Power Plant has been lighting up U-M for 90 years

Times have changed since the Central Power Plant (CPP) occupied what then was the north edge of campus, but the facility still lights the way for U-M faculty, staff and students and provides heating and cooling to many campus buildings. Coal was the fuel of choice until the early 1960s when conversion to natural gas was implemented. Until that time operating the plant was a dirty and physically intensive job, above.

When U-M administrators decided to construct a new Central Power Plant (CPP) in 1914, they chose the present-day location on Huron Street on what was then the north edge of campus. The site, known as the Cat Hole, was selected because it would allow steam condensate from the buildings to return to the plant via gravity.

Could they have known that 90 years later the plant would serve at the heart of a much larger University?

Staff at the CPP hosted a 90th anniversary celebration Dec. 2 to recognize nearly a century of continued service from its present location. Attending the celebration were several retirees who had stoked the boilers at the plant. Many milestones, including addition of the 250-foot radial chimney in 1924 and various plant expansions and upgrades from earlier decades, were noted at the celebration.

“The 90th anniversary of the Central Power Plant has provided an opportunity to acknowledge and thank the many men and women who have served the University so competently over the years in this crucial role,” said Richard Robben, director of Plant Operations. “Few people realize these valuable staff members are here day in and day out because their consistent, successful track record keeps the buildings lit and warmed or cooled without interruption.”

Today the power plant produces steam that heats and cools nearly 100 central and medical campus buildings through underground utility tunnels. As a by-product of the steam production, the plant also creates approximately 50 percent of the electricity needs of the two campuses, making it one of the most efficient power plants in the country.

When the plant began operating in 1915, three men were required per shift—an engineer, a stoker and a waterboy—to keep the coal flowing to the eight boilers. In 1963, coal fuel was replaced by natural gas, putting the University ahead of many peers in reducing pollution and providing strong environmental stewardship.

Today, 36 staff members and six contracted employees keep the plant operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. And though the plant never closes, even on holidays, the employees are very loyal and dedicated to their work and the University. Mike Bennetti, a maintenance supervisor, has worked at the CPP 36 years and Bob Adams, an instrumentation specialist, 30. On average, CPP employees have more than 15 years on the job.

“We were challenged in August 2003 during the regional power outage,” said Richard Wickboldt, CPP manager. “But we are proud to say we stayed on-line. In fact, not only did we maintain electricity to the hospital, which is our main priority, but we increased our production so that other key buildings on campus could regain power quicker than our purchased power sources.”

Daily work at the power plant requires careful monitoring of computer analyses to keep the equipment balanced. The staff also performs constant shutdowns and re-starts to address emergency repairs, and preventive maintenance and replacement of worn-out equipment.

Earlier this summer, the CPP set a record for electricity generation of 35 mega watts. This winter the staff will be challenged to respond to predicted record prices for natural gas. But students, faculty and staff can rest assured the veteran power plant team has a long and successful history of meeting challenges and keeping the lights burning.


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