Editor’s note: The following actions were taken by the Board of Regents at its May meeting.
Two labs headed for BSRB
The regents approved relocating two laboratory units into the new Biomedical Science Research Building, which currently is under construction. The Flow Cytometry Core Facility, with two labs, will move from the Cancer and Geriatrics building, while the Microscopy and Image Analysis Laboratory, with 16 labs, will move from Medical Science II. Both units are centralized, fee-for-service facilities used by U-M research investigators as well as other institutions and private industry. The project is estimated to cost $1.3 million, which will be funded from Medical School resources. Construction is scheduled to be completed in winter 2006.

“Thanks to the enormous generosity of Ed and Mary Meader, the Kelsey Museum now has the means to fulfill our long-held dream of state-of-the-art exhibit and storage spaces for the University’s priceless collection of ancient art and artifacts, most of which come from Michigan-sponsored field work in Egypt and the Near East,” says Sharon Herbert, museum director.
The $8 million Meader gift is part of the $2.5 billion The Michigan Difference campaign. The total cost of the renovation is $8.2 million. The remaining $200,000 is coming from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
In addition to the added galleries, the plan updates the museum’s climate control, and its lighting and security systems. The addition is expected to free up area in the original building for much-needed study space.
Work on the new wing is expected to begin in the summer of 2006 with an opening planned for 2008. Architect Hammond Beeby Rupert Ainge, Inc. of Chicago is the design firm for the project. The firm’s other major projects include renovations to the Toledo Museum of Art, the Art Institute of Chicago and the Harold Washington Library in Chicago.
The expansion is planned for the current parking lot west of the existing building. The addition and renovation will be sensitive to the historic character of Newberry Hall, home to the museum since 1928. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. (Image courtesy Plant Extension/Architecture, Engineering and Construction)
Land swap with DNR approved
U-M will transfer ownership of a small sliver of land at the Biological Station in northern Michigan to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This will provide the state with legal access from the main road to their property that adjoins U-M’s. In exchange, the DNR will transfer to U-M two small slivers of land on the northern boundary of the E.S. George Reserve in Livingston County. The second transfer will allow the University to complete a fence replacement project. Each piece of property is smaller than one acre.
Walgreen Drama Center approved for bids, contracts
The regents provided the final approval for construction of the Walgreen Drama Center by authorizing issuing the remainder of the project for construction bids and awarding contracts within the approved budget. This action followed approval at the March meeting to issue bids and award contracts for the early procurement packages.
Site prep work will begin this month near Pierpont Commons. The Department of Theatre and Drama space and the classrooms are expected to be completed next summer, while the Arthur Miller Theatre and a multi-purpose auditorium for large classes will be completed the following summer.
Administrative appointments
Eugene W. Anderson, associate dean, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, effective July 1, 2005-June 30, 2006.
Bruce O. Bublitz, dean, School of Management, and professor of accounting,
U-M-Dearborn, effective July 1, 2005-June 30, 2010.
George R. Carignan, interim associate dean for research, College of Engineering, effective Aug. 1.
Eric L. Dey, associate dean, School of Education, effective Aug. 1, 2005-July 31, 2006.
Ernest Emenyonu, chair, Department of Africana Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, U-M-Flint, effective Sept. 1, 2005-Aug. 31, 2008.
Ronald Gibala, interim dean, College of Engineering, effective July 1.
Gary D. Herrin, interim associate dean for undergraduate education, College of Engineering, effective June 1.
Christopher Kendall, dean and professor of music (conducting), School of Music, effective Aug. 1.
Howard A. Kimeldorf, chair, Department of Sociology, LSA, effective July 1, 2005-June 30, 2008.
Richard H. Price, director, Organizational Studies Program, LSA, effective July 1, 2005-June 30, 2008.
Raymond R. Reilly, associate dean, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, effective July 1, 2005-June 30, 2006.
Douglas O. Richstone, chair, Department of Astronomy, LSA, effective July 1, 2005-June 30, 2010.
Richard M. Tolman, associate dean for educational programs, School of Social Work, effective Sept. 1, 2005-Aug. 31, 2006.
Kenneth E. Warner, dean, School of Public Health, effective July 1, 2005-June 30, 2010.
Faculty appointments with tenure
Stephen Darwall, John Dewey Collegiate Professor of Philosophy, LSA, effective Sept. 1, 2005-Aug. 31, 2010.
