Regents grant emeritus status to 10 faculty

The University Record, June 25, 1996

Regents grant emeritus status to 10 faculty

Ten faculty members were given the emeritus title by the Regents at their June meeting.

Those retiring are Donald R. Brown, professor of psychology and research scientist; Irene H. Butter, professor of health management and policy; Robert M. Darvas, professor of architecture; Norma J. Diamond, professor of anthropology; F. Thomas Juster, professor of economics and research scientist;

Janice B. Lindberg, associate professor of nursing; Jay L. Robinson, professor of English; J.E. Keith Smith, professor of psychology and of statistics; Donita B. Sullivan, professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases; and Robert M. Warner, professor of library science and of history.

Brown, who joined the faculty in 1964 and whose research in the early 1960s had motivated him to consider alternative educational models, became a founder of the Pilot Program and also helped create the Residential College, the Regents noted. “It was his involvement with the Inteflex Program, however, which allowed him to combine his intellectual interests in understanding the factors that shape students’ educational experiences and outcomes with his social and political concerns about educational efforts.” He co-directed the Inteflex Program in 1973-94 and was director of the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching in 1983–94.

Butter, who joined Michigan’s faculty in 1966, “has effectively combined research, teaching and service throughout her academic career,” the Regents said. “She designed and taught courses highlighting the influence of race, gender, and poverty on health status, and the central role of child and family health in achieving a healthy community many years before they became standard topics in public health teaching. Prof. Butter, a survivor of the Holocaust, was a driving force behind the efforts of a community group to create a fund to memorialize Raoul Wallenberg, the former U-M architecture student who saved thousands of people from the gas chambers in Hungary.”

Prof. Darvas, joining the U-M faculty in 1961, “taught graduate level courses in structural design and received the Sol King Award for Excellent Teaching in 1970. He also served as chair of the Architecture Program in 1983–86. He also founded Robert Darvas Associates, P.C., serving as president in 1961–83 and chair of the board since 1983. He has been honored with awards from the Hungarian National Academy of Sciences, the Michigan and American Consulting Engineers Councils, the American Institute of Steel Construction, the Michigan House of Representatives, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. He was also the structural designer of several dozen award-winning buildings.”

Diamond joined the faculty in 1963. “Her career as one of the premier American anthropologists who conduct research in China has been pioneering and exceptional,” the Regents said. “Her experience in this field has attracted numerous students to train at the U-M and to receive Ph.D.s under her direction. Prof. Diamond has given ample service to the University, the Center for Chinese Studies, and the Department of Anthropology. As an educator, Prof. Diamond is demanding and exciting, while remaining supportive of individual student needs. She has always been willing to teach the total range of graduate and undergraduate courses offered by the department.”

Juster, who joined the faculty in 1973, served as director of the Institute for Social Research in 1976–86. “A pioneer in the study of consumer expectations and behavior, Prof. Juster has made major contributions to our understanding of the determinants of time use, saving and wealth. Most recently, he designed and directed the interdisciplinary Health and Retirement Survey, perhaps the most ambitious enterprise ever sponsored by the National Institute on Aging or undertaken by the Institute for Social Research. This project is certain to make vital contributions not only to research and theory, but also to national policy affecting the well-being of millions of Americans.”

Lindberg, who first joined the faculty in 1961, was assistant dean for student affairs in the School of Nursing in 1982–89 and associate dean for student affairs in 1989–95. “She has given unselfishly of herself to aid in the achievement of the school’s mission and goals,” the Regents noted. “She has served on numerous University committees, including the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, Medical Center Clinical Placement Task Force and the University Council for Disability Concerns. During her more than 30 years of service, she has worked to strengthen cooperative networks throughout the University, which have enriched research and teaching opportunities for School of Nursing faculty and students.”

Robinson joined the faculty in 1965. “His early work focused on linguistics and led to his co-authoring of several articles and books, including ‘English Linguistics’ and ‘Real World English.’ More recently, his interests have shifted toward literacy. Prof. Robinson has served in a variety of administrative capacities, including chair of the Department of English (1974–81), executive director of the Middle English Dictionary (1978–92), and co-chair of the joint Ph.D. program in English and education (1982–93). He also served as director of the English Composition Board, director of the Center for Education Improvement through Collaboration, and co-director of the Write for Your Life project.”

Smith, who joined the faculty in 1964, has played “a major role in the evolution of quantitative scientific research on human perception, cognition, and action,” the Regents said. “The highlight of Prof. Smith’s career at U-M was his participation in the ‘Golden Age’ of mathematical psychology. He and his colleagues created math models of rapid information processing and human motor control. Of all Prof. Smith’s varied and widespread contributions, the role in which he has had the most impact has been his teaching of graduate and undergraduate students. He has been a dedicated and instrumental mentor to innumerable graduate students in psychology, statistics, and mental health research.”

Sullivan joined the faculty in 1959. “In recognition of her leadership skills and expertise in pediatric rheumatology, Dr. Sullivan was chosen as president of the Pediatric Rheumatology Executive Committee of the American Rheumatology Association and member of the ARA Board of Directors, both of which are the highest offices ever held by a pediatrician in the ARA. She has also served on numerous state and community boards serving children with special needs. Dr. Sullivan’s clinical and administrative service has also been exceptional. She served as associate chair of the Department of Pediatrics in 1981–93, director of education in 1982–93, director of House Officer Programs in 1988–93, and acting chair of the department in 1988.”

Warner, who joined the Michigan Historical Collections in 1957 and was its director during 1966–82, also served as dean of the School of Library Science in 1985–90 and as interim director of the University Library in 1988–91. From 1980 to 1985, he was on leave from the University to serve as Archivist of the United States. During his service at the Historical Collections, he “further developed its important documentary holdings and oversaw fund-raising for the Bentley Historical Li brary, which now houses the collections. He also led the negotiations that resulted in the U-M’s selection as the site for the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. During his service as U.S. Archivist, the National Archives was established as an independent government agency.”


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