The University Record, July 30, 1997
Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at t heirJuly meeting.
Renovation projects OK’d
- The original building systems in the office areas of Medical ScienceBuilding I are no longer capable of maintaining a controlled working environment.Past changes in the space, including the ins tallation of open office systems,has rendered the systems obsolete. The project, estimated to cost $220,000,will upgrade the infrastructure in the area by installing temperature zonesfor large open offices and separate zones for private offices.
- A number of buildings are supplied with domestic hot water supply,return and low pressure condensate from the Central Power Plant throughthe tunnel system. The pipes in the tunnel leading to Stockwell, MosherJordan and Alice Lloyd halls are in poor conditi on. The existing blackiron piping will be replaced with new copper piping for the domestic hotwater supply lines, at an estimated cost of $620,000.
- As part of the College of Engineering’s continuing effort to providethe highest quality education f acility, space in the Plasma Research Buildingwill be remodeled to create a new Student Design Team Project Center thatwill include a metal shop, paint booth, assembly area, visitors area andsupport space. The project is estimated to cost $2.3 million.I>
- Expansion and renovation of the Kellogg Building, including the siteand appointment of the architect, was approved last fall. As the projectprogressed through the schematic design phase, funding was identified toaddress additional needs of the Schoo l of Dentistry.
These include two “high-tech” lecture rooms and the renovationand expansion of the Pediatric Dental Clinic. The condition of the elementsand systems of the existing Kellogg Building have been analyzed and buildingrenewal w ork including window replacement, sprinklers and mechanical systemsreplacement also will be done. The revised budget is $12,670,000.
Seven faculty members retire
Seven faculty members were given the emeritus title.
Those retiring are Richard E. Czarnecki, professor of business administration,U-M-Dearborn; Mary Lou Kemme, assistant professor of psychology; SylvanKornblum, professor of psychology, research scientist, and professor psychologyin the Department of Psychiatry;
Pau l R. Lehman, professor of music; Philip M. Margolis, professor ofpsychiatry; William Martel, the Fred Jenner Hodges Professor of Radiology;and James M. Miller, associate professor of industrial and operations engineering.
- Czarnecki, who joined U-M-Dearborn in 1968, is “a well-recognizedleader in the accounting profession and has won top honors in the fieldfrom such organizations as the Michigan Association of Certified PublicAccountants, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountan ts, andthe National Association of State Boards of Accountancy,” the Regentsnoted. On May 22, 1997, at “A Tribute to Dick Czarnecki,” organizedby alumni and colleagues, Prof. Czarnecki received a special proclamationsigned by Gov. John Engl er and the leaders of the state house and senate.
- Kemme joined the U-M in 1971. Her primary expertise was in the fieldof child psychotherapy. She was involved in clinical supervision of psychiatricresidents, psychology interns and fellows and soci al work students. In1983-84, she served as psychology training director for child psychiatryand in 1984 she was associate chief psychologist for the Child Service.She was administrative program director for the Child Inpatient and DayHospital Service in 1 984-85 and served as program director of the Day Hospitalfor Children and Adolescents in 1985-89.
- Kornblum, who joined the faculty in 1959, “is internationallyknown for his novel approach to the study of human performance,” theRegents sa id. Human performance is often determined by whether the stimuliand the responses in a task match or not: if they match, performance isusually better and easier than if they do not match. The theory that Dr.Kornblum has been developing over the past sever al years–the DimensionalOverlap Model–postulates that matches may result from perceptual, conceptual,or structural similarities between the stimulus and the response sets.
- Lehman joined the faculty in 1975 and was appointed associate deanof the School of Music in 1977 and senior associate dean for graduate studiesin 1989. He has served the Music Educators National Conference continuouslysince 1964 in several dozen roles, including its president in 1984-86.Since 1992, he has been regularly involv ed in a wide variety of standards-relatedpublications and activities, and he chaired the task force that developedthe voluntary national standards for K-12 instruction in music. He hasserved on the board of directors of the International Society for Music Education and the executive board and council of the College Music Society.
- Margolis, who joined the U-M in 1966, has been a leader in many stateand national organizations. He is a life fellow of the American PsychiatricAssociation and has been ac tive in a number of its affiliated organizations.He has served as president of the Michigan Psychiatric Society and theWashtenaw County Medical Society. Dr. Margolis served on the Michigan Boardof Medicine and is a member of the board of directors of the Federationof State Medical Boards. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatryand Neurology and has been an examiner for the board for 30 years.