Geoffrey H. Eley, Sylvia L. Thrupp Collegiate Professor of Comparative History, LSA, effective Sept. 1, 2005-Aug. 31, 2010.
Dr. Timothy M. Johnson, Lewis and Lillian Becker Professor of Dermatology, Medical School, effective May 19, 2005-May 18, 2010.
Kenneth G. Lieberthal, William Davidson Professor of Business Administration, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, effective June 1, 2005-May 31, 2010.
Deborah Dash Moore, Frederick G. L. Huetwell Professor, and professor of history, LSA, effective
Sept. 1.
Patricia B. Mullan, associate professor of medical education, Medical School, effective June 1.
Judith Omans Becker, Glenn McGeoch Collegiate Professor of Music, School of Music, effective June 1, 2005-May 31, 2008.
Mary J. Schleppegrell, professor of education, School of Education, effective Sept. 1.
Lois S. Weisman, professor of cell and developmental biology, Medical School, and research professor, Life Sciences Institute, effective July 1.
Named professorships
Edward M. Gramlich, Richard A. Musgrave Collegiate Professor of Public Policy, effective Sept. 1, 2005-August 31, 2010.
Established professorships
Davis, Markert, Nickerson Visiting Professorship on Academic and Intellectual Freedom, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, effective Sept. 1.
Russell G. Adderley Professorship in Pediatric Oncology, Medical School, effective May 19.
Janette Ferrantino Professorship in Pediatrics, Medical School, effective May 19.
Frederick Paul Furth, Sr. Professorship in Law, Law School, effective June 1.
David J. Anderson, professor of electrical engineering and computer science, and biomedical engineering in the College of Engineering (CoE), effective May 31. Anderson’s research occurred at the crossroads of engineering and neurophysiology and was a major force behind the emergence of the University as a leader in biomedical engineering. His work focused on understanding and optimizing the interface between electric probes and the cellular world, digital processing of multi-channel neural signals, and coding of information in the auditory and vestibular nervous systems.
Daniel Axelrod, professor of physics in LSA, effective May 31. Axelrod worked to develop novel optical microscopy techniques for studying the position, motion, orientation, conformation, and kinetics of biomolecules. He played a major role in the development of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and made contributions to the theory and practice of fluorescence resonance energy transfer, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, fluorescence polarization microscopy and surface fluorescence.
Dennis G. Baker, associate professor of atmospheric, oceanic, and space sciences in the CoE, effective May 31. Baker’s research interests include synoptic, mesoscale and applied meteorology. He has written several papers related to shoreline mesometeorological processes, circulation of cold air outflow in squall lines, mountain and coastline meteorology, and in particular, snow and ice formations in coastal and mountain areas.
Thomas D. Gillespie, research professor in the Transportation Research Institute and adjunct professor of mechanical engineering in the College of Engineering, effective April 30. Gillespie developed analytical methods and computer programs for predicting truck braking and handling and a standard method for measuring road roughness for the National Academy of Sciences Transportation Research Board. In the 1980s, he developed the International Roughness Index for the World Bank, and the index soon after was adopted as the international standard.
Edward Goldberg, George W. Morley Collegiate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology in the Medical School, effective Dec. 31, 2004. Goldberg was committed to women’s primary health care and the development of the University’s women’s health program, and he has been key to the success of the department during the past decade. He also served as the health system’s east regional medical director for ambulatory care from 1997-2000. Goldberg has been an active member of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Fertility Society, and the American College of Physician Executives.
Frederick L. Goodman, professor of education in the School of Education, effective May 31. Goodman long has been active in the design and utilization of communication systems, simulations and educational games. He has designed numerous games and guided the development of the Interactive Communications and Simulations Program based in the school. He also has lectured and led seminars on gaming at institutions around the world, including schools in Russia, China, Canada and Mexico.
Henry C. Griffin, professor of chemistry in LSA, effective May 31. Griffin’s work focused on nuclear chemistry and physics. He contributed to the application of activation analysis for environmental analysis and the understanding of the decay of heavy element fission products, nuclear spectroscopy and decay schemes; developed fast chemistry analysis techniques of fission products and radiochemical separation methods; and helped advance coincidence measurement detector technology and gamma ray detection experiments. He authored or co-authored more than 90 publications during his career.
