April 19, 1993
By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services The University has received a $1.35 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to expand and enhance a watershed studies program that links secondary school students and teachers throughout the world. The three-year grant will enable the Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN) to develop the Teacher…
April 19, 1993
Student tickets for the University of Michigan spring commencement May 1 at Michigan Stadium will be distributed beginning April 26. Commencement ceremonies featuring first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton as speaker will start at 11 a.m. All persons attending must have tickets to enter the stadium. The all-University program will be open to graduating students from…
April 19, 1993
By Mary Jo Frank As homework assignments go, it’s a tough one: create courses in the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities to meet a proposed new quantitative reasoning requirement for all LS&A students. The courses must be intellectually rigorous yet attractive enough to entice the 25 percent of LS&A students who systematically avoid math.…
April 19, 1993
Four College of Engineering faculty members have been named to endowed professorships: Yoram Koren, professor of mechanical engineering and applied mechanics, also will hold the Paul G. Goebel Professorship of Engineering. Fawwaz T. Ulaby, professor of electrical engineering and computer science, also will be the R. Jamison and Betty Williams Professor of Engineering. Kensall D.…
April 19, 1993
By Rebecca A. Doyle “Each one of us here tonight represents hundreds of other students who are doing this kind of thing,” said Jennifer Bastress, a senior in the School of Nursing and one of four recipients of the Faculty Award for Distinguished Student Community Service Learning. Of the 20 students nominated, Bastress; Joel F.…
April 19, 1993
Editor’s Note: The following books have been published by the U-M Press. Palmyra and Its Empire: Zenobia’s Revolt Against Rome by Richard Stoneman, senior editor of classical studies and travel at Routledge. This is the first comprehensive historical treatment in any language of Roman Syria, the revolt of Zenobia, and the city of Palmyra. Stoneman…
April 19, 1993
Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Board of Regents at its April meeting. Stadium renovation plan moves to phase III In 1990, the Regents approved a multiple repair and maintenance program for Michigan Stadium, estimated at $7.9 million in 1990 dollars, to be carried out over the next several years. The University…
April 19, 1993
“Preventing Falls,” a critical consideration in maintaining good health among older adults, will be discussed 1–3 p.m. Wednesday (April 21) at the Kellogg Eye Center Auditorium in a seminar sponsored by Turner Geriatric Services. Neil B. Alexander, assistant professor of internal medicine and research scientist at the Institute of Gerontology, will lead the seminar, which…
April 19, 1993
By Mary Jo Frank Computer theft under investigation University Police are investigating the April 9 breaking and entering and theft of eight computers valued at more than $37,000 from the G.G. Brown Building. Lt. James R. Smiley asks that individuals with information about the theft contact the Department of Public Safety (DPS) detective bureau, 763-3434.…
April 19, 1993
Tired of waiting in line to get your paycheck … and then waiting in another line to cash or deposit it? Tired of relying on the U.S. Postal Service for timely delivery of your paycheck? Help is here for everyone, thanks to the Payroll Office’s development of a new direct deposit system that uses the…