January 11, 1993
The University’s research expenditures increased by 6.9 percent in 1991–92, reaching a record total of $346,531,594. “The University’s fiscal year 1992 was still another financially sound year in research, one that saw our total research volume climb to levels that set both a record for this institution and a leading pace for the nation’s major…
January 11, 1993
By Jane R. Elgass Mary Louise Antieau, coordinator of residence education for South Quadrangle Residence Hall, has been appointed assistant to the vice president for student affairs. In her new post, Antieau will create the Student Judicial Adviser’s Office, which will handle implementation and monitoring of the University’s Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities. The…
November 23, 1992
The U-M has completed negotiations with the federal Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), establishing a new indirect cost rate of 52 percent applicable to federally sponsored research projects. The three-year agreement is retroactive to the beginning of the current fiscal year (July 1, 1992). The negotiated rate replaces the 47.2 percent rate that…
November 23, 1992
By Mary Jo Frank Will faculty evaluation of high level administrators help bridge what some faculty see as a widening gap between the central administration and faculty? The Task Force on Evaluation of Administrators, established last March by the Senate Advisory Committee On University Affairs (SACUA), thinks periodic evaluations—based on cooperation rather than confrontation—might help.…
November 23, 1992
Bob Weisbuch is “thrilled” by the diversification of the Department of English Language and Literature faculty. “It’s made our lives 100 times better. We have a much more high power faculty, we’re encouraged to read new texts, try new approaches. There is a strong will among the faculty to reconsider everything and allow for change.…
November 23, 1992
New indirect cost rate for federally sponsored research The University has recently completed its protracted negotiations with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) regarding the indirect cost rate applicable to federally sponsored research projects for FY 1992-93. Effective immediately, the indirect cost rate applicable to all research proposals submitted to federal agencies is…
November 23, 1992
By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Services The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT) and LS&A have awarded the 1992–93 CRLT-LS&A Postdoctoral Fellowships to nine assistant professors to help them devote time to develop courses that they then will teach. “The awards give some counterweight to the pressure junior faculty feel to focus…
November 23, 1992
By Jane R. Elgass In a 6-2 vote last week the Board of Regents approved implementation on an interim basis of “The University of Michigan’s Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities,” effective Jan. 1 for one year. It will be reevaluated in February 1994. Regents Deane Baker and Veronica Latta Smith opposed adoption of the…
November 23, 1992
CARMEL, the U-M’s prize-winning robot, was a cross-disciplinary project between College of Engineering departments of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. CARMEL’s ultrasonic avoidance sensing system was developed by Yoram Koren, professor ofmechanical engineering and applied mechanics, and Johann Borenstein, U-M assistant research scientist.
November 23, 1992
John H. D’Arms, vice provost for academic affairs and dean of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, will discuss “Ar duous, Pleasant and Hopeful toil: Values in and Beyond Graduate Education” at 4 p.m. Dec. 8 in Rackham Ampitheater. D’Arms is also the Gerald F. Else Professor of Classical Studies and professor of…