Regents’ Roundup


The University Record, February 22, 1999

Regents Roundup

Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at their February meeting.

Administrative appointments

Administrative appointments approved included:

Clarita Mays, assistant dean of students and multicultural affairs, School of Social Work, was reappointed to the post, effective July 1.

Carol T. Mowbray. associate professor of social work, was reappointed associate dean for research, School of Social Work, effective July 1.

William G. Barsan, professor of surgery, will be chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine, effective July 1.

Theodore S. Lawrence, professor of radiation oncology and interim chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology, will become chair of the department, effective Feb. 1.

Blank OK’d as dean

Rebecca M. Blank, now serving on the President’s Council of Economic Advisers, was named dean of the School of Public Policy.

Her appointment is effective Aug. 1. She also will serve as professor of public policy and of economics and the as Henry Carter Adams Collegiate Professor of Public Policy.

Three faculty retire

Three faculty members were given the emeritus title:

James M. Kister, professor of mathematics; David G. Shappirio, professor of biological sciences; and Gene E. Smith, professor of mechanical engineering.

Kister joined the U-M in 1959, and “all of his research since that time has been in the area of topology, a modern branch of pure mathematics,” the Regents said. “The so-called ‘Kister Isotopy’ was an important contribution to the then emerging theory of higher dimensional topology. He has directed eight doctoral dissertations and greatly helped with several more. He served as chair of the Department of Mathematics in 1971–73 and directed the graduate office as associate chair in 1988–92 and 1994–96. He twice served as managing editor of the Michigan Mathematics Journal (1978 and 1983–88).

Shappirio joined the U-M in 1957 and “his research has effectively used metamorphosing insects as experimental models for studying cellular and molecular events in insect development. He has been interested especially in the process of diapause, an environmentally controlled state of arrested development initiated and terminated by specific hormones and involving spectacular metabolic and biosynthetic changes. In 1976–83, he served as associate chair for instruction and curriculum in the Division of Biological Sciences and had a primary role in the creation of introductory courses that have effectively conveyed the major advances and excitement of modern biology.”

Smith, who joined the U-M in 1963, “has carried out research and published papers on many topics in thermodynamics, including refrigeration and air conditioning, optimization of thermal systems, energy utilization and management, energy storage, alternate energy sources, direct energy conversion, micro climate cooling, and electric and hybrid vehicles. He served as associate chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics in 1984–86 and as assistant dean of the College of Engineering since 1987. In his role as assistant dean, he exhibited tremendous dedication to undergraduate students.”

$29 million in gifts received

The Regents accepted $29,248,935 in gifts received during January. The total included $23,885,449 from individuals, $1,788,346 from corporations, $2,671,618 from foundations, and $903,522 from associations and others.

Renovations and road repair

The Regents approved the following projects:

• Some 3,650 square feet of space on the second floor of the E.H. Kraus Building will be renovated to provide new laboratories, offices and shared equipment space. This area has not been renovated since the building was constructed in 1915. The renovation will provide reconfigured space for an open research laboratory for the Department of Biology, molecular cell biology program. The project is estimated to cost $950,000.

• South Quadrangle is about to celebrate its 50th year of service. Both the age of the current infrastructure and the heavy electrical demands of contemporary student residential life require a complete renewal of the existing electrical and fire alarm systems. The project is estimated to cost $4.6 million.

• Most North Campus roads were last improved and paved in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Some roads have since been rebuilt, but many are now in need of repair. This project will rebuild sections of Murfin, Bates, Bishop, Beal and Hubbard at an estimated cost of $830,000.

Residence hall rates increase

The Regents approved an average rate increase of 2.3 percent for residence halls and apartments for next year.

The basic rate for a double room in the traditional residence halls, now $5,488 for two terms, will be $5,614. Other rates will range from $2,240 (now $2,190) for a room-only converted triple unit in a non-traditional hall to $6,674 (now $6,524) for a single room in the traditional halls. Rates in the traditional halls include room and 13 meals per week.

New rates for student tenants in apartments, effective July 1, will range from $367 (now $359) a month for an unfurnished room in the Observatory Lodge to $896 (now $865) for a furnished three-bedroom townhouse unit. All rates include utilities.


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