Information, UMH;
Marjorie L. Bowden, Social Work Office, UMH; William T. Bowerman, Psychiatric Nursing, UMH; Marjorie Bowers, African-American Studies Program, Flint Campus; Sarah S. Bowers, Mott Post Anesthesiology, UMH; James A. Boyd, Building Services, Plant Operations; David E. Boyers, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Andrea M. Bradley, Unit Clerks, UMH;
Linda Bradley, Athletics; Deborah Naomi Brandon, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research; Edna C. Brenner, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Martha J. Breslow, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research; James R. Breza, West Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Rebecca A. Briggs, LSA Dev/Ext Rels, LS&A; Krys Ann Brish, Mott/Womens/Holden Operations Services, UMH;
Pamela D. Brock, Nursing 5C Surgery/Plastic, UMH; Carolyn Yevette Brown, Communications, UMH; Catherine E. Brown, Pediatric/Perinatal/Psychiatric Nursing, UMH; Christine E. Brown, Biomedical Engineering, UMH; Colleen M. Brown, Nursing 4B Neurology, UMH; Doloris Jean Brown, Patient Accounts, UMH;
Jeanette Brown, Neurology Clinic, UMH; Katrena L. Brown, Mary Markley Residence Hall, Student Residences; Minnie E. Brown, Laundry Services, UMH; Stephenie J. Bulmon, Engineering Undergraduate Education, College of Engineering; Antony E. Burger, Financial Operations; Carole L. Burkhardt, Med Sports, UMH; Barbara Ann Burmeister, Radiation Oncology, Medical School; Edward Burnett, Minority Student Services, Vice President for Student Affairs; Mark O. Burns, Research/Computing/Facilities, College of Literature, Science and the Arts; Cynthia K. Bynum, Nursing 4B Neurology, UMH; Daniel J. Caldwell, Internal Medicine, UMH; Sylvia Lee Calhoun, Medical Information, UMH; Bonnie Lois Campbell, English Language and Literature, LS&A;
Patricia R. Candiotti, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Lynne C. Carpenter, General Surgery, UMH; Thomas A. Carrico, University Parking Service; Judy M. Carson, Surgery Administration, UMH; Robert A. Carver, College of Pharmacy; Gloria E. Castaneda, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Patricia E. Castle, Registrar’s Office; Pamela E. Chase, Respiratory Care, UMH;
Richard H. Chenault, II, Surgery/Diagnostic Treatment, UMH; PamelaJ. Chmiel, Henry Ford Estate, Dearborn Campus; Robert F. Chopko, Health Science Information Technology; Gail Cislo, Student Affairs, Dearborn Campus; Michael J. Clancy, Residence Operations, Student Residences; Mary D. Clark, University Stores; Melanie Clemons, Registrar’s Office; Kay T. C. Clifford, International Center, Office of Vice President for Student Affairs;
Stephany Cobb, Clinic Operations, Health Services; Jane E. Cody, Radiology, UMH; William E. Connett, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research; Richard S. Conto, Merit Computer Network, Information Technology Division; Marilyn J. Cook, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Sue Jo Cook, Pediatric & Comm Diseases, UMH Satellite Billing; Jaclyn K. Cormany, Dean’s Office, School of Public Health;
Mary Kay Cotter, Food Production, UMH; Sue Ann Cowles, Communicative Disorders Clinic; Marguerite Ann Cox, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; David A. Crawford, University Parking Service; Joann D. Crescio, Epidemiology, School of Public Health; Kathleen R. Crockett, Radiology, UMH; Roxanne L. Cross, Nursing Administration, UMH; Stella Cunegin-Page, Emergency Services, UMH;
Ruth Ann Curtis, Psychiatric Nursing, UMH; Susan D. Cushnier, Admissions Office, Dearborn Campus; Tracy A. D’Addona, Medical Information, UMH; David A. Dale, Radiation Oncology, UMH; Suzanne Daley, Bone Marrow Program, UMH; Karen Ann-Miller Dalgleish, Radiation Oncology, UMH; Ann M. Davis, Engineering and Transportation Libraries, University Library;
Beleria C. Davis, East Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Mary A. Davis, Radiation Oncology, Medical School; Charlene M. Dean, Building Services, Plant Operations; Thomas N. Delosh, General Surgery, Medical School; Carol L. Deneau, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Susan Ashleigh Dietz, Nursing 4D Neurology, UMH; Ruth A. Dixon, Post Graduate Medicine and Health Professions Education, Medical School;