George I. Haddad, Robert J. Hiller Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and professor of electrical engineering and computer science in the CoE, effective May 31. Haddad is internationally recognized for his research and expertise in microwave and millimeter-wave devices and integrated circuits, microwave optical interactions and optoelectronic devices, and integrated circuits. With his vision and guidance, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science has become a model for other engineering schools.
John N. Kotre, professor of psychology in the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (CASL) at U-M-Dearborn, effective April 30. Kotre’s scholarly output has been prolific, including scores of articles, book chapters and a number of noteworthy books. In 1984, Kotre received a $2.15 million grant from the Anneberg Project of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The grant provided funding for Seasons of Life, a multi-faceted project that included a series of five one-hour television documentaries in the fall of 1990, created by Kotre, and produced by WQED/Pittsburgh.
Anant M. Kshirsagar, professor of biostatistics in the School of Public Health, effective May 31. Kshirsagar is internationally known for his many contributions to the theory and practice of statistics, particularly in the areas of experimental design, multivariate analysis, and modeling and analysis of growth curves. He was elected a fellow of the American Statistical Association and of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, has served as president of the Indian Statistical Association, and is a member of the International Statistical Institute.
Ann Lesley Milroy, Hans Kurath Collegiate Professor of Linguistics and professor of linguistics in LSA, effective May 31. Milroy is a world-class scholar and one of the best and most influential sociolinguists in the world. One of her most significant contributions was demonstrating that language standardization is a long-term process and that standard languages constantly are evolving. Milroy also helped transform the sociolinguistics program into one of the best in the country.
Daniel E. Moerman, professor of anthropology in the CASL at U-M-Dearborn, effective April 30. Moerman focused his research projects on areas such as Native American medical ethnobotany, food plants of Native America and cross-cultural analysis of the placebo effect. He is the author of scores of scholarly articles, chapters and books.
Stephen M. Pollock, Herrick Professor of Manufacturing and professor of industrial and operations engineering in the CoE, effective May 31. Pollock has applied operations research and decision analysis methods to understand and influence a variety of operational phenomena. He authored more than 60 technical papers, co-edited two books, and was a consultant to numerous industrial, governmental and service organizations. In 1992, Pollock received the Stephen S. Attwood Award—the highest honor awarded by CoE.
Richard L. Sears, associate professor of astronomy in LSA, effective May 31. Sears was the world’s expert in the internal structure and evolution of the sun and his calculations from the early 1960s remained definitive for a quarter century. He received a thorough training in theoretical astrophysics and numerical analysis from Marshall Wrubel, a protégé of Nobel Laureate S. Chandrasekhar.
Toby J. Teorey, professor of electrical engineering and computer science in the CoE, effective May 31. Teorey conducted extensive research in disk scheduling algorithms, computer system simulation, performance analysis, analytical models for database structure evaluation, and the development of NetMod—an interactive, analytical tool for capacity planning for large-scale local networks. He authored several books and numerous journal articles, and was a consultant to organizations throughout the world, including the U.S. National Security Agency, IBM and The World Bank.
William J. Thomson, associate professor of psychology in CASL at U-M-Dearborn, effective April 30. Thomson’s clinical practice focuses on short-term, goal-directed counseling for individuals, couples and families, and often involves the treatment of trauma and stress. He has taught numerous courses in introductory psychology, health psychology, clinical psychology, and nonviolence, and he is the author of many professional publications and conference papers.
Richard W. Tillinghast, professor of English in LSA, effective May 31. A leader in cross-disciplinary and multimedia teaching innovation, Tillinghast helped develop a remarkable series of courses on literature, music and visual art. His course on the Beat Generation drew hundreds to the study of literature and social history of mid-century America, including jazz of the Bebop period and painting from the abstract expressionist school. He organized an ambitious series of mixed-media performances that brought together choreographers, composers, projection artists, sound engineers, musicians, performance artists, poets and software design.
Patricia S. Whitesell, director and curator of the U-M Detroit Observatory and adjunct lecturer in LSA, effective August 31. Whitesell’s exemplary work on the restoration of the Detroit Observatory led to several awards, including the Restoration Project of the Year Award from the City of Ann Arbor, the Award of Merit from the American Association for State and Local History, and the Preservation Award from the Michigan Historic Preservation Network. She also is recognized for the creation of the Detroit Observatory museum and library, which are housed within the observatory building.