Regents Roundup


Law School renovations approved

Classroom 138 in Hutchins Hall will be updated and a nearby locker room will be converted to administrative office space through a $1.68 million renovation project. Funded by the Law School, the project will enable the highly used classroom to be more flexible and accessible. It will be redesigned to reduce the distance between the students and the instructor so it can function as a classroom for 60 people or a seminar room for 15. Audio-visual equipment, air conditioning and power outlets at student seats will be installed. The project is expected to be completed in winter 2007.

Clinical lab upgrades at University Hospital

The Surgical Pathology laboratories in the University Hospital will be upgraded to meet the increasing demands from expansions of the operating rooms and transplant program. The nearly $1.5 million project will renovate approximately 4,500 gross square feet of space during the next year to accommodate expanded laboratory volumes, improve specimen flow and provide dedicated space for the cytology laboratory. The architectural firm of SSOE Inc. will design the project and U-M Hospitals and Health Centers
(UMHHC) will provide funding.

Additional Cancer Center treatment areas planned

Ten additional infusion treatment areas for cancer patients will be added at the Cancer and Geriatrics Centers building. Approximately 2,250 gross square feet of space on level B1 will be renovated to provide the new treatment services. Ann Arbor Architects Collaborative will design the project. UMHHC will fund the $1.16 million project budget. The construction, which will be phased to minimize disruption to patient care, is scheduled to be completed next winter.

Medical School to add mass spectrometer

A new mass spectrometer laboratory to study protein markers to identify cancer and other diseases will be added in the Medical School Department of Surgery. Approximately 1,800 gross square feet in MSRB 1 will be renovated this spring to accommodate the lab and support space. The Medical School will fund the $525,000 project budget.

Ross facilities project moves forward

The regents authorized staff to issue bids and award construction contracts for demolition and early procurement packages for the Stephen M. Ross School of Business facilities enhancement project. Davidson Hall, Assembly Hall and the Paton Accounting Center will be demolished this spring to make way for a new 270,000-gross-square-foot building. The new seven-floor facility will feature 12 tiered classrooms, an auditorium and colloquium, faculty offices, student services activities space and a central gathering space that will include a food court. Construction is scheduled to be completed in fall 2008.

SSEL expansion project grows

Regents revised the budget and scope of the current project to build an addition and renovate existing space for the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building Solid State Electronics Lab. The original project, approved for requests for construction bids in February 2005 and budgeted at $28 million, added 37,000 gross square feet of space to house a high-quality clean room with storage and support spaces along with renovation of 11,000 gross square feet of existing space.

Last week, the regents approved increasing the renovated space by 6,300 gross square feet for additional research activity as well as increasing the project budget to $48 million. The budget increase was needed not only to fund the added project scope, but also to address significant differences between the bid responses and the original estimates from the construction manager, project architect and independent cost estimator. The College of Engineering will fund the project from college resources, gifts and investment proceeds. Construction is expected to be completed by fall 2007.

Faculty appointments with tenure

Jessica Litman, professor of law, Law School, effective Sept. 1.

Dr. Masimo Pietropaolo, associate professor of internal medicine, Medical School, effective May 1.

Yehoash Raphael, professor of otorhinolaryngology, effective March 1, and R. Jamison and Betty J. Williams Professor of Otolaryngology, Medical School, effective March 1, 2006-Feb. 28, 2011.

Administrative appointments

Margaret Andrews, professor of nursing, and director, Department of Nursing, U-M-Flint, effective Jan.1.

Charles Bailey, reappointed chair, Department of Social Work, U-M-Flint, effective July 1, 2006-June 30, 2009.

Virginia Gordan, change in title to assistant dean for international affairs, Law School, effective March 1. She currently is assistant dean for international

Sarah C. Zearfoss, reappointed assistant dean and admissions officer, Law School, effective March 1, 2006-Aug. 31, 2009.

Named professorships

The following have been named Arthur F. Thurnau Professors, effective July 1:

Alec Gallimore, Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar, Thad Polk, Peter Sparling, Steven Wright and Georgette Zirbes.

Stephen Forrest, William Gould Dow Collegiate Professor of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering (CoE), effective March 1, 2006-Feb. 28, 2011.

Alexey Kondrashov, Andrei R. Skovoroda Collegiate Professor in the Life Sciences, and professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, LSA, effective Sept. 1.

Dr. Jeffrey Myers, A. James French Professor of Diagnostic Pathology, Medical School, effective Feb. 1.

Khalil Najafi, Schlumberger Professor of Engineering, CoE, effective March 1, 2006-Feb. 28, 2011.


Dr. George Koepke, professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation in the Medical School, retired from active faculty status in 1976. He joined U-M in 1954. He was a clinician, teacher and leader in physical medicine and rehabilitation. At the height of the polio epidemic, he developed and implemented new rehabilitation techniques for respirator-dependent patients. He founded the electroneuromyography laboratory and developed the Division of Orthotics and Prosthetics for the care of patients with amputations.

Cecil Miskell, professor of education in the School of Education, effective Jan. 31. He joined the University in 1988 as professor and dean of the school. During the 10 years he was dean he led the school to a position of national leadership by recruiting leading faculty, building new strengths in research and creating two innovative master’s programs designed to attract top students to the education field.


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