The University Record, September 17, 1996
Participants in vision plan must re-enroll this fall
From the Benefits Office
For faculty and staff currently enrolled in the Vision Plan, coverage may end in December. However, coverage can be easily continued during Open Enrollment this fall.
Anyone whose coverage began in January of 1995 has a two-year lock-in date, which ends Dec. 31, 1996. At that time, coverage will end for everyone who has finished that two-year commitment.
Anyone wishing to continue coverage for another two-year period must re-enroll during Open Enrollment, Oct. 14-Nov. 1, 1996. Open Enrollment materials explaining how to use the Benefits Enrollment Line will be mailed during the first week of October.
New coverage will begin Jan. 1, 1997.
Most University benefits continue from year to year and have a one-year commitment or lock-in. The Vision Plan, however, requires a two-year lock-in. That longer time period is the reason for the policy change on continuations. For more information, call the Benefits Office at 763-1214.