Molly Donajkowski, M-Care Health Centers, UMH; Jane E. Donovan-Clark, Financial Operations; Doreen Rose Dorer, Internal Medicine, UMH; Tina Dorsey, Preadmission, UMH; Janice Kay Doten, Project Support Office, UMH; Darlene S. Downard, Residence Operations, Student Residences; Mark L. Driscoll, Occupational Safety and Environmental Health; Darlene J. Dunagan, Nursing 4C Thor/Neurology, UMH;
Jack R. Dunn, Building Services, Plant Operations; Sheila Dunn, Biology Department, LS&A; David A. Dupuis, Department of Safety; Nancy Wilkening Durance, Main Hospital Administration, UMH; Daniel J. Dyson, Radiology, UMH; Warren C. Eaton, Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering; Marylou Edwards, Materiel Services, UMH;
Wiley Edwards, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Julie A. Egeler, College of Pharmacy; Barbara J. Elliott, Patient Food Services, UMH; Patricia L. Ellis, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research; Margaret G. Elyakin, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; La Dell A. Erby, Mary Markley Residence Hall, Student Residences; Holly Lyn Evanoff, Pathology, Medical School;
Mark R. Evans, School of Nursing; Michele G. Evans, Michigan League; Norbert Heinrich Faeth, Building Maintenance, UMH; Reynetta L. Fath, Post Graduate Medicine and Health Professions Education, Medical School; Roberta Felici-Cook, Clinical Services, Health Services; Andrea M. Ferrara, Center for Human Growth and Development; Nancy A. Fetzer, Financial Aid, Flint Campus; Jeanette M. Figurel, Mott/Womens/Holden Clinic Laboratory, UMH;
Debra A. Flowers, East Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Janet Fogler, Social Work Office, UMH; Sherry L. Folsom, School of Business Administration; Norma A. Folts, Building Services, Plant Operations; Elizabeth A. Ford, Surgery/Diagnostic Treatment, UMH; Terri B. Ford, English Composition Board, LS&A; Jenelda L. Foster, Plastic Surgery, Medical School;
Mary Ann Foutch, Athletics; Maureen E. Fox, Surgery/Diagnostic Treatment, UMH; Robert L. Fox, Recreational Sports, Athletics; Bobbie Gail Fraker, Psychiatric Patient Business Office, UMH; Karl Frauhammer, Mason Trades, Plant Operations; Jeanette L. Frederick, Computer Programming, Dearborn Campus; Vicki R. Fredette, Payroll Office, Financial Services; James T. French, Printing Services;
Raymond A. Frierson, Patient Food Services, UMH; Katherine C. Frisinger, Family Practice, Medical School; Linda A. Froelich, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Joyce M. Gach, College of Arts, Sciences and Letters, Dearborn Campus; Cynthia A. Gaffney, Human Genetics, Medical School; Rebecca A. Gaffney, School of Business Administration; Corazon Galit, Medical Information, UMH;
Bonnie Lynn Gardner, Health Science Information Technology; Kathryn E. Gardner, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Sean M. Gargan, Psychiatric Nursing, UMH; Derith A. Garrison, Medicine Diagnostic and Treatment, UMH; Linda H. Gates, Mental Health Research Institute, Medical School; Salome Gebre-Egziabher, School of Education; Pamela D. George, Purchasing and Stores;
Carol E. Gerlach, Biologic and Materials Sciences, School of Dentistry; Joan Gibson, Financial Operations; Denise Sparlin Gilgen, Gift Administration, Office of Development; Kathleen A. Gillespie, Medical Administration, Medical School; Mary C. Glass, Ophthalmology, Medical School; Mary K. Gohsman, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Steven J. Gold, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology;
Dana M. Goldsmith, Perinatal Nursing, UMH; Gregory J. Goll, Biomedical Engineering, UMH; Linda M. Golshan, Psychiatric Nursing, UMH; Audrey Gomon, Dean’s Office, School of Public Health; Sally A. Gonzales, Central Area, Student Residences; Thomas A. Gonzales, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research; Donna M. Goodman, English Language and Literature, LS&A;
Joann Goodson, Psychiatry; Laura E. Gorman, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Mary Ann Gorr, University Stores; Karen Jean Gottschalk, Preadmission, UMH; Denise Rose Graber, Psychiatric Activity Therapy, UMH; Peter A. Granda, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research; Curtis J. Granderson, Materiel Services, UMH; Harry J. Granito, Radiology, Medical School;
