All Headlines

  1. March 1, 1993

    PPIH faculty take concerns over closure to Regents

    By Jane R. Elgass Calling the handling of the proposed closing of the Department of Population Planning and International Health (PPIH) a “flagrant disregard of policy,” department Chair Yuzuru J. Takeshita called upon the Board of Regents to encourage the University administration and School of Public Health Dean June E. Osborn to admit error. Takeshita…
  2. March 1, 1993

    Assembly will elect 4 SACUA representatives

    Faculty will face a more complicated election than usual when they chose four representatives to the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) March 15 from a field of nine nominees. A faculty Nominating Committee presented a slate of eight candidates at the Feb. 15 Senate Assembly meeting. Usually six candidates compete for three three-year…
  3. March 1, 1993

    14th Holocaust Conference opens March 15

    Holocaust survivor Solomon Perel will give the keynote speech for B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation’s 14th Annual Conference on the Holocaust at 8 p.m. March 18 at Hillel, 1429 Hill St. Perel, the man upon which Europa, Europa is based, will give the Michael M. Bernstein Memorial Lecture. A short commemorative service in memory of those…
  4. March 1, 1993

    Deitch calls on administration to preserve ‘special day’

    By Jane R. Elgass “Move-in is a special day for students and families, a magical day in students’ lives, a day that deserves to stand on itself,” Regent Laurence B. Deitch said at the February Regents’ meeting. Deitch’s comments were prompted by a discussion of the controversy that has surrounded this fall’s move-in to residence…
  5. March 1, 1993

    SACUA seeks volunteers for variety of committees

    The Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) is seeking volunteers to serve on a variety of committees. The following committees advise Executive Officers: Financial Affairs, Government Relations, Medical Affairs, Multicultural University, University Relations, Research Policies and Student Relations. The following committees assist the Senate Assembly in its work: Academic Affairs, Civil Liberties Board, Economic…
  6. March 1, 1993

    Bylaw change proposed

    The following revisions, reflecting changes at the Bentley Historical Library, are suggested for Regents’ Bylaw 12.05. Comments should be made by March 12 to the Office of the General Counsel, Room 4020, Fleming Administration Building, 764-0304. Proposed Revisions of Regents’ Bylaws Section 12.05 (Proposed additions in bold and deletions crossed out) Bentley Historical Library Michigan…
  7. March 1, 1993

    Follow unit closure procedures, say faculty

    Editor’s Note: See related article on page 6. By Mary Jo Frank The initial steps to close the Department of Population Planning and International Health (PPIH) were mishandled, violate University rules and prejudice future decisions about the department’s fate, PPIH Chair Yuzuru J. Takeshita told colleagues at the Feb. 15 Senate Assembly meeting. Takeshita said…
  8. February 15, 1993

    LS&A ponders quantitative reasoning requirement

    Requiring LS&A students to take a good quantitative reasoning course should make things better, not harder, for students who don’t think quantitatively. At least that is the intent, Michael M. Martin, associate dean for undergraduate education, told his colleagues at LS&A’s faculty meeting last Monday. Unfortunately some see a quantitative reasoning requirement as merely a…
  9. February 15, 1993

    Classes may start earlier than usual in fall 1994

    Faculty and students may be returning to class the Tuesday—rather than the traditional Thursday—after Labor Day in 1994, Dean Edie N. Goldenberg told LS&A faculty members last Monday. Goldenberg added she believes a faculty and staff committee should look at the academic calendar and a number of issues related to it, including a concern among…
  10. February 15, 1993

    Gourman ranks grad, undergrad programs 3rd in nation

    By Jane R. Elgass The University’s graduate and undergraduate programs on the Ann Arbor campus have been ranked third among the nation’s “leading universities” in the latest (1993) edition of The Gourman Report. The U-M trails Princeton and Harvard for its undergraduate programs and Harvard and the University of California, Berkeley, for its graduate programs.…