A $14,175,463 construction contract for the proposed renovation of the C.C. Little Building was approved by the Regents at their April meeting. The low bidder is Ellis-Don Michigan Inc. of Southfield.
The renovation project is principally infrastructure upgrading and includes restoration of the exterior and replacement of the major mechanical and electrical systems. The project’s total budget is $16.5 million, financed by the state through the State Building Authority.
In addition, LS&A and the College of Pharmacy have been working to identify additional funding for programmatic renovations.
“Last September the Regents approved the expenditure of $3 million to renovate space for wet laboratories in the C.C. Little Building,” explained Farris W. Womack, executive vice president and chief financial officer. “The two colleges have since identified additional space in the building requiring functional renovations, estimated to cost $1,750,000. We now seek the Regents’ approval for this expenditure.
“The functional renovations involve multiple phases over an extended period of time. To gain an edge on the overall time frame, and for coordination,” Wo-mack explained, “we have included the first phase of work as bid alternates to the $16.5 million infrastructure project. We request the Regents’ approval to award the bid alternates totaling $921,500 for work included in this first phase to Ellis-Don Michigan Inc.”