November 23, 1992
By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services A vastly transformed Undergraduate Library will house the University’s new Science Library: a consolidation of all science collections on campus, with the exception of engineering and medical sciences. Museums collections will remain where they are. The Regents last week approved the design of a $6.85 million addition to…
November 23, 1992
By Jane R. Elgass Persons of color now comprise 12.9 percent of the Ann Arbor campus instructional staff following another year of growth in minority numbers reported in this fall’s faculty racial profile. Growth in minority faculty continues to be steady, though not at the high rates experienced in the late 1980s. While more new…
November 23, 1992
By Jane R. Elgass Several Regents last week expressed their frustration with the search process for the selection of the new U-M-Dearborn chancellor. The Regents were not part of the process. Noting that they had no quarrel with the selection of James C. Renick, they commented on the constraints imposed by the Open Meetings Act.…
November 23, 1992
By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services LS&A senior Denise C. Bell has been awarded a Power Exchange Scholarship for two years of study beginning next fall at Magdalene College of Cambridge University. Bell, who is from Lapeer, will complete a bachelor’s degree in history from the U-M in May 1993. A 1989 graduate of…
November 23, 1992
John H. Holland, professor of electrical engineering and computer science and of psychology, has been chosen as the 1993 Russel Lecturer. The annual lectureship is the highest honor the University gives to senior faculty members. Holland was nominated for the honor by the U-M Research Club and was confirmed by the Regents at their November…
November 23, 1992
Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Board of Regents at its November meeting. Capital outlay readied Renovation and construction projects to be included in the University’s 1993–94 capital outlay request to the state were approved. The request for projects on the Ann Arbor main campus totals $157,500,000, including $40,000,000 for new projects;…
November 23, 1992
Dec. 4 is the deadline for reservations for the University’s official Rose Bowl tour, sponsored by the Alumni Association. There are two tours—Maize, Dec. 28–Jan. 3, and Blue, Dec. 29–Jan. 2. Both are available as air/land packages, land-only packages and air-only packages. Per person rates range from $757 for the Blue Tour land-only package with…
November 23, 1992
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN’S STATEMENT OF STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ann Arbor Campus November 10, 1992 Preamble The University of Michigan is dedicated to creating a scholarly community that promotes intellectual inquiry, encourages vigorous discourse, and respects individual freedom and dignity. Civility, diversity of opinion, and freedom of expression are all valued as the necessary…
November 23, 1992
Two faculty members were given the emeritus title by the Regents at their November meeting. They are: Rose M. Rizki, research scientist in the Department of Biology Rizki’s research, “much of it undertaken jointly with Tahir M. Rizki, has embraced a wide variety of topics concerned with the genetics, development, physiology, and molecular and cellular…
November 23, 1992
James C. Renick, vice provost for academic initiatives and external affairs at George Mason University, will become chancellor of the U-M-Dearborn. His appointment, effective Jan. 4, 1993, was approved by the Regents at their November meeting. He also will serve as professor of education and public administration. Bernard W. Klein has been interim chancellor at…