- Martel, who joined the faculty in 1957, “has been a strong advocatefor the role of radi ology in medical student education,” the Regentssaid. When he was not personally directing the department’s efforts, heencouraged and guided others in their participation. Dr. Martel is an accomplishedteacher, both in informal settings at the viewbox and as a lecturer. Hehas served as a faculty adviser to numerous medical students consideringa career in radiology and has frequently taught informally small groupsof students interested in additional exposure prior to beginning theirinternships.
- Miller joined the U-M in 1971. He developed new courses in safety management,occupational and product safety engineering, safety engineering research,and legal and labor issues in industrial engineering. His work on motorcarrier safety is well-known, and he has also contributed greatly to thefield of recreational boating safety. His two volumes that define futuredirections for the U.S. Coast Guard’s research program in recreationalboating and human factors are particularly significant, and he continuesto be known as the foremost authority in this area.
Faculty members named to endowed professorships
Dana Muir, assistant professor of law, history and communication, willhold the Sanford R. Robertson Assistant Professorship in Business A dministration.
Jane E. Dutton, the William Russell Kelly Professor of Business Administration,professor of organizational behavior and human resource management andcorporate strategy, and associate professor of psychology, also will holdthe Jack D. Sparks-Whirlpool Corporation Research Professorship in BusinessAdministration.
Sabine G. MacCormack, the Alice Freeman Palmer Professor of Historyand professor of history and of classical studies, will be the Mary Annand Charles R. Walgreen Jr. Pro fessor for the Study of Human Understanding,and professor of history and of classical studies.
Stephanie S. Platz, assistant professor of history, will hold the AlexManoogian Assistant Professorship of Modern Armenian History.
Alan V. Deardo rff, professor of economics and public policy and of publicpolicy, also will hold the John W. Sweetland Professorship of InternationalEconomics.
John F. Greden, professor of psychiatry, also will hold the Rachel UpjohnProfessorship of Psychiatry an d Clinical Neurosciences.
Kevin K. Tremper, professor of anesthesiology, also will hold the RobertB. Sweet Professorship of Anesthesiology.
Muir is “one of our most promising junior scholars, who is workingin the areas of executive comp ensation law, and the intersection of corporationlaw and employee benefits law,” said B. Joseph White, dean of theSchool of Business Administration. “She has a solid list of publications,both in number and in the quality of the journals in which she publishes,and is frequently invited to present her research at national conferences.Since 1995, she has received five distinguished or outstanding proceedingspaper awards from professional associations. Her teaching ratings are excellent.”
Dutton, Dean White said, “is an accomplished researcher with anextensive list of refereed publications in some of the most prestigiousjournals in her field. In addition, she is extremely active in her profession,both in the National Academy of Manag ement, where she has served in variouscapacities since 1989, and in serving as editor for some of the profession’stop journals. She is an excellent teacher whose ratings consistently fallabove the departmental average, and has been extremely active in the School’sdoctoral program, serving on 10 doctoral committees to date.”
MacCormack is “an exceptionally brilliant and broad-ranging scholar,”said LS&A Dean Edie N. Goldenberg. Her most remarkable feature is hermastery of the two a reas of classical late antiquity and Latin Americaof the 16th and 17th centuries. She links these two fields, at first sightso disparate, by her interest in the process of contact and selective assimilationbetween Christian and non-Christian societies. Sh e has used her multidimensionallearning to an excellent effect in the classroom, winning an Amoco TeachingAward in 1994.
Platz, Goldenberg said, is a specialist in modern Armenia, and has beentrained by both anthropologists and historians. She writ es as a contemporaryhistorian, deeply concerned with national symbols and their evolution.She is firmly embedded in the history of the Soviet Union, and uses herintimacy with its political system to examine how conceptions of the Armenianpast and Armenian identity changed in the wake of the Soviet collapse in1991. Her dissertation, “Pasts and Futures: Space, History, and ArmenianIdentity, 1988-94,” is viewed as a brilliant portrait of a societyin tumultuous transformation, based on field work ca rried out under themost strenuous of circumstances.
