Lynton Crawford of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) 1583, right, helps U-M workers sign in to vote on a new contract Dec. 7 at the Sports Coliseum. More than 700 employees participated in the vote to ratify a contract between the union and University that includes, among other things, a 3 percent wage increase each year for four years and reduced co-pays on prescription drugs for service and maintenance staff on all three campuses. “We had a good response from our membership and a very positive outcome,” said chief union negotiator Gregory Zelanka. Bruce Pringle, employee relations director for Human Resources and Affirmative Action, said negotiations were difficult but the final contract has good elements for the University and employees. Zelanka agreed, saying, “It was a difficult negotiation in these uncertain times, but we were able to get some things for our members.” (Photo by Scott Galvin, U-M Photo Services)