Regents Roundup


Editor’s note: The following actions were taken by the Board of Regents at its March meeting.

Projects approved for Sleep Disorders Lab, Blood Bank

The Sleep Disorders Laboratory at the U-M Hospitals and Health Centers (UMHHC) will be relocated and the Blood Bank Laboratory will be expanded following project approval by regents.

The Sleep Disorders Lab, an outpatient program with nine sleep study rooms, will relocate this fall from the University Hospital to the nearby Med Inn.

The relocation will enable a future addition of up to 20 inpatient beds at the hospital. The seventh-floor Med Inn hotel rooms will be converted to sleep study rooms, faculty offices, a lab control room, administrative and support spaces and a patient waiting area.

The architectural firm of SSOE, Inc., will design the project. UMHHC will fund the $3.3 million project budget.

A super clean room and support space will be added to the Blood Bank Lab after renovations to the nearby Pathology Data Systems room. The project also will relocate the Pathology specimen send-out lab and will relocate and consolidate the cryogenic freezer farm within the Blood Lab. UMHHC will fund the $2.52 million project budget.

Ann Arbor Architects Collaborative will design the project, which is scheduled to be completed next spring.

Moore Building to be brighter, quieter

Hallway renovations at the Earl Moore Building, home to the School of Music, this summer will enhance lighting and noise isolation. The existing hallway finishes and lights are original to the building, which opened in 1963.

A new ceiling system and lights will provide better acoustical properties and greater energy efficiency, while enhancing the ambience.

Ann Arbor Architects Collaborative will provide the design. The project budget is $900,000, which will come from the General Fund.

Infrastructure upgrades approved for student publications building

Fire protection enhancements, information technology upgrades, and mechanical and electrical systems replacement were approved for the Stanford Lipsey Student Publications Building.

Additionally, a new egress stair and limited-use elevator will be installed, and the first and second floors will be renovated to improve efficiency of operations for the building occupants—the Michigan Daily, Michiganensian and Gargoyle publications.

The $3.9 million budget will be funded by gifts, including a gift from Stanford Lipsey, and investment proceeds. The project is scheduled to be completed next spring.

Elevator upgrades at South Quad

The controllers and related components for the four elevators in South Quadrangle will be replaced during the next 18 months.

The elevators are in great demand in the 10-story residence hall, so work will be completed in phases in order to reduce service interruption.

University Housing will fund the $700,000 estimated cost.

Revisions to Kelsey project approved

The regents approved increasing the scope and budget of the Kelsey Museum addition and renovation project after the museum raised an additional $1 million toward the project. Originally approved in May 2005, the project will provide a two-story addition to the Newberry Hall building to house additional exhibit display space, collection storage, and preparation and teaching spaces.

The added project scope will provide an intermediate exhibition floor. Funding for the $9.2 million project will be provided from Edwin and Mary Meader—who provided the initial leadership gift—a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, additional gifts, investment proceeds and LSA resources.

Construction is scheduled to be completed in winter 2008.

Faculty promotions with tenure

Dr. Maha H.A. Hussain, professor of internal medicine, Medical School, effective March 17.

Dr. Weiping Zou, associate professor of surgery, Medical School, effective March 17.

Administrative appointments

Kathleen Sutcliffe, associate dean for faculty development and research, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, effective July 1, 2006-June 30, 2009.

Traki Taylor, associate dean, School of Education and Human Services, U-M-Flint, effective Jan. 1, 2006-Jan. 31, 2008.

Named professorships

Dr. Charles Burant, Dr. Robert C. and Veronica Atkins Professor of Metabolism, Medical School, effective April 1, 2006-March 31, 2011.

Jane Dutton, reappointed William Russell Kelly Professor of Business Administration, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, effective Sept. 1, 2006-Aug. 31, 2011.

Randal Kaufman, Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Professor in Medicine, Medical School, effective April 1.

Jun Ni, Shien-Ming (Sam) Wu Collegiate Professor of Manufacturing, College of Engineering (CoE), effective April 1, 2006-March 31, 2011.

Joel Slemrod, reappointed Paul W. McCracken Professor of Business Economics, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, effective Sept. 1, 2006 through Aug. 31, 2011.

Levi Thompson, Jr., Richard E. Balzhiser Collegiate Professor of Chemical Engineering, CoE, effective April 1, 2006-March 31, 2011.

Dr. J. Stuart Wolf, Jr., David A. Bloom Professor of Urology, Medical School, effective April 1, 2006-March 31, 2011.


Robert Kelly, senior associate librarian in the Stephen M. Ross Business School, effective Jan. 6. Kelly joined U-M-Dearborn in 1985 and the Ross School in 2001. He fostered University-wide collaborations that permitted alternative uses of resources and led to substantially improved services. His early work brought the Dearborn campus online access to the Mirlyn catalog and Wilson indexes.

Dr. Gerd Till, professor of pathology in the Medical School, effective Dec. 31, 2005. He joined the University in 1980. His research activities focused on understanding mechanisms of lung injury induced by toxic oxygen products of activated leukocytes and pathophysical impact events related to thermal injury. He also taught dental school courses and courses in the Department of Pathology graduate program.


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