Deardorff is “one of the most productive and distinguished internationaltrade scholars of the time,” Goldenberg said. His contributions areboth deep and broad, spanning the most importan t topics in trade theory.The Department of Economics has long been famous for its strength in internationaleconomics. Prof. Deardorff is a large part of that strength. It is mostappropriate that a scholar who has contributed to every aspect of internation aleconomics–trade and finance, theory and policy–should inaugurate theJohn W. Sweetland Professorship of International Economics.
Greden “plays a prominent role in the field of psychiatry,”said A. Lorris Betz, interim dean of the Medica l School. He has publishedmore than 260 scientific papers and has delivered over 150 lectures nationallyand internationally. He is an active member of numerous professional societiesand is recent past president of the Psychiatric Research Society and theS ociety of Biological Psychiatry. His expertise is further recognized throughhis position as co-editor in chief of the Journal of Psychiatric Research,and he has editorial responsibilities for publications including the AmericanJournal of Psychiatry and Bi ological Psychiatry.
Tremper, Betz said, is nationally recognized for his research activitieson invasive and noninvasive monitoring of hemodynamics and oxygen transport.Clinically, he has subspecialty interests in intensive care and cardiacanesthes iology. He is a reviewer for numerous journals and serves on sixeditorial boards. His expertise is further recognized through is nationalsociety activities, including chair of the subcommittee on equipment, monitoring,and engineering technology for the Am erican Society of Anesthesiologists.
14 receive administrative appointments
Administrative appointments approved included:
Earl Lewis, senior associate dean at the Rackham School of GraduateStudies, will serve as interim dean, effecti ve Sept. 1. He also is professorof history and of Afroamerican and African studies.
Thomas C. Kinnear will extend his appointment as vice president fordevelopment, effective Sept. 1, until a new vice president for developmentis appointed. Kinnear a lso is the D. Maynard Phelps Professor of BusinessAdministration and professor of marketing.
Allen J. Samuels, professor of art, will continue to serve as dean ofthe School of Art and Design for another year, effective July 1.
Anne W. Monter io, assistant dean for students at the College of Engineering,was reappointed for a three-year term, effective Sept. 1.
Anthony W. England, professor of electrical engineering and computerscience and professor of atmospheric, oceanic and space scie nces, was reappointedassociate dean for faculty programs at the Graduate School for one yearbeginning Sept. 1.
Steven L. Kunkel, professor of pathology, was reappointed associatedean for interdisciplinary programs and initiatives at the Graduate Sc hoolfor one year, effective Sept. 1.
Willis C. Patterson, professor of music, was reappointed associate deanof the School of Music for one year, effective July 1.
Jackie R. McClain, executive director of human resources and affirmativeaction , was reappointed to the post for a five-year term, effective Feb.15, 1997.
Sherril A. Smith, professor of art, will serve as interim associatedean for graduate studies at the School of Art and Design for one yearbeginning July 1.
Gautam Kau l, professor of finance, will serve as associate dean of theSchool of Business Administration for three years beginning Sept. 1.
Thomas R. Trautmann, professor of anthropology and of history, was namedboth director of the Institute for the Humaniti es and the Mary Fair CroushoreProfessor of Humanities for a three-year term, effective July 1.
Joyce A. Wahr, associate professor of anesthesiology, will serve asassistant dean for admissions and financial aid of the Medical School,effective Sept. 1.
Jeffrey A. Alexander, the Richard Carl Jelinek Professor in Health ServicesManagement and Policy, will serve as acting associate dean for academicaffairs of the School of Public Health, effective Sept. 1, 1997-May 31,1998.
Glenda Dickerso n, professor of theatre and drama, will serve as associatedean of the Graduate School for a three-year term, effective Sept. 1.
Tenured appointments approved
Faculty appointments, with tenure, included:
Brian P. Coppola, lecturer in chemistry, will be associate professorof chemistry, effective Sept. 1.
Julia C. Hell, from Duke University, will be associate professor ofGerman languages and literatures, effective Sept. 1.
Smadar Karni, from Temple University, will be asso ciate professor ofmathematics, effective Sept. 1.
Webb Keane, from the University of Pennsylvania, will be associate professorof anthropology, effective July 1.
George Steinmetz, from the University of Chicago, will be associateprofessor of sociology and of Germanic languages and literatures, effectiveSept. 1.
Linda L. Tesar, from the University of California, Santa Barbara, willbe associate professor of economics, effective Sept. 1.
Katherine M. Verdery, from the Johns Hopkins University, will be theEric R. Wolf Professor of Anthropology and professor of anthropology, effectiveSept. 1.