The Board of Regents meeting Thursday in the Michigan Union was adjourned for public safety reasons, according to a statement read by President Mark Schlissel.
A streamlined formal session took place in the Regents Room in the Fleming Administration Building. Members of the media were invited to attend. The meeting will be transcribed and provided to the public.
Items approved at the meeting included:
Dennison Building renovation design approved
Regents approved the schematic design for the $49 million David M. Dennison Building Renovation project.
The project will renovate approximately 106,000 gross square feet of space to allow LSA to relocate the International Institute and its associated centers for international studies from the School of Social Work Building, and also to relocate to Dennison other LSA centers, institutes and units that have a primary focus on international engagement. It will also create an additional 1,500 gross square feet of space by enclosing an overhang on the ground floor and by extending windows outward on the 10th floor.
The project is being funded from LSA resources and university investment proceeds and is scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2017.

Lorch Hall construction planned
Approximately 7,500 gross square feet on the second floor of the east wing at Lorch Hall will undergo renovations that will remodel existing office and library spaces to provide more offices for student counseling, graduate student instructors and collaboration for the Department of Economics, and to provide offices for visiting faculty in the Michigan Institute for Teaching and Research in Economics.
The $1.825 million project will be funded by LSA and is scheduled for completion next fall.
Yost ice system to be upgraded
The ice rink floor, refrigeration system, and dasher board system at Yost Ice Arena will be upgraded in a $5.8 million project that will also replace the arena’s north side flat roof.
The athletic department is funding the project with construction scheduled for completion next summer.
Heating plant boiler to be replaced
A boiler that is more than 50 years old at the Hoover Avenue Heating Plant will be replaced with a more efficient unit and associated equipment to improve reliability and reduce natural gas consumption. The $1.1 million project will be funded from Utilities resources and completed next fall.
Ann Arbor campus
Faculty appointments and promotions with tenure
Matthew A. Diemer, associate professor of education, School of Education, effective Jan. 1.
Leah Robinson, associate professor of kinesiology, School of Kinesiology, effective Jan. 1.
Named professorships
Dr. James R. Baker Jr., Ruth Dow Doan Professor of Biologic Nanotechnology, Medical School, effective Nov. 1, 2014-Aug. 31, 2015.
Dr. Ronald J. Buckanovich, Thomas H. Simpson Collegiate Professor, Medical School, effective Nov. 1, 2014-Aug. 31, 2019.
Thomas L. Chenevert, Collegiate Professor of Basic Radiological Sciences, Medical School, effective Jan. 1, 2105-Aug. 31, 2019.
Yan Chen, Daniel Kahneman Collegiate Professor of Information, School of Information, effective Jan. 1, 2015-Dec. 31, 2019.
* Peretz P. Friedmann, Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Professor of Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering, effective Jan. 1, 2015-Dec. 31, 2019.
Margaret L. Hedstrom, Robert W. Warner Collegiate Professor of Information, SI, effective Jan. 1, 2015-Dec. 31, 2019.
Shixin Jack Hu, J. Reid and Polly Anderson Professor of Manufacturing, CoE, effective Nov. 1, 2014-Aug. 31, 2016.
Laura Kuhn, Norman Freehling Visiting Professor, LSA, effective Jan. 1, 2015-April 30, 2015.
* Peter X. Ma, Richard H. Kingery Endowed Collegiate Professor of Dentistry, School of Dentistry, effective Dec. 1, 2014-Nov. 30, 2019.
* David L. Neuhoff, Joseph E. and Anne P. Rowe Professor of Electrical Engineering, CoE, effective Jan. 1, 2015-Dec. 31, 2019.
Richard A. Primus, Theodore J. St. Antoine Collegiate Professor, Law School, effective Nov. 1, 2014-Oct. 31, 2019.
James M. Rae, Thomas H. Simpson Collegiate Professor of Cancer Research, Medical School, effective Nov. 1, 2014-Aug. 31, 2019.
Paul J. Resnick, Michael D. Cohen Collegiate Professor of Information, SI, effective Jan. 1, 2015-Dec. 31, 2019.
