All Headlines

  1. October 26, 1992

    Wright to hold Nelson chair in philosophy

    Philosophy Prof. Crispin J.G. Wright has been named the James B. and Grace J. Nelson Professor of Philosophy. His new appointment, effective Sept. 1, was approved by the Regents at their October meeting. The Nelson Professorship was established last year, supported by an endowment set up in 1940 by a gift from James B. Nelson,…
  2. October 26, 1992

    International Center hosts Halloween party Oct. 28

    The International Center is hosting an international Halloween party 6–8 p.m. Wed. (Oct. 28) at the North Campus Commons Cafeteria. A variety of Chinese dances will highlight this week’s event. The party is part of a series of weekly international coffee hours that usually are scheduled 4–6 p.m. Wednesdays. Locations vary. November programs will feature…
  3. October 26, 1992

    Ann Arbor enrollment stands at 36,626—310 more than ’91

    A total of 36,626 students are enrolled at the Ann Arbor campus this fall, 310 more than a year ago. Of this year’s total, 23,198 are undergraduates and 13,428 are graduate students. The total includes 20,176 men and 16,450 women. Of the undergraduate total, 16,260 (70.1 percent) are Michigan residents and 6,938 (29.9 percent) are…
  4. October 26, 1992

    Regents appoint two faculty members to named professorships

    Slemrod holds Sparks-Whirlpool chair Joel B. Slemrod, professor of business economics, will also hold the Jack D. Sparks-Whirlpool Corporation Research Professorship of Business Administration. His appointment, effective Nov. 1, was approved by the Regents at their October meeting. Funds for the professorship were provided by the Whirlpool Corporation in honor of Jack D. Sparks, former…
  5. October 26, 1992

    International programs reorganized; new institute in LS&A

    By Jane R. Elgass The establishment of an Institute for Foreign Area and International Studies (IFAIS) within the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and a reorganization of the Office of International Academic Affairs (OIAA) have been announced by Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr., LS&A Dean Edie N. Goldenberg, and John H. D’Arms, vice…
  6. October 19, 1992

    Grafton to deliver Jerome Lecture Series

    By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services Anthony Grafton, the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of History at Princeton University, will present the 28th annual Jerome Lecture Series Oct. 21–Nov. 2 at the Rackham Building. Grafton’s lecture series is titled “How the Humanists Read the Classics: Studies in the Arts of Interpretation.” Grafton has written about…
  7. October 19, 1992

    Jensen: Students have different vision of the world

    By Terry Gallagher News and Information Services While the University faculty “is committed to change, to discovery, to new ways of understanding our world,” it is necessary to recognize that “our students are moving in other directions and experiencing changes that are giving them a different sense of what they want from the University experience,…
  8. October 19, 1992

    New guidelines for indirect cost recovery will be explained

    New guidelines for the assignment of the indirect costs of research will be the focus of three open meetings the week of Nov. 2 that all members of the University community are encouraged to attend. The guidelines were prepared by the Joint Administrative/Faculty Task Force on Indirect Costs and are designed to help the University…
  9. October 19, 1992

    Scientists discover two new drugs to fight dangerous HCMV virus

    By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Services U-M scientists have discovered two new drugs which may prove highly effective in the fight against HCMV (human cytomegalovirus). HCMV can lead to blindness in AIDS patients and pneumonia in bone marrow transplant patients. The virus is also a leading cause of birth defects in the United States.…
  10. October 19, 1992

    1991-92 federal legislative session ‘disappointing’

    By Laurie Fenlason Office of University Relations U-M Washington office director Thomas E. Butts last week described the 1991–92 federal legislative session as “one of the most difficult years ever” to secure funding for discretionary programs. He noted that efforts to shift defense spending to domestic programs failed repeatedly, and predicted that researchers, students and…