January 24, 1994
By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services Had Martin Luther King’s fight for justice not abruptly ended in 1968, what would he be saying and doing to further that fight today? The pattern of King’s life suggests many possibilities, according to Mary Frances Berry, U-M alumna and head of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. For…
January 24, 1994
I wish to thank the campus and community for a successful 1994 Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Day celebration. The events of the Symposium sponsored by the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic and Multicultural Affairs and the many speakers, workshops and exhibits arranged by campus units addressed the issues that characterized and revitalized…
January 24, 1994
By John Woodford Executive Editor, Michigan Today Four panelists from the English Composition Board (ECB) described to a Martin Luther King Jr. Day audience in the Anderson Room of the Michigan Union techniques they use and issues they raise to encourage students to think and write about aspects of multiculturalism. Initially, the discussion focused on…
January 24, 1994
By Mary Jo Frank “We all have to learn to listen with humility. We all have to learn to listen with respect,” says psychiatrist and author Alvin Poussaint. Speaking to School of Business Administration faculty, staff and students at the School’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration, Poussaint said that to have strength and diversity…
January 24, 1994
Editor’s Note: The following actions were approved by the Regents at their January meeting. Four administrative appointments ok’d Administrative appointments approved included: Ludwig Koenen, the Herbert C. Youtie Professor of Papyrology, will continue to serve as chair of the Department of Classical Studies, effective July 1–Dec. 31, 1994. Ctirad Uher, professor of physics, will chair…
January 24, 1994
Three faculty members were given the emeritus title by the Regents at their January meeting. Those retiring are: Jerome M. Clubb, professor of history and research scientist Clubb, who joined the U-M in 1966, is “a pioneer in introducing quantitative techniques of analysis to history,” the Regents noted. “Through his extensive research and publications, he…
January 24, 1994
The Jean and Charles R. Walgreen Jr. Professorship in Reading and Literacy has been established at the School of Education. The endowed chair, approved at the January Regents meeting, will “advance understanding about how reading and writing skills are developed in both children and adults,” said Dean Cecil Miskel. “It will permit the School to…
January 24, 1994
By Mary Jo Frank Michigan has a three- or four-year window of opportunity to bring its support of higher education up to a respectable level, before the state’s next economic downturn, predicts Sen. John J.H. Schwarz, R-Battle Creek. Schwarz, chair of the Higher Education Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and Sen. Lana Pollack, D-Ann…
January 17, 1994
By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Services A new study of employee health costs confirms what has been only a reasonable hunch. If enough “high health risk” employees—smokers, heavy drinkers, and couch potatoes—take action to improve their health habits, a company’s health care costs can plummet. The Fitness Research Center began the 10-year study in…
January 17, 1994
Constructing Inequality: The Fabrication of a Hierarchy of Virtue among the Etoro by Raymond C. Kelly, professor of anthropology. Philosophers and social theorists since the Enlightenment have pondered how to define the principal locus for the production of inequality in human society. In Constructing Inequality , Kelly challenges existing theories of social inequality in egalitarian…