Photos: Russian tapestries, Congolese dance

Pictorial Tapestries by Anna Kocherovsky, above, features the work of a Russian-born tapestry artist who draws inspiration for hand-woven works from mythology and history. Using a loom technique she learned in Moscow and imported wool yarns from Sweden, Kocherovsky keeps the tradition alive in Michigan where she has lived since 1989. The exhibit is Aug. 24-Oct. 12 in the University Hospital main lobby, Floor 1, sponsored by Gifts of Art. (Photo by Peter Smith) The U-M Museum of Art Evenings in the Commons series, below, presents the Bichini Bia Congo Dance Theater Company from 6-8 p.m. Aug. 20 in the UMMA Commons Room. Established in 1979, Bichini Bia Congo promotes the preservation and practice of African culture through performances of Congolese performing arts. African traditions are communicated through dance, music, song and drumming. For more information go to Sponsored by the UMMA, 764-0395. (Photo by Anna Kocherovsky)

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