By the Senate Assembly on University Affairs
Because of recent confusion and misinformation about the University’s retirement furlough program, the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs offers the following reminder of some of the rules governing retirement furloughs:
—The program applies only to faculty; no comparable program exists for staff members.
—Faculty members receive their regular pay during the furlough period.
—During the furlough year, faculty members generally are relieved of normal responsibilities but may be called upon to act in a consulting capacity to the University or to conduct research in their field of interest.
—The terminal furlough year may be taken as the last year preceding retirement or in partial installments over two or three years prior to retirement.
—Faculty members must hold a regular appointment as an assistant, associate or full professor. Any appointment fraction, including zero, qualifies.
—Retirement furloughs are available only to faculty who were hired before Jan. 1, 1984.
—Individuals must have been employed by the University for at least 10 consecutive years.
—Individuals must be at least age 62.
—Retirement furloughs no longer must be completed before individuals reach age 70.
—Individuals must not have taken a sabbatical leave during the four years preceding the retirement furlough.
Standard Practice Guide, section 201.81, explains eligibility and regulations for the retirement furlough program.