All Headlines

  1. April 28, 2021

    Art of queer health sciences featured in new exhibition

    A community art exhibition, “The Art of Queer Health Sciences,” explores what happens when science prioritizes empathy. It will be on view in downtown Ann Arbor until May 5.

  2. April 28, 2021

    Catherine Hadley named one of 62 Truman Scholars for 2021

    A junior in LSA who plans to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in sociology in 2022, Catherine Hadley is U-M’s 28th Truman Scholar. The prestigious scholarship provides up to $30,000.

  3. April 28, 2021

    $5M gift expands UMMA’s Chinese art, creates endowment

    U-M alumnus and longtime U-M Museum of Art supporter William Weese has given a gift of art and endowment with a combined value of about $5 million that will expand the museum’s Chinese ceramics collection.

  4. April 27, 2021

    The COVID-19 health care catastrophe in India and how to help

    In his On the Agenda blog, President Mark Schlissel highlights ways the university community is stepping up to help India, a longtime education and research partner, handle an explosion of COVID-19 cases.

  5. April 27, 2021

    Donor gifts provide Recharge Rooms to Michigan Medicine

  6. April 27, 2021

    How countries on five continents responded to the pandemic

    U-M faculty members Scott Greer and Elizabeth King analyzed early government responses from 34 countries to the emerging COVID-19 pandemic and how those decisions impacted their citizens’ health and lives.

  7. April 26, 2021

    Neil Canfield to direct U-M federal relations efforts in D.C.

    Neil Canfield has joined U-M’s Office of Federal Relations, based in Washington, D.C., and will work with government partners and the university community to support and strengthen its research enterprise.

  8. April 26, 2021

    Schools, colleges and groups prepare to celebrate 2021 graduates

    The Office of University Development created a webpage with the time, date and contact information for spring 2021 celebrations and ceremonies by schools, colleges and specialty graduations.

  9. April 26, 2021

    Oceanography course started woman on environmental journey

    Olivia Mathiesen is poised to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in earth and environmental sciences, the culmination of a college career that an internship with the U.S. Geological Survey.

  10. April 26, 2021

    SMTD graduate who started We the PROUD eager for next steps

    Alyxandra Ciale Charfauros, known as ciale, sought to connect with the arts on a more personal level so they co-founded We the People Representing Our Unifying Diversity, or We the PROUD, in late 2019.