Timothy Grantham, Building Services, Plant Operations; Gloria G. Grapentine, Trauma Burn Acute Care, UMH; Annette Marie Green, Med Sports, UMH; Maranne E. Green, General Surgery, Medical School; James M. Griffin, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Theresa M. Griffis, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Gilbert A. Grobbel, University Parking Service; Paul F. Grochowski, Circulation Services, University Library;
Carole L. Groh, Biologic and Materials Sciences, School of Dentistry; John T. Gruden, Air Conditioning and Ventilation, Plant Operations; Susan P. Guinn, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; Zoe Gurevich, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Judith M. Habetler, Chelsea Family Practice, UMH; Donna J. Hadley, Athletics; Kathleen M. Haggard, Nursing 7C Cardiology, UMH;
Raymond R. Haggerty, Finance Office, UMH; Jeffery M. Hale, Space Physics Research Laboratory, College of Engineering; John E. Hanrahan, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Theodore A. Hanss, Jr., Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Mary L. Hargrow, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Thomas Eugene Harless, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology;
Ruth Adele Harnish, Surgery Administration, UMH; Marjorie B. Harrison, Medical Information, UMH; Barbara W. Hartnagel, Hill Area, Student Residences; Glenda L. Haskell, Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Carol S. Hasse, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH;
Katherine Ann Heiss, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; Mary Dee Heller, Communication, LS&A; Marjorie M. Helmling, Internal Medicine, UMH; Barbara Jean Hemmi, Honors Program, LS&A; Debby L. Henrikson, Institute for Continuing Legal Education; Juleen K. Henry, Army Officer Education Program; Wendy J. Henshaw, Internal Medicine, UMH Satellite Billing;
Amy Jo Herndon, Social Work Office, UMH; Kelly M. Hession, Maintenance Services and Renovations, Plant Operations; Jamille Farraye Hetke, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering; Mary-Frances Hewitt, Office of University Events, President’s Office; Lisa R. Hicks, Division of Kinesiology; Melinda Hicks, Honors Program, LS&A; Beverly E. Higgins, Office of the Registrar, Dearborn Campus;
Rodney L. Hill, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, College of Engineering; Jacqueline J. Hinckley, Communicative Disorders Clinic; Samuel Hines, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Jonathan C. Hintz, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering; Lucinda L. Hochrein, Billing and Third Party Collections, UMH; Barbara K. Hofer, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching;
Robert J. Hoffman, Plumbing and Heating, Plant Operations; Elizabeth S. Hokada, Investment Office; Sharon D. Holiday, University Parking Service; Timothy J. Holiday, University Parking Service; Robert J. Hoogesteger, Health Science Information Technology; Mary D. Hopper, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research; Laura D. Hornbeck, Neurology, Medical School; Linda J. Hosman, Ophthalmology, Medical School; Julie A. Howard, Patient Food Services, UMH;
Timothy A. Howell, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Timothy A. Howes, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; John C. Hufziger, Systems & Bank Cards, Financial Operations; Terry L. Hull, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering; Paul D. Hultquist, Building Services, Plant Operations; Francine Hume, Otorhinolaryngology, Medical School; Steven E. Hunter, Materiel Services, UMH;
Richard B. Hurst, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Daniel R. Hyde, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Donald R. Igielski, Nursing 5D SICU, UMH; Angelina J. Jackson, Surgery, Medical School; Arthur Manning Jackson, Post Anesthesiology Recovery, UMH; Virgil Jackson, Jr., Building Services, Plant Operations; Pamela C. James, Materiel Services, UMH;
