All Headlines

  1. September 21, 1992

    U-M grad ‘very special’ to Boy Scouts, area youth

    By Rebecca A. Doyle When Michael Dames graduated from the U-M in 1988, he looked for a job that would make a difference in the lives of other people. “The Boy Scouts of America gives direction and focus. It brings young people in off the streets and gives them an ‘I can’ attitude,” says the…
  2. September 21, 1992

    U-M ‘the place to be’ for environmental programs

    By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services Automobile emissions in California pollute the air in Arizona’s Grand Canyon; pollution reaches the Great Lakes by air and rain from—someplace else? Today, says Garry D. Brewer, dean of the School of Natural Resources and Environment, “there is no ‘someplace else’… there is no ‘away’ to throw things.”…
  3. September 21, 1992

    ‘Monitoring the Future’ survey gets $18 million grant

    By Terry Gallagher News and Information Services “Monitoring the Future,” the annual national survey of America’s secondary students conducted by the Institute for Social Research (ISR), has received an $18 million federal grant to continue and expand its work over the next five years. The grant is one of the largest in the history of…
  4. September 21, 1992

    Fund-raising volunteers ‘visit’ student, faculty teams

    The high-tech tour that members of Team Michigan embarked on last Friday during the kickoff of the Campaign for Michigan gave them “a sense of what we are, a sense of what Michigan represents, a sense of what Team Michigan does,” said LS&A Dean Edie N. Goldenberg. Stops along the way included visits with: —Members…
  5. September 21, 1992

    Turner chronicling lives of older adults

    The Turner Geriatric Clinic has received a grant from the Area Agency on Aging 1B to conduct living histories with older adults (ages 60 and over), with an emphasis on African-American senior citizens to chronicle the lives of older adults and how they have coped with life’s struggles. African-American senior citizens have been matched with…
  6. September 21, 1992

    Authors’ readings to benefit homeless

    By Terry Gallagher News and Information Services On the first day of fall, hundreds of writers in dozens of cities across the country will give public readings to raise money to fight hunger, homelessness and illiteracy. In a related event here, English Profs. Charles M. Baxter, Nicholas F. Delbanco and Richard W. Tillinghast will read…
  7. September 21, 1992

    ‘Midlife crisis’ better described as ‘midlife turning points’

    By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Services Does the so-called “midlife crisis” really exist, or is it just a myth with a catchy name? According to U-M and Cornell University researchers who study adult psychological development, “midlife turning points” is a more accurate label and, yes, these really do exist and can have a profound…
  8. September 21, 1992

    Scientists will be able to watch chemical reactions, biological processes

    By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services Using a new research facility that will generate the brightest beams of high-energy X-rays ever produced, a team of scientists from the U-M and AT&T Bell Laboratories will be able to watch chemical reactions and biological processes as they occur. The U-M/AT&T team is one of the first…
  9. September 21, 1992

    Two-year program increased awareness of feminist scholarship

    By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Srvices Two years ago, the Women’s Studies Program launched an ambitious lecture series, “Feminist Scholarship: Thinking Through the Disciplines,” which drew 14 nationally recognized feminist scholars to the University. Faculty and graduate students from 10 LS&A departments attended the lectures and met formally and informally with the scholars. So,…
  10. September 21, 1992

    Progress report marks 4th anniversary of Mandate

    By Jane R. Elgass A progress report on the Michgian Mandate from 1988 to 1991 has been released by the Office of the President, observing the fourth anniversary of the University’s blueprint for diversity. The report highlights accomplishments that have been made in meeting the Mandate, described by President James J. Duderstadt as “a vision,…