Peter A. Railton, John Stephenson Perrin Professor, LSA, effective Sept. 1 (correction to title).
Dr. Sandra L. Wong, William W. Coon Collegiate Professor of Surgical Oncology, Medical School, effective Nov. 1, 2014-Aug. 31, 2019.
Xueding Wang, associate professor of biomedical engineering, Medical School and CoE, effective Jan. 1, 2015.
Administrative appointments
James Hackett, interim director of intercollegiate athletics, effective Nov. 1, 2014.
Craig Harris, NSF International Department Chair of Environmental Health Sciences, and chair, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, effective Dec. 1, 2014-Nov. 30, 2017.
Dearborn campus
Ilir Miteza, associate provost for graduate, international and online learning, Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, effective Jan. 1, 2015-Dec. 31, 2017.
Troy A. Murphy, chair, Department of Language, Culture and Communication, College of Arts, Sciences and Letters, effective Oct. 1, 2014-June 30, 2017.
Lee S. Redding, chair, Department of Accounting and Finance, College of Business, effective Jan. 1, 2015-Dec. 31, 2017.
Flint campus
Robert W. Buckingham, professor of public health, School of Health Professions and Studies, effective Sept. 1, 2014 (correction to appointment period).
* Reappointments
Kristen Lawton Barry, research professor, psychiatry, Medical School, effective Nov. 30. She joined the U-M faculty in 1996. Barry is an internationally renowned scholar in the fields of substance abuse and mental health. Her work included alcohol problem detection in ambulatory care settings, relationships between substance abuse and mental and physical health, and alcohol use and mental health issues in women. She wrote more than 100 journal articles and two books. She developed numerous innovative intervention and treatment programs as an associate director with the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Serious Mental Illness Treatment Research and Evaluation Center from 1996-2009.
Thomas J. Callahan, associate professor of business administration, College of Business, UM-Dearborn, effective June 30. He joined the UM-Dearborn faculty in 1987. Callahan’s research focused on employee attitudes and behaviors, compensation performance relationships, strategic inter-organizational relationships, and the cognitive decision making processes. He published numerous articles in leading journals including Human Resource Development International. He was a member of professional organizations and served on the Faculty Senate Budget and Finance Board and the Campus Informational Technology Committee, among others. Callahan received the Scholarly Achievement Award from the Human Resources Management Division of the Academy of Management in 1989.
Dr. David Gordon, dean, School of Health Professions and Studies, UM-Flint; and professor of pathology, Medical School, UM-Ann Arbor, effective Oct. 31. Gordon served on the faculty from 1991-97, worked as a research fellow at Pfizer Inc. from 1997-2001, then returned to U-M as a professor in 2001. He was appointed dean of the School of Health Professions and Studies at UM-Flint in 2011. Gordon is a distinguished scientist and clinician in the field of pathology. He published numerous articles leading peer- journals, and received the Harold R. Johnson Diversity Service Award in 2004.
Dr. Neal W. Persky, clinical assistant professor of internal medicine, Medical School, effective Oct. 31. He joined the faculty in 1987. A superb clinician, Persky excelled at the delivery of thoughtful, interdisciplinary and compassionate patient care. His clinical work focused on geriatric medicine, hospice care and palliative medicine, with special expertise in the treatment of patients with dementia, the management of decubitus ulcers, and the prevention of falls and premature deaths within long-term care settings. He served in several leadership roles and played an instrumental role in the development of a generation of medical students, residents and fellows.
Peter L. Roberson, clinical professor of radiation oncology, Medical School, effective Dec.12. Roberson joined the faculty in 1987. He has served as the associate director for the Off Campus Physics Program in Radiation Oncology since 2000. A leader in the field of radiation oncology, Roberson published extensively and played an instrumental role in using improvements in radiation treatment planning, and the operation of seven Michigan clinics within the Off Campus Physics Program in Radiation Oncology. He actively mentored students, residents and physicists and was involved in the American Association of Physicists in Medicine and the Society of Nuclear Medicine.