Salieta Jenkins, Mott Radiology Services, UMH; Calvin K. Johnson, Materiel Services, UMH; Kathy Ann Johnson, Opthamology, UMH Satellite Billing; Susan Joan Johnston, Nursing 7C Cardiology, UMH; Christine D. Jones, Hospital Pharmacy Services, UMH; Orline Jones, East Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Tina R. Jones, Bursley Residence Hall, Student Residences;
Alonzo Joplin, Jr., Housekeeping Services, UMH; Renee C. Jordan, Transportation Services; Sandra Jean Kandler, Surgery Business Office, UMH Environmental Services; Georgia L. Kasko, Patient Services, School of Dentistry; Michael E. Kavanaugh, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Dorothy Ann Kelly, Law School; Nellie M. Kelly, Public TV, Flint Campus; Donna L. Kempf, Patient Food Services, UMH; Linda R. Kennedy, Personnel Office;
Christine R. Kersey, East Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Sue Ann Keyes, Physical Plant Administration, Flint Campus; Don D. King, Associate Director Professional Services, UMH; Robert King, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Carol A. Kirby, Facility Information Services, UMH; Kathryne M. Kitchen, Radiology, UMH Satellite Billing; Lori A. Kitchen, Urology Surgery, UMH;
Daniel Klein, Air Conditioning and Ventilation, Plant Operations; Janie E. Knecht, Trauma Burn Acute Care, UMH; Gail D. Knowlen, Nursing 4C Thor/Neurology, UMH; Douglas J. Koepsell, Facilities Planning and Design, Plant Extension; Christopher L. Kojiro, Chemistry, LS&A; Heidi Lynn Konopka, Health Science Information Technology;
Christopher J. Konrad, Industrial and Operations Engineering, College of Engineering; Sheelagh Ann Kourtjian, Post Anesthesiology Recovery, UMH; Antonia M. Kramer, Museum of Art; Margaret J. Krasnoff, Center for the Education of Women; Diane M. Kremer, Perinatal Nursing, UMH; Roland Case Kremkus, Plumbing and Heating, Plant Operations; Karen Lisa Kuderick, Patient Accounts, UMH; Oliva Kuester, Social Work Office, UMH;
Susan Kuhnke, School of Nursing; Susan J. Kuhns, Engineering Undergraduate Education, College of Engineering; Paula L. Kunde, Geological Sciences, LS&A; Jeffrey S. Kuras, University Productions, School of Music; Maryann E. Kurtz, Nursing Clerical Services, UMH; Teresa L. Lamarco, Career Planning and Placement; Lee R. Lambarth, Electric Shop, Plant Operations; Steven M. Lambright, Athletics;
Patricia Landry, Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry; Aaron A. Landy, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Caryl L. Lane, Humanities, Dearborn Campus; Larry R. Lange, Maintenance Services and Renovations, Plant Operations; Chester E. Lapinski, Transportation Services; Keith S. Larder, Medical Administration, Medical School; Sharon A. Larmee, Perinatal Nursing, UMH;
Mary J. Laug, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Diane A. Laviolette, Health Behavior and Health Education, School of Public Health; Lillian M. Layden, Admissions Office; Kimberley Anne Leahy, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Denise C. LeCarpentier, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Kathy H. Lee, Nursing Education, UMH; Michael N. Lee, Materiel Services, UMH; Maureen T. Legendre, Pathology, Medical School;
John W. Lemmer, Administration, LS&A; Valeseia Michelle Lewis, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Nancy Marie Lindner, Human Genetics, Medical School; Diana L. Lipp, Medical Information, UMH; Julie M. Loftin, Social Work Office, UMH; Manette Antill London, Radiology, Medical School; Donald R. Long, Cafeteria, UMH;
Jayne Elise Long, Otolaryngology Clinic, UMH; Maureen R. Lopez, Psychology, LS&A; Mark E. Lorimer, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Margaret A. Loveless, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Jerilyn A. Lowe, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Medical School; Lolly L. Luegge, Medical Rehabilitation, UMH;
Patricia Luevano, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research; Barbara Mahnke Lupi, Space Physics Research Laboratory, College of Engineering; Brian A. Luttermoser, Building Maintenance, UMH; Kathryn A. MacDonald, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Karen M. MacKay, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Marilyn M. MacLean, Health Science Information Technology;
