President Mark Schlissel was one of 305 students and faculty recently welcomed into the U-M chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest, largest and most selective all-discipline honor society.
U-M Chapter 039 inducted 275 junior, senior and graduate/professional student members, and 30 faculty and professional staff members during a ceremony March 22 in the Michigan League Ballroom.
The new members join the society’s membership that includes such national luminaries as Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and writers such as David Baldacci and John Grisham.
The Michigan chapter counts among its members former U-M President Mary Sue Coleman, Provost Martha Pollack and more than 60 other distinguished deans and university professors.

Adhering to the society’s mission of recognizing and promoting academic excellence in all fields of education and engaging the community of scholars to serve others, the U-M chapter has received the Chapter of Excellence Award for the past four consecutive years, one of only five chapters in the society’s history to achieve this distinction.
Phi Kappa Phi awards more than $1 million every two years in scholarships and grants through its national award programs. The U-M chapter has awarded $72,000 to its student members since 2008, and awarded an additional $20,000 in project grants to five students on March 22.
These grants fund individual projects to extend learning beyond the classroom. This year’s winners are:
• Anna Forringer-Beal, junior in anthropology and women’s studies.
• Brennan McMichael, junior in biomolecular science.
• David Schafer, junior in an honors individualized major — Peace, Conflict & Human Rights Studies.
• Brian Syverud, graduate student in biomedical engineering.
• Ryan Thomas, senior in biomedical engineering.
New faculty members also inducted this year are:
• Evelyn A. Alsultany, Department of American Culture, LSA.
• Toni C. Antonucci, associate vice president for research, and Department of Psychology, LSA.
• Marlyse Baptista, departments of Afroamerican & African Studies and Linguistics, LSA.
• Anita M. Bohn, Student Life.
• Charles L. Brooks III, departments of Chemistry and Biophysics, LSA.
• Mark S. Daskin, Department of Industrial & Operations Engineering, College of Engineering.
• Elizabeth A. Davis, School of Education.
• Philip J. Deloria, Department of History and American Culture, LSA.
• Jorge Delva, School of Social Work.
• Angela D. Dillard, dean of undergraduate education, LSA.
• Samuel D. Epstein, Department of Linguistics, LSA.
• Dr. Dee E. Fenner, departments of Ob-Gyn and Urology, Medical School.
• Carol A. Fierke, departments of Chemistry, Biophysics and Biological Chemistry, LSA; dean-elect, Rackham Graduate School.
• Stephen R. Forrest, departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Material Science and Engineering, College of Engineering; Department of Physics, LSA; former vice president for research.
• Jason D. Geary, associate dean for graduate studies, School of Music, Theatre & Dance.
• Simona Goldin, TeachingWorks, School of Education.
• Jennifer J. Linderman, associate dean of graduate education, CoE.
• Jerome P. Lynch, departments of civil and environmental engineering, and electrical engineering and computer science, CoE.
• Khaled Mattawa, Department of English language and literature, LSA; MacArthur Fellow.
• Anne J. McNeil, Department of Chemistry, LSA; Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, CoE.
• Susan A. Murphy, Department of Statistics, LSA; Department of Psychiatry, Medical School; MacArthur Fellow
• Theodore B. Norris, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, CoE.
• Carla O’Connor, associate dean for academic affairs, SoE.
• Jamie D. Phillips, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, CoE.
• Robert M. Sellers, vice provost for equity, inclusion and academic affairs.
• Daniel A. Washington, associate dean, SMTD.
• Mark D. West, dean, Law School.
• Louis T. Yen, Health Management Research Center, School of Kinesiology.
• Alford A. Young Jr., chair, Department of Sociology, LSA.
FlorenceE Steiger
Edward Goldin
Great accomplishments seem like the norm for you. Congratulations to our wonderful Simona, our only Doctor in the family for the time being (here comes Ella). So proud and happy for you, All our love, Eddie and Lizzy
Don Barbacci
Dear Daughter (Alexis) – What an accomplishment !! Greater things to come !
Congratulations again on your outstanding academic achievement.
love to you, mom and dad