All Headlines

  1. June 7, 1993


    Twenty-nine faculty/graduate student research teams have received funding in the latest round of the Research Partnership Program. The program, which began in 1987, is supported by the Office of the Dean of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, the Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of the Provost and…
  2. June 7, 1993

    Want a resume that works? Tailor it to job you’re seeking

    How many resumes does a job seeker need? “As many as it takes to get the job done. Never have one all-purpose resume,” advises Jacqueline A. Muldrow. Leading a workshop about “Resume Writing” at the Workplace of the ’90s Conference, Muldrow said the resume should be tailored for the position sought. She reminded listeners that…
  3. June 7, 1993

    We need to become ‘go-with-the-flow’ logs to meet challenges, opportunities of change

    By Jane R. Elgass All of us are living and learning “in permanent whitewater” and we can choose to be either the battered log that gets jammed against the river’s edge and fights change or the “go-with-the-flow” log that continues downstream and adapts and adjusts to change. “Change is happening and we can’t ignore it,”…
  4. June 7, 1993

    Crime prevention a matter of being alert to your surroundings

    By Mary Jo Frank Ever get a “funny” feeling that you’re being followed in the parking structure? That the stranger doesn’t belong in your office building? Or that the person who asks you for the time of day really is eyeing your purse? It’s not paranoia. The vague feeling that something may not be right…
  5. June 7, 1993

    Want to win? Choose your battles

    By Diane Swanbrow News and Information Services The dilemma between leading and being liked usually bothers women more than it does men, Elizabeth Poage Baxter told a group of about 70 women who gathered in the Michigan League’s Henderson Room May 2, for a presentation on leadership models for women. But even when women overcome…
  6. June 7, 1993

    Compulsive eating disorders linked to media messages about beauty

    By Mary Jo Frank Dieting makes compulsive eating disorders worse, says Catherine Powers, co-director of the Institute for Psychology and Medicine’s Eating Disorders Program. Talking to more than 90 Workplace of the ’90s participants who attended the May 25 workshop “How to Free Yourself from Compulsive Eating and Start to Live,” Powers said diets fail…
  7. June 7, 1993

    Clements gives historic papers to Mexico

    By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services The William L. Clements Library has given a major manuscript collection—the original treasury records of the Mexican state of Zacatecas—to the Zacatecas campus of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education. Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari accepted the gift from Clements Library Director John C. Dann…
  8. June 7, 1993

    M-Quality: a way ‘to strive to do the best possible job’

    By Jane R. Elgass Why is the University investing time and money in its M-Quality initiative? Does this mean that we aren’t doing a good job, that our activities do not measure up to high standards? Nothing could be farther from the truth, according to Robert B. Holmes, assistant vice president for academic affairs and…
  9. June 7, 1993

    Group named to assist in internal search for associate VP for academic affairs

    Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. is seeking nominations and statements of candidacy for the position of associate vice president for academic affairs, currently held by Mary Ann P. Swain. Swain will become the provost and vice president for academic affairs at the State University of New York at Binghamton in the fall. LS&A Dean Edie…
  10. June 7, 1993

    Nominations sought for the Business and Finance Distinguished Staff Award Program

    Farris W. Womack, vice president and chief financial officer, has announced that nominations are being sought for the second annual Business and Finance Distinguished Staff Award Program. The program is designed to recognize exceptional service by business and finance staff members to the University and to the community. A committee of seven staff members from…