Sandra J. Madden, Financial Operations; Janicea M. Madlock-Tandy, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Jennifer L. Maksym, Nursing 5D SICU, UMH; Donna M. Mallett, Risk Management, Financial Services; Daniel J. Mandernach, Sr., Energy Management, Plant Department; Judith A. Mannetter, Residence Operations, Student Residences; Paula Sue Marentay, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; David M. Marich, Athletics;
Yolanda L. Marino, Institute of Public Policy Studies; Ann M. Marker, M-Care Health Centers, UMH; Margaret A. Marr, Medical Information, UMH; Charles E. Marshall, Hospital Pharmacy Services, UMH; Leanne Martin, Undergraduate Library, University Library; Lloyd A. Mason, Patient Food Services, UMH; Cliff J. Mathay, Materiel Services, UMH; Joan Gertrude Mathay, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH;
Amy Jayne Matthews, Michigan Union, Student Residences; Sandra Kay Maupin, Planning and Marketing, UMH; Mary H. Mayer, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; James R. Mc Cartney, Nuclear Engineering, College of Engineering; Mark S. Mc Donald, Printing Services; Nelson B. Mc Ewen, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Wendi S. Mc Kay, Mental Health Research Institute, Medical School;
Carol L. McAllister, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; James McCandlish, Technical Services, University Library; Lisa L. Mcculloch, Contract Administration; Edith M. McDaniel, Bursley Residence Hall, Student Residences; Claudia L. McGraw, Unit Clerks, UMH; Daniel G. McGraw, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Leonia M. McKaye, Alice Lloyd Residence Hall, Student Residences;
James W. McKivens, Materiel Services, UMH; Darlene F. McNairy, Clinical Research Center, UMH; Shirley Nell Medley, Surgery Business Office, UMH Satellite Billing; Joan E. Medrich, Extension Service; Ellen Meisenbach, Psychiatric Adult Services Program, UMH; Craig A. Meldrum, Surgery-General, UMH; Christine K. Melzer, Operative Dentistry, School of Dentistry;
John M. Menke, Movers, Plant Operations; Jennifer Hayden Merritt, Ambulatory Care, UMH; David R. Merryfield, Building Maintenance, Plant Operations; Marcea S. Metzler, Law School; Florence W. Miars, Building Services, Plant Operations; Carolyn A. Miller, Executive Education, School of Business Administration; Ronald A. Miller, School of Education; Karen E. Mitchell, Hospital Pharmacy Services, UMH;
Robert A. Moine, Plant Business Office, Plant Operations; Beverly J. Monaghan, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering; Joseph C. Monsur, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Daniel Montalvo, Law School; Carole B. Moody, Chemistry, LS&A; Weslier Marie Moorhouse, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Carol A. Morgan, Respiratory Care, UMH;
Dennis D. Morgan, Plant Business Office, Plant Operations; Janet L. Morgan, Thoracic Surgery, Medical School; Michael O. Mueller, University Library/ACE, University Library; Michael R. Muha, Reproductive Sciences Program; Felicia Dianne Mullice, Medical Information, UMH; Annette Kay Murphy, Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases, Medical School; B. Jay Murray, Biomedical Engineering, UMH;
Lynn M. Nadrowski, Health Science Information Technology; Gregory L. Napier, Building Services, Plant Operations; Robert Joseph Nauta, Center for Great Lakes and Aquatic Sciences, LS&A; Matthew C. Navarre, Administrative Services, University Library; Elizabeth A. Nelson, Staff Benefits Office, Financial Services; Kris Nelson, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Mary Jo Nemeth, Medical Administration, Medical School;
Robert D. Neumann, Department of Safety; Charles A. Nicholas, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering; Ronald J. Nichols, Heating and Utilities, Plant Department; Dorie L. Nitz, University Stores; Karen M. Noonan, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, UMH; Sherry M. Norman, Records/Business Operations, Health Services; Jack Novodoff, Chemistry, LS&A;
