All Headlines

  1. November 22, 1993

    Housing staff use Covey’s program to build teamwork, understanding

    By Rebecca A. Doyle Trust is a word that comes up often when you talk to Brenda Herman about quality management and the approach the Housing Division has used. Herman, who is an administrative associate for residence operations, saw personal leadership and trustworthiness as very important to quality management and, with several other employees from…
  2. November 22, 1993

    Bus Ad’s Didier named associate dean at Graduate School

    Elaine K. Didier, director of information resources at the School of Business Administration and director of the Kresge Business Administration Library, has been appointed associate dean of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Her appointment, effective Dec. 1, was approved by the Regents at their November meeting. “I am delighted that Elaine Didier…
  3. November 22, 1993

    Duderstadt details three sets of goals for U-M of future

    By Mary Jo Frank America’s research universities will change dramatically during the next decade, President James J. Duderstadt predicts. How much? On a scale of 1 to 10, Duderstadt is guessing 20. Speaking to Senate Assembly Nov. 15, Duderstadt said the mission of the University as we know it today—teaching, research and service—was shaped by…
  4. November 22, 1993

    Museum of Art receives grant for operations expenses

    The Museum of Art has received a two-year $112,500 grant from the Institute of Museum Services (IMS), one of 300 organizations nationwide to be recognized this year for “demonstrated excellence in all areas of museums operations.” The IMS is an independent federal agency that makes general operating support available to museums. This is the eighth…
  5. November 22, 1993

    Live trees banned in family housing units

    Housing Division officials announced last week that natural trees will no longer be permitted in family housing apartments. Adoption of the policy is based on a recommendation by the University’s Risk Management Office, with agreement of the Family Housing Safety Committee and Residents’ Council following review of materials on the hazards of live trees in…
  6. November 22, 1993

    U.S. Supreme Court decision reaffirms faculty and staff sexual harassment policy

    By Mary Jo Frank The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision in the Harris v. Forklift Systems Inc. sexual harassment case reaffirms the position taken by the University and many others that sexually abusive, hostile work environments are illegal and constitute sexual harassment. General Counsel Elsa K. Cole says the U-M’s Faculty/Staff Sexual Harassment Policy, in…
  7. November 22, 1993

    Douvan named 1994 Henry Russel Lecturer

    Elizabeth Douvan, the Catharine Neafie Kellogg Professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies, has been named the 1994 Henry Russel Lecturer. The annual lectureship is the highest honor the University gives to senior faculty members. Douvan was nominated for the honor by the U-M Research Club and her appointment was confirmed by the Regents at their…
  8. November 22, 1993

    Committee chosen to plan for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Symposium

    By Bernie DeGroat News and Information Services “American Culture or America the Multicultural?” will be the theme of this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day observances Jan. 17. Events being planned by the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Symposium Planning Committee include panel discussions on social justice, educational equity, the civil rights movement, and the…
  9. November 22, 1993

    ‘Experience regret fully’ to change for the better, Landman says

    By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Services Echoing folk wisdom, pop psychology urges us not to cry over spilled milk because regret cripples us. “That was then; this is now,” we are told. But Janet Landman, a U-M psychologist, argues in her new book, Regret: The Persistence of the Possible (Oxford University Press, 1993), that…
  10. November 22, 1993


    Editor’s Note: The Regents took the following actions at their November meeting. Bell tower design begins The Regents authorized the Univer-sity to begin the design of a bell tower for North Campus. They named Moore/Andersson Architects in conjunction with Hobbs & Black Associates Inc., as the design architect to do “a feasibility study that will…