The following items were approved by the Board of Regents at its July 16 meeting.
Lab renovations at C. C. Little planned
Renovations at the Clarence Cook Little Science Building will create updated laboratory and office spaces to support the research of new faculty in the Department of Geology. The $1.2 million project is being funded by LSA and is scheduled to be completed next spring.
Fire alarm work planned for Ruthven
A new fire detection and alarm system will be installed at the Alexander G. Ruthven Museums Building. The $2.4 million project will be funded from the university’s investment proceeds and is scheduled to be completed next summer.
UMHHC plans Comprehensive Cancer Center renovations
Renovations at the Comprehensive Cancer Center are planned to accommodate six new infusion chairs and associated support spaces, increasing the center’s infusion capacity by 13 percent to meet increases in clinical demand. The $1.16 million project, funded from Hospitals and Health Centers’ resources, is set to be completed in the winter of 2010.
University Hospital sterile supply area to be renovated, expanded
The central sterile supply area at University Hospital will be renovated and expanded to consolidate surgical instrument processing, assembly, sterilization and storage operations. The $6 million project will be funded by the Hospitals and Health Centers and is slated for completion in the winter of 2012.
Regents approve design for Couzens Hall renovation
The schematic design for the renovation of Couzens Hall was approved by the Board of Regents. The work will include the addition of a fire suppression system, infrastructure upgrades, improvements to student rooms and bathrooms, and the creation of new community spaces for living and learning. The schematic design presented by the architectural firm Integrated Design Solutions incorporates ideas generated from meetings, presentations and focus groups with students, faculty and staff, and planning teams. The renovation will start in spring 2010.
Faculty promotions with tenure
Thomas Lam, associate professor of mathematics, LSA, effective Sept. 1.
Dr. Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases, Medical School, effective May 11.
Kartik Prasanna, associate professor of mathematics, LSA, effective Sept. 1.
Lesley Rex, promotion to professor of education, School of Education, effective Sept. 1.
Administrative appointments
Arun Agrawal, associate dean for research, School of Natural Resources and Environment (SNRE), effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2012.
*Matthew Boulton, associate dean for practice, School of Public Health (SPH), effective Sept.1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2012.
Mark Daskin, chair, Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, and professor of industrial and operations engineering, College of Engineering (CoE), effective Jan. 1, 2010.
Jack Shixin Hu, associate dean for academic affairs, CoE, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2012.
Mark Nornes, chair, Department of Screen Arts and Cultures, LSA, effective July 1, 2009-June 30, 2012.
*Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar, associate dean for academic affairs, School of Education, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2012.
Scott Page, director, Center for the Study of Complex Systems, LSA, effective July 1, 2009-June 30, 2012.
*Mark Tessler, vice provost for international affairs, Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, effective July 1, 2009-June 30, 2013.
Thomas Zurbuchen, associate dean for entrepreneurial programs, CoE, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2013.
Named professorships
Jill Becker, Patricia Y. Gurin Collegiate Professor of Psychology, LSA, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
*Dr. Ramon Berguer, Frankel Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery, Medical School, effective Nov. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
Stephen Bougher, Andrew F. Nagy Collegiate Research Professor, Office of the Vice President for Research, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
*Dr. Kyung Cho, William Martel Collegiate Professor of Radiology, Medical School, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
*Rebecca Eisenberg, Robert and Barbara Luciano Professor of Law, Law School, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
*Dr. Eva Feldman, Russell N. DeJong Professor of Neurology, Medical School, effective Oct. 21, 2009-Aug. 31. 2014.
*Susan Gelman, Frederick G.L. Huetwell Professor, LSA, effective July 1, 2009-June 30, 2014.