Melanie Ann Nuttle, Nursing Clerical Services, UMH; Margaret A. Oberle, School of Business Administration; Earl D. Orr, North Campus Commons, Student Residences; Micheal L. Osburn, Health Science Information Technology; Jerry L. Pace, Building Maintenance, Plant Operations; Michaelyn A. Page, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Darrel L. Parker, Plumbing and Heating, Plant Operations;
Mable A. Parks, Nursing 5D SICU, UMH; Nancy Faye Patterson, Division of Kinesiology; Diane R. Pawlecki, Urology Surgery, UMH; Lisa F. Payton, Engineering Undergraduate Education, College of Engineering; Janet D. Pearen, Athletics; David J. Pearl, Law School; Sharon I. Pearl, Financial Aid, Dearborn Campus; Elizabeth A. Pekrul, Emergency Services, UMH; Shirley D. Percy, Medical Information, UMH;
Chris E. Peters, Biomedical Engineering, UMH; Douglas H. Peters, Purchasing and Stores; Carolyn S. Peterson, Central Area, Student Residences; Kristine M. Peterson, Patient Services, UMH; Roderick D. Peterson, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Octavian E. Petrescu, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research; Catherine W. Philbin, Admissions Office, Dearborn Campus;
Cheryl E. Pierce, Mott/Womens/Holden Operations Services, UMH; Charlotte K. Pierson, Internal Medicine, Medical School; Nancy J. Pietras, Honors Program, LS&A; Robert L. Pifer, Department of Safety; Rufus D. Pipkins, Unit Clerks, UMH; Nandor J. Poczik, Hospital Pharmacy Services, UMH; Esther K. Poku-Kankam, Nursing Administration, UMH;
Jane L. Poling, Engineering Summer Conference, College of Engineering; Paula J. Pollander, Career Planning and Placement, Flint Campus; Carmen J. Pope, Cafeteria, UMH; Roy R. Pope, Jr., Building Services, Plant Operations; Orlando Portale, Health Science Information Technology; Ruth M. Postema, Nursing 8C Dermatology, UMH; Judith A. Powers, North Campus Area, Student Residences;
Steven T. Pratt, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Antoine Prince, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Geraldine R. Prochaska, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Carol J. Pytko, Student Publications; Randall A. Rabourn, Center for Ergonomics, College of Engineering; Dale J. Radak, Security Service, UMH; Randolph O. Ramsey, Maintenance Services and Renovations, Plant Operations;
Carolyn M. Ransom, Ambulatory Care, UMH; Douglas C. Rayment, Mason Trades, Plant Operations; Cecelia M. Reed, Division of Research Development and Administration; Robert G. Reske, Budget Rate Setting, UMH; Brian P. Reyes, Food Production, UMH; Veronica Ruth Richard, Law Library, Law School; Alonzo D. Richardson, Building Services, Plant Operations;
Donna M. Richardson, Housekeeping Services, UMH; James C. Richardson, Athletics; Walt C. Richardson, Construction Management, Plant Extension; Patricia Ann Ricks, Martha Cook Residence Hall; Madeline Rose Rieder, Administration, Rackham School of Graduate Studies; Donna M. Riggs, Perinatal Nursing, UMH; Deborah A. Rinna, Clinic Operations, Health Services;
Ann M. Roberts, North Campus Area, Student Residences; Wanda L. Roberts, University Parking Service; Donald R. Robertson, Sr., Physical Plant Administration, Dearborn Campus; Janet Lynn Rockwood, UH Nsg 6B Med, UMH; Gail E. Roe, Project Support Offfice, UMH; Theresa N. Rohlck, English Language Institute, LS&A; Peter M. Roncoli, Building Maintenance, UMH;
Miriam Rosado, North Campus Area, Student Residences; Janice R. Rosan, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering; Deborah L. Rose, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Victor H. Rotberg, Nuclear Engineering, College of Engineering; Mary K. Rudick, Clinical Research Center, UMH; Edward R. Runyon, Housekeeping Services, UMH;
Royce H. Russell, Roofers, Plant Operations; Debra J. Samida, Information Technology Services, Flint Campus; John P. Samida, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Marie B. Samida, Physiology, Medical School; Gregory W. Sanders, University Parking Service; Philip M. Santini, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Drew L. Sauer, Law Library, Law School;
Geraldine M. Savage, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Carol M. Schilling, Pediatric Nursing, UMH; Timothy D. Schilz, Sheet Metal and Machine, Plant Operations; Jay Hugh Schlegel, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research; Helena Schlorff, Chinese Studies Center, LS&A; Jeanne E. Schmaltz, Clinical Research Center, UMH;
