All Headlines

  1. February 7, 1994


    Paul’s book examines modern Hollywood horror and comedy William J. Paul’s book Laughing Screaming, Modern Hollywood Horror & Comedy has been published by Columbia University Press. Paul is associate professor of English and film and video studies. Laughing Screaming is the first book about gross-out, a mode of address that became widespread in Hollywood films…
  2. February 7, 1994

    Mystery of twinkling stars explained

    The child’s poem, “Twinkle, twinkle, little star,” describes a familiar sight in the night sky, according to U-M astronomer Richard G. Teske. “During cold February nights, the twinkling of bright stars is especially striking; sometimes they seem to shatter into dazzling shards of blue, red, and green,” Teske says. “While the vivid display delights most…
  3. February 7, 1994

    Tissot exhibition at Museum drawn from private collection

    “James Tissot: Prints from the Aldrich Collection,” an exhibition of 45 etchings and mezzotints from the collection of Ann Arbor residents Robert and Katherine Aldrich, is on view through March 6 at the Museum of Art. Organized by co-curators William Hennessey and John Siewert, the exhibition provides a comprehensive overview of the graphic work of…
  4. February 7, 1994

    Medical Center opens nation’s first multidisciplinary chest pain center

    By Margo Schneidman Medical Center Public Relations The Medical Center has opened the nation’s first multidisciplinary center dedicated to diagnosing chest pain. The Chest Pain Center is designed to catch patients in the early stages of a heart attack, and weed out those suffering from chest pain that may have other physical or psychological causes.…
  5. February 7, 1994

    Women acknowledge presence of workplace discrimination; rarely believe it applies to them

    By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Services Women know that sexual discrimination exists in the work place, but rarely believe it applies to them. The working woman’s “not me” attitude is an example of the “denial of personal disadvantage” phenomenon, according to psychologists at the U-M and Smith College. Diana I. Cordova of the Institute…
  6. February 7, 1994

    Chicano History Week observance continues through Saturday

    The University’s Chicano History Week, Feb. 6–12, commemorates the life of human rights leader Cesar Chavez with events dedicated to his memory. “We feel it is important to reflect on his life, what his death means for many people, and to publicly recognize the passage of a man who shaped history—labor history, Chicano history and…
  7. February 7, 1994

    Snappy postcards capture attention of admitted students, provide valuable information through first term here

    By Mary Jo Frank New student orientation today goes far beyond the traditional three-day campus visit during the summer. It’s an ongoing process of keeping in touch, beginning at the time the student is admitted and continuing through the student’s first term on campus, says Pamela T. Horne, director of orientation and the Campus Information…
  8. February 7, 1994

    Flint faculty provide 300 books for Russian students

    Igor Bogdanov, president of the International Academy of Business and Banking in Togliatti, Russia, recently sent a message to Stephen F. Hallam, dean of U-M-Flint’s School of Management, to thank the faculty for a gift of more than 300 textbooks. The city of Flint and Togliatti, Russia’s automotive capitol, have a long-standing relationship. Each has…
  9. February 7, 1994


    Sibley W. Hoobler Sibley W. Hoobler, professor emeritus of internal medicine, died Jan. 25 of a heart attack in Tucson, Ariz., while vacationing with his wife Catherine. He was 82. Internationally recognized for his pioneering work in high blood pressure research and patient care, he retired from the U-M in 1976 and became professor of…
  10. February 7, 1994

    $1 million grant funds study of teaching in U.S., Germany, Japan

    By Diane Swanbrow News and Information Services U-M researcher Harold W. Stevenson and colleagues have been awarded a $1,068,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education to support a three-year comparative study of teaching and learning in the United States, Germany and Japan. The study will involve intensive case studies of kindergarten through 11th-grade students…