Lorna Goodison, Lemuel A. Johnson Collegiate Professor of English and Afroamerican and African Studies, LSA, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
James Hines Jr., L. Hart Wright Collegiate Professor of Law, Law School, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
*Paul Hollenberg, Maurice H. Seevers Collegiate Professor of Pharmacology, Medical School, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
John King, William Warner Bishop Collegiate Professor of Information, School of Information, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
George Kling II, Robert G. Wetzel Collegiate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, LSA, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
*Ralph Lydic, Bert N. LaDu Professor of Anesthesiology Research, Medical School, effective Aug. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
*John Matani, James N. Spuhler Collegiate Professor of Anthropology, LSA, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
*Dr. Melvin McInnis, Thomas B. and Nancy Upjohn Woodworth Professor of Bipolar Disorder and Depression, Medical School, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
*James McNamara Jr., Thomas M. and Doris Graber Endowed Professor of Dentistry, School of Dentistry, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
Roberto Merlin, Peter A. Franken Collegiate Professor of Physics, LSA, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
*Carl Schneider, Chauncey Stillman Professor of Ethics, Morality, and the Practice of Law, Law School, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
Elizabeth Sears, George H. Forsyth Jr. Collegiate Professor of the History of Art, LSA, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
*Matthew Shapiro, Lawrence R. Klein Collegiate Professor of Economics, LSA, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
*Tobin Siebers, Vernon Louis Parrington Collegiate Professor of Literary and Cultural Criticism, LSA, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
Ben van der Pluijm, Bruce R. Clark Collegiate Professor of Geology, LSA, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
Donald Zak, Burton V. Barnes Collegiate Professor, SNRE, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2014.
Sebastian ZU+00C3U+00B6llner, John G. Searle Assistant Professor of Biostatistics, SPH, effective Sept. 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2012.
Judith Omans Baker, professor of music in the School Music, Theatre & Dance, effective May 31. Becker joined the university in 1972 and has been awarded by organizations such as the Smithsonian Institute and Rockefeller Foundation for her work with ethnomusicology. She co-founded and served as founding director of the Center for World Performance Studies and was director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies as well as serving on the School of Music Executive Program.
William Bolcom, professor of music in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance, effective May 31. Bolcom joined the faculty in 1973 and in 1988 was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his “12 Etudes for Piano.” In 2005 he was awarded four Grammy awards for his setting of “William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.” In 2006 he was awarded the National Medal of the Arts. He served as chair of the Department of Composition and in 1997 was named a Henry Russel Lecturer.
Carolyn Frost, professor of information in the School of Information, effective Aug. 31. Frost joined the university in 1977 and was the principal investigator for the Art Image Browser project, funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Frost served as associate dean for academic affairs from 1989-2005 and as interim dean from 2006-07. She has written two novels and was active on various national professional associations.
Merle Jaarda, associate professor of dentistry, School of Dentistry, effective Aug. 31. Jaarda joined the faculty in 1989 and was a strong advocate for the newly renovated and computerized preclinical laboratory. Jaarda served on a number of committees within the School of Dentistry, seeking to improve preclinical instruction. He was named Instructor of the Year in 1994 by the third-year dental class and in 2009 was named Instructor of the Year by the second-year dental class.
George Kaplan, professor of epidemiology, SPH, effective Aug. 31. Kaplan joined the faculty in 1997 and served as the director for the Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health. He was the first public health scientist asked to address the Nobel forum at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden in 2000. He was elected to the Institute of Medicine in 2001 and elected as the president of the Society for Epidemiologic Research from 2003-04.
Charles Kowalski, professor of dentistry, School of Dentistry, effective Aug. 31. Kowalski joined the university in 1968 and has published 168 articles and 68 abstracts throughout his career. He served in many positions for the Health Sciences Institutional Review Board including chair and co-chair. He assisted in the university’s development of the Web-based Program for Education and Evaluation for Responsible Leadership and Scholarship.
Dr. Rodolfo Rasche, clinical professor of pathology in the Medical School, effective Aug. 31. Rasche joined the university in 1993 and has published articles in a number of journals. He served as associate director of the MLabs program and coordinated the MLabs symposium for outreach clients and a monthly colonoscopy meeting at the University Health Service. He served as chair of the medical affairs committee for the Great Lakes Laboratory Network.
Dr. Terry Silver, professor of radiology in the Medical School, effective May 31. Silver joined the faculty in 1974 and is widely regarded for his work in ultrasonography. He served as director for the Division of Ultrasound from 1976-87 and was an oral board examiner for the American Board of Radiology. He served on the board for more than 10 years and received its Distinguished Service Award in 2000. He has been published in more than 80 scientific journals and written four book chapters.
L. George Upton, professor of dentistry in the School of Dentistry and associate professor of oral surgery in the Medical School, effective July 31. Upton joined the university in 1970 and served as surgical director of the TMD (Temporomandibular Disorder)/Orofacial Pain Clinic and chief of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Section at the Veteran Affairs Medical Center. He also played a major role in surgical corrections of facial bone deformities at the Health System for more than 25 years.