Photo: Rackham renovation

Paul Mullins and Mike Hill of CFI work on renovations at the Rackham Building. As work progresses on the second part of the renovation project, the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies is planning a phased move back into the building.

The Rackham Auditorium has re-opened for events while work continues in the rest of the building. Only the lobby and auditorium are open to the public at this time. Scheduling for the auditorium is arranged through the University Productions office at (734) 647-3327.

Later this month, the Graduate School administrative offices, Institute for the Humanities, and Center for Statistical Consultation and Research will return to the building after 20 months in temporary locations. All office spaces will have been completely renovated at this time.

The study halls on the second floor and public spaces on the fourth floor will reopen by Jan. 2004 after electrical and lighting upgrades, enhanced audio-visual upgrades, new carpeting and draperies are installed. At this time no events are being scheduled for the public spaces on the fourth floor; look for future announcements to learn when users can reserve space. (Photo by Martin Vloet, U-M Photo Services)


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