October 5, 1992
The Native American Student Association (NASA) has scheduled a full slate of panels, lectures and performances to help the University community “Discover Native America on Columbus Day” this month. Activities include: Oct. 7 Racism exhibition of commonplace objects, logos, pictures and advertisements that are acceptable to the dominant society but are offensive to Native Americans,…
October 5, 1992
By Mary Jo Frank Horrified, the 10-year old girl watched her father attack her mother with a claw hammer. She quickly called 911, and police interrupted the assault. “She really saved her mother’s life,” says Susan McGee, executive director of the Domestic Violence Project/Safe House. The little girl had learned about calling 911 at Kids…
October 5, 1992
By Kate Kellogg News and Information Servcies Half of a coffee can or sewing box scraps and buttons in a major art and architecture exhibition? Sure enough, demonstrates “Surfaces and Structures,” a showcase of new works—many of them comprised of unusual media—by faculty and students of the School of Art and the College of Architecture…
October 5, 1992
By Terry Gallagher News and Information Services The University has received a $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) for truck and transit research and educational programs. Gov. John Engler and President James J. Duderstadt formally acknowledged receipt of the grant in a ceremony at the U-M Transportation Research Institute on Sept.…
October 5, 1992
Richard W. BaileyRegents’ Award for Distinguished Public Service Richard Bailey is that model educator who demands that the university exist not in and for itself but for the growing good of the world. Throughout his career he has continually brought his scholarly interests in language and pedagogy to bear on real social problems. Professor Bailey…
October 5, 1992
Aram Arkun, assistant director of the Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center, New York, will give three lectures as part of the 1992–93 Armenian Lecture Series. He will give a brown-bag lecture at noon Oct. 14 in the Lane Hall Commons Room on “Developments in Armenia, Karabagh and Azerbaijan.” “The Fall of the Eagles’ Nests:…
October 5, 1992
The U-M will join in the state celebration of “Investing in Ability Week” Oct. 11–17 with a series of public events. “Investing in Ability Week” promotes employment of people with disabilities by encouraging employers and the general public to focus on a person’s abilities rather than disabilities. Events include: Oct. 12 “Marketing Your Abilities: The…
October 5, 1992
By Terry Gallagher News and Information Services “The encounter that took place 500 years ago between the Old World and the New” is the focus of a “theme semester” sponsored by the Program in American Culture this term. Focusing on “The Americas Then and Now: Beyond 1492,” the theme-semester umbrella covers 18 existing courses, an…
October 5, 1992
By Nicole McKinney Record Special Writer When students sit glassy-eyed during music class, it may be because the teacher talks too much, say researchers at the School of Music. In music education, children tend to learn better from teachers who use non-verbal or a mix of verbal and non-verbal teaching styles, says music education Prof.…
October 5, 1992
Music lovers this year will hear more music and less coughing thanks to the distribution of free cough lozenges from the Warner-Lambert Co. Five flavors of Halls Mentho-Lyptus Cough Suppressant Tablets will be available in the lobbies of Hill, Rackham and Power Center for Performing Arts auditoriums before concerts this season. They are even wrapped…