All Headlines

  1. February 8, 1993


    Editor’s Note: The following books have been published by the U-M Press. Discourses of Sexuality: From Aristotle to AIDS, edited by Domna C. Stanton, professor of Romance languages and of women’s studies. This is the first volume in the series RATIO: Institute for the Humanities. In Discourses of Sexuality, 14 distinguished artists, critics and scholars…
  2. February 8, 1993

    Different paths, challenges

    The fellows were drawn to careers in science in different ways, and now are facing different challenges as female researchers. Sophia Bryant’s exposure to research began early in life when her father, a surgeon, took her to his laboratory to show her slides of blood cells. As a teenager working in a hematology laboratory during…
  3. February 8, 1993

    NCI grant funds five fellows in Cancer Biology Training Program

    By Sharon Drobny Comprehensive Cancer Center Five junior investigators have joined the new Cancer Biology Training Program of the Comprehensive Cancer Center, funded by a $1 million grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The U-M program is one of 10 nationwide funded this year, and involves 33 faculty members from 11 departments. Jeffery M.…
  4. February 8, 1993

    Knowing ins and outs of U make mediation, counseling easier

    For a quarter of a century Wilfred Kaplan and other members of the U-M chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) have served as a faculty resource—ready to listen to and assist with employment-related problems. Kaplan, professor emeritus of mathematics, thinks the idea of having an ombud in each school and college is…
  5. February 8, 1993

    Neal recommended as vice president for research

    By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services Homer A. Neal, professor and chair of the Department of Physics, will be recommended to the Board of Regents as vice president for research. If approved by the Board at its Feb. 18–19 meeting, the appointment will be effective Sept. 1. Neal will succeed William C. Kelly, who…
  6. February 8, 1993

    Unit ‘ombuds’ to provide an ear, advocacy for faculty

    By Mary Jo Frank A listening ear and advocacy, when needed, are now available at the school and college level for faculty involved in University-related disputes. The role of the new faculty ombudspersons, dubbed ombuds, is to provide “faculty colleagues with access to a prompt, impartial and confidential means for resolving differences apart from the…
  7. February 8, 1993

    M-Quality’s seven steps

    The M-Quality approach is based on seven steps to take in analyzing a problem and seeking solutions. In many cases, these steps already are being taken by us in our daily work. 1. Define the project —Define the problem in terms of a gap between what is and what should be. —Document why it is…
  8. February 8, 1993

    Team members enthusiastic about work, results

    Robert L. Barbret, assistant manager for invested, auxiliary and plant funds, Financial Operations, who succeeded Chip Simper as a member of the team, says that the system is working well and already has had several enhancements. He also notes that the new system “eliminated the most repetitive aspects of investment accounting, making it possible for…
  9. February 8, 1993

    Time invested by Michigan Investment Team pays off

    By Jane R. Elgass In 1986, the University had three systems for tracking investments that were maintained independently. All involved manual entry of data from the same originating source. Five-way reconciliations had to be done each month, making it difficult to fulfill reporting requirements on a timely basis. The challenge: Find a better way to…
  10. February 8, 1993

    Congressional leaders are supportive

    At a Washington press conference that announced the financial aid recommendations, Sen. James M. Jeffords, R-Vt., ranking minority member of the Senate’s Labor and Human Resources Committee and author of the legislation creating the commission, characterized the report as a “bold and compelling document” that, if implemented, “would result in major changes in the way…