Proposed Bylaw changes clarified; units not being discontinued

The University Record, April 10, 1995

Proposed Bylaw changes clarified; units not being discontinued

Proposed Bylaw changes clarified; units not being discontinued

In response to a number of inquiries about the proposed revisions to the Bylaws of the Board of Regents, printed for comment in the March 27 Record, the Office of the Provost has offered the following clarifications:

The revisions were proposed as a result of a review conducted by the Offices of the Provost, the Secretary and General Counsel for the purpose of updating the Bylaws and reducing paperwork (by eliminating the need for Regents Communications).

The repeal of the following Bylaws is proposed because the referenced entity no longer exists: Bylaw 11.053 (The School of Education Bureau of Accreditation and School Improvement Studies); Bylaws 11.191 and 11.192 (The School of Public Health: The Bureau of Health Policy Research and The Bureau of Hospital Administration); Bylaw 11.201 (The School of Social Work: The Advisory Council); Bylaw 13.05 (University of Michigan Development Council); Bylaw 13.07 (Audio-Visual Education Center); Bylaw 13.09 (Institute of Science and Technology) and Bylaw 13.12 (Computing Center).

The repeal of the following Bylaws is proposed because the authority to appoint directors of centers and institutes has been vested in the President in Bylaw 6.03. These institutes are not being discontinued. They will continue to exist and operate as previously construed. The appointment of the director will be subject to the approval of the president rather than the Board of Regents: Bylaw 11.114 (the College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The English Language Institute); Bylaw 11.043 (The School of Dentistry: The W.K. Kellogg Foundation); Bylaws 11.134 and 11.135 The Medical School (The Simpson Memorial Institute and The Kresge Hearing Research Institute).

Bylaw 13.01 (The Institute of Public Policy Studies) is proposed for repeal because the Institute is being recommended for restructuring as a School of Public Policy. Bylaw 11.23 is proposed to reference the executive committee structure for the newly structured School of Public Policy.

The proposed revision to Bylaw 2.08 reflects a change in title of the Vice President for Development (which for some time has not included responsibility for Communication). The revision proposed for Bylaw 5.19 (Retirement of the President, Faculty, and Executive Officers) reflects the end of mandatory retirement of faculty at age 70, clarifies that emeritus/a status is not granted until full retirement, and vests appointment authority for retired faculty and officers in the President. The revision of Bylaw 5.20 (Emeritus Professors) is proposed to reflect the long-standing practice of granting this status to both instructional and primary faculty, approved by the Regents several years ago, and to make the reference gender neutral.


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