Anne M. Schork, Nursing 4B Neurology, UMH; Terri Leigh Schork, Medical Administration, Medical School; Joanne B. Schrader, Medical Administration, Medical School; Sarah A. Schueneman, Career Planning and Placement; Maria L. Schuit, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Mary Laura Schultz, Psychiatry; Ruth Ann Schultz, Division of Research Development and Administration;
Beverly Rose Schumann, Pathology, Medical School; Kerry L. Schwarz, Radiology, UMH; Audrey A. Schwimmer, Michigan Union, Student Residences; Wanda R. Scott, Mary Markley Residence Hall, Student Residences; Pamela A. Seevers, University Stores; Susan L. Sefansky, Social Work Office, UMH; Joel H. Seguine, WUOM/Michigan Radio; Karen A. Senior, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Melvin L. Shapiro, Physics, LS&A;
Barbara Jean Sharp, Medical Administration, Medical School; Tammara S. Shelton, Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases, Medical School; Delores S. Shields, Alternate Revenue Services, UMH; Elaine A. Sigers, Financial Services, Dearborn Campus; Cynthia L. Siira, Nutrition Services, UMH; Chun Hwa Simms, Couzens Residence Hall, Student Residences; William G. Simpson, Carpentry Shop, Plant Operations; David B. Sing, Human Genetics, Medical School;
Debra Sizemore, Transportation Services; Susan C. Skramstad, Office of Institutional Advancement, Dearborn Campus; Deborah D. Slaven, Bursley Residence Hall, Student Residences; Mary J. Slider, Nursing Administration, UMH; James B. Smart, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Belisa Ann Smith, Food Production, UMH; Lisa Smith, Mary Markley Residence Hall, Student Residences; James L. Smith, Psychiatric Nursing, UMH;
Sharon A. Smith, Ancillary Medical Service, Health Services; Thomas J. Smith, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH; Thomas Jay Smith, Biomedical Engineering, UMH; Victoria G. Sobieski, Research Systems, Vice-Provost for Information Technology; William D. Sodt, Grounds and Waste Management Service, Plant Operations; Joanne Sonstein, Internal Medicine, Medical School;
Bonnie J. Southerland, General and Auxiliary Services, Dearborn Campus; Carolyn Stacy, Nursing Clerical Services, UMH; Jennifer A. Stahl, WUOM/Michigan Radio; Deborah J. Stambaugh, Orthodontics, School of Dentistry; Jacqueline Stamps, Mosher Jordan Residence Hall, Student Residences; Michael W. Stander, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering;
Barbara Lee Starmann, Medicine Diagnostic and Treatment, UMH; Patricia L. Starzec, Hospital Pharmacy Services, UMH; M. Margaret Stephenson, Management Administration, Vice President for Development; Cheryl A. Stewart, Thoracic Surgery, Medical School; Carl F. Stitt, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Russell J. Strawsine, Physical Plant Administration, Dearborn Campus;
Denise M. Striks, M-Care Health Centers, UMH; Joanne Sullenger, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Development, Flint Campus; Mark L. Sullivan, University Productions, School of Music; Mary Jane Sullivan-Ellis, Office of the Registrar, Dearborn Campus; Carter Lloyd Switzer, Custodial-Art and Architecture, Plant Operations; Thomas E. Taddonio, Surgery/Diagnostic Treatment, UMH;
Margaret J. Tait, Surgery/Diagnostic Treatment, UMH; Darlene Y. Tansil, Cariology, Res Sci and Endo, School of Dentistry; Debra L. Taulbee, Physical Plant Administration, Dearborn Campus; Doristeen Taylor, Medical Information, UMH; Larry P. Taylor, Mental Health Research Institute, Medical School; Zondra L. Taylor, Materiel Services, UMH;
Carol A. Taylor-Eggleton, Biophysics Research Division, Institute of Science and Technology; Denise L. Taylor-Moon, Internal Medicine Geriatric Center, UMH; Deborah Lea Terraza, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Mousa M. Thabeth, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Anh Ngoc Thach, Library, Flint Campus; Cyndi K. F. Thayer, Institute for Continuing Legal Education; Aleda M. Thomas, Engineering Tech Transfer, College of Engineering; April Lynn Thomas, Ambulatory Care, UMH;
