All Headlines

  1. January 10, 1994

    MLK Day Symposium events begin Jan. 16

    By Bernie DeGroat News and Information Services Editor’s Note: See pages 7–10 for a listing of U-M events scheduled to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. Equity in education, the civil rights movement, social justice and the multicultural university will be featured in panel discussions commemorating the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. next Monday…
  2. January 10, 1994

    Research specialist recommended as School of Nursing dean

    Ada Sue Hinshaw, director of the National Institute for Nursing Research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), will be recommended to the Board of Regents at their January meeting as dean of the School of Nursing. Her appointment would be for a five-year term, effective July 1, 1994. In announcing the recommendation, Provost Gilbert…
  3. January 10, 1994

    Hospital achieves level-one trauma center rating for adults, children

    Every day, 16 hours per day for two years, hundreds of University Hospital staff members tirelessly toiled toward a common goal: the designation of Uni-versity Hospital as a level-one trauma center. Following a grueling evaluation process by the American College of Surgeons (ACS), the hospital in July became one of four in Michigan to attain…
  4. January 10, 1994

    Orion and stars’ colors features of January skies

    Michigan sky watchers will have no trouble picking out the brilliant stars that make up Orion, the constellation of the Great Hunter, in January’s evening skies, according to astronomer Richard G. Teske. “Orion shows us colorful examples of stars that astronomers designate red, white and blue,” Teske says. “Decide for yourself if each star’s color…
  5. January 10, 1994

    Winter Michigan Quarterly Review examines male body

    By Bernie DeGroat News and Information Services The second of a special two-part Michigan Quarterly Review (MQR) devoted to the male body is now available. The winter 1994 edition contains essays, fiction, poetry and graphics examining male sexuality; body image; aging; puberty; AIDS; and the male body in contemporary art, science fiction and Hollywood cinema.…
  6. January 10, 1994

    Focus groups involving senior female faculty provide qualitative information on status of women

    By Rebecca A. Doyle The President’s Advisory Commission on Women’s Issues has issued a summary report of responses from senior women faculty to questions about the environment at the U-M and what they perceive to be barriers or supportive structures in that environment. Twenty-four senior women faculty responded to the invitation to participate in focus…
  7. January 10, 1994

    McClain named to head human resources, affirmative action

    Jackie R. McClain, director of human resources at the University of Kansas, will be recommended to the Board of Regents as the executive director for human resources and affirmative action, to be effective Feb. 15. In announcing the recommendation, Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. and Farris W. Womack, executive vice president and chief financial officer,…
  8. January 10, 1994

    Commission calls for development of strategic plan

    By Rebecca A. Doyle At the end of its fourth year, the President’s Advisory Commission on Women’s Issues has issued a set of recommendations to further its aims of increasing gender equity and making the University a national leader in promoting the success of women as faculty, staff and students. “Achieving this goal will require…
  9. January 10, 1994

    Status report offers snapshot look at progress, problems

    Leadership In 1992, women represented 22 percent of the senior administrative positions in the central administration, schools and colleges, down from 30 percent in 1990. Between 1990 and 1992, the proportion of women increased from 19 percent to 28 percent among the assistant and associate vice presidents, as well as vice provosts. During the same…
  10. January 10, 1994

    Work on increasing presence of women must continue

    By Jane R. Elgass While some progress has been made in recent years in increasing the presence of women on campus, the University must travel a considerable distance before it achieves an equitable representation of women at all levels, according to a report prepared for President James J. Duderstadt. Volume II of Women at the…