The University Record, October 8, 1996
Perspectives on Social Issues
at the University of Michigan
October 8, 1996
Staff Recognition: You Count at the U
By Homer A. Neal — Interim President
Respect, an appreciation of our work and worth by others, and an opportunity to perform meaningful work and be part of a valuable endeavor are important for individuals and, ultimately, for the organizations for which they work. This is true for all of us, faculty and staff…
Staff Recognition ceremony is Thursday
A Letter to University of Michigan staff
By Jackie R. McClain — Executive Director, Human Resources and Affirmative Action
I believe our excellent staff is one of the many factors contributing to the University of Michigan’s ranking by college presidents and faculties as one of the top 10 universities in the country. October 10 will be an opportunity to celebrate this heritage of staff excellence and to look forward to a future of strength…
The Value of Teams in the Workplace
By Nathan Norman — Building Services
When team members were asked by our visitors about skepticism, “Would you like to go back to the more traditional way of accomplishing your job?” The answer by a team member was, “No way.” Teams are most often empowered to seek solutions, give input and assess the output. The teams accept this responsibility willingly and the results have been surprisingly successful…
Staff Suggest Ways They’d like To Be Thanked
Members of the University community were asked to suggest ways in which they would like to be recognized for a job well done…
Staff Recognition Programs
Here’s a quick look at some of the many recognition programs at the U-M…