February 28, 1994
The interim Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities, which has been in effect for 14 months, will continue as an interim policy until April 1995. The Regents voted 7-1 at their February meeting to accept the recommendation of Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen A. Hartford to continue the policy’s interim status. “We all agree…
February 28, 1994
The newly renovated Athletic Administration Building has been renamed John P. Weidenbach Hall. The Regents approved the renaming of the building and a resolution acknowledging “the dedication and service of Jack Weidenbach as he concludes a 28-year career at the University” at their February meeting. “At the end of January, the University’s athletic director, John…
February 28, 1994
By Bernie DeGroat News and Information Services After much consultation with high school teachers and students, the University will change the way it assesses the writing skills of newly admitted undergraduates, dropping an impromptu essay test in favor of a diverse writing portfolio. Each year since 1979, most incoming students have taken a 50-minute writing…
February 28, 1994
By Jane R. Elgass Continuation of a three-year experimental one-time salary supplement program with no change in guidelines was announced earlier this month by Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. and Farris W. Womack, executive vice president and chief financial officer. The program, which applies to both faculty and staff, was initiated last summer at the…
February 28, 1994
AmeriCorps Is Coming! By Barry N. Checkoway, professor of social work and chair, Task Force on Community Service Learning “AmeriCorps is Coming!” announces the latest mailing from the Corporation for National and Community Service, inviting institutions of higher education to propose programs that will serve communities and provide tuition benefits to participants. In response, colleges…
February 28, 1994
Editor’s Note: The Board of Regents took action on the following at their February meeting. Several renovation projects approved The following building renovation projects were approved: Parking: This year’s maintenance program for parking services will include the final stage of the Church Street Parking Structure renovation. In addition, repair and replacement of the fire protection…
February 28, 1994
Editor’s Note: The following books have been published by the U-M Press. Religion and the Authority of the Past, edited by Tobin Siebers, professor of English. This is the second book in the series Ratio: Institute for the Humanities. In Religion and the Authority of the Past, distinguished scholars from the fields of history, religion,…
February 28, 1994
Media, politics and the often-troubled relationship between the two will be explored in the 1994 free, public Cook Lectures on American Institutions March 7–8 in Room 250, Hutchins Hall. “Media and Politics: Three Perspectives” will feature media critics Roger Wilkins, Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Todd Gitlin. Wilkins, journalist, lawyer, professor and commentator, will examine “How…
February 28, 1994
By Mary Jo Frank Michigan football returns to WUOM this fall. Walter Harrison, vice president for university relations, reported to the Regents at their February meeting that as part of Michigan Radio’s efforts to strengthen its connections to the University community, WUOM will cover U-M football and focus more attention on academics and student affairs.…
February 28, 1994
Six faculty members have been named to the Arthur F. Thurnau Professorship which “recognizes and rewards faculty for outstanding contributions to undergraduate education.” Announcement of the appointments was made at the February Regents’ meeting. Those honored are Elizabeth S. Anderson, associate professor of philosophy; Morton Brown, professor of mathematics; Rebecca J. Scott, professor of history;…