Michael C. Thomas, School of Art; Lisa L. Thompson, Materiel Services, UMH; Agnes B. Thorne, Taubman Medical Library, University Library; Noretha A. Tomlin, North Campus Area, Student Residences; Tony Torcassi, Materiel Services, UMH; Robbie M. Townsel-Dye, Residence Operations, Student Residences; Leola J. Troczynski, Environmental and Industrial Health, School of Public Health; Kelly Anne Truett, Medical Administration, Medical School;
Yvonne A. Turner, Plant Operations, Flint Campus; Stanley Uitti,Occupational Safety and Environmental Health; Ann Gaukler Unbehaun, Ophthalmology, Medical School; Dennis Underwood, Student Affairs, Dearborn Campus; Emmanuel I. Unobagha, Housekeeping Services, UMH; James P. Uranga, Human Genetics, Medical School; Pamela M. Van Heyningen, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH;
James C. Vanhecke, Admissions Office; Cheryl L. Vankirk, Health Science Information Technology; Mary B. Vardigan, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research; Paul J. Vaughan, Department of Safety; Mark J. Ventimiglia, Air Conditioning and Ventilation, Plant Operations; John R. Vidolich, Physics, LS&A; Matthew J. Vincent, Air Conditioning and Ventilation, Plant Operations;
Russell R. Waggoner, Ambulatory Care Nursing, UMH; Jeffrey J. Walker, Asst Dir Billing 3rd Party, UMH; Joan E. Walker, School of Business Administration; Julia C. Walker, University Library/ACE, University Library; Ralph R. Wallace, Building Services, Plant Operations; Erin Lynette Walter, Chelsea Family Practice, UMH; Mary Diane Walton, Admissions Office; Christine Ann Waltrip, Main Hospital Operating Rooms, UMH;
Harold I. Ward, III, Hospital Admitting, UMH; Robert A. Ward, Materiel Services, UMH; Scott L. Ward, Budget and Administration, Vice President for Development; Margaret S. Warrick, Dean’s Office, School of Public Health; Gloria J. Watson, Cafeteria, UMH; Cathy J. Webb, Executive Education, School of Business Administration; Lynne M. Weber, Registrar’s Office;
Sarah K. Wegienka, Hospital Pharmacy Services, UMH; Carol A. Welch, Central Area, Student Residences; Shirley P. Welch, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Belinda Wells, Cafeteria, UMH; Claudia L. Wessels, Nursing Administration, UMH; Carolyn W. Westman, Anatomy and Cell Biology , Medical School; Kathleen C. Westover, Natural Science, Dearborn Campus;
Darla Joan White, Radiology, UMH Satellite Billing; Motellis Whitt, Information Technology, Dearborn Campus; A. Roger Wilfong, Health Science Information Technology; Stacy L. Wilkin, Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Center, Medical School; Edlyn M. Wilk, Pediatrics & Comm Diseases, UMH Satellite Billing; Paula R. Wilks, Upjohn Center, Medical School; Barbara J. Willey, Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering; Audrey M. Williams, Housekeeping Services, UMH;
Diane D. Williams, Radiology, Medical School; Linda Lou Williams, Ambulatory Care, UMH; Suzan Williams, Assistant Administrator, UMH; Brenda J. Wilson, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Gerald L. Wilson, Building Maintenance, Plant Operations; Karen S. Wilson, Housekeeping Services, UMH; Michael F. Wilson, Plumbing and Heating, Plant Operations; Susan A. Wintermeyer-Pingel, Nursing Administration, UMH;
John M. Wood, West Quadrangle Residence Hall, Student Residences; Starleatha R. Woods, Nursing 4A Urology/Neurology, UMH; Tracey Laverne Woods, Neurology Clinic, UMH; Brian J. Wright, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, UMH; Irma D. Wright, Medical Information, UMH; Philip A. Wright, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research;
William T. Wrobleski, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology; Barbara M. Wykes, Administration, Rackham School of Graduate Studies; Jeulene Yarrington, Patient Food Services, UMH; Barbara J. Yek, Community Dentistry, School of Dentistry; Richard S. York, Office of the Vice-Provost for Information Technology;
Carol L. Yorkievitz, Law School; Jie Yun Yu, Merit Computer Network, Information Technology Division; Margo Williams Zagar, Anthropology Museum, LS&A; Cynthia A. Zimmerman, School of Business Administration; Linda B. Zywicki, Obstetrics/Gynecology, UMH Satellite Billing.