All Headlines

  1. April 18, 1994

    Password theft, racist message deplored

    The recent theft and subsequent use of a U-M student’s computer password to send a racist message on the Internet prompted a flood of complaints to the University from individuals worldwide. On the evening of April 5, someone used a modem to connect their computer to one at a campus computing site. The individual then…
  2. April 18, 1994

    Engineering students put textbook theory to practical use

    By Kellee R. Davis News and Information Services While most students are memorizing mathematical equations or spending endless hours at computing sites during exam week, seniors in a College of Engineering course are hammering out the final tweaks in their self-designed prototypes. Their work, which puts textbook theory to practical use, will be presented to…
  3. April 18, 1994

    Definitions: Cheating, plagiarism

    The LS&A Joint Faculty-Student Policy Committee recommends the College use the following definitions of cheating. Cheating is committing fraud on a record, report, paper, computer assignment, examination or other work or other course requirement (adapted from Duke University). Examples include: Using unauthorized notes, study aids or information from another student or student’s paper on an…
  4. April 18, 1994

    Sociologist Piliavin to deliver Katz-Newcomb Lecture April 22

    Jane Allyn Piliavin, professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, will give the 1994 Katz-Newcomb Lecture at 4 p.m. April 22 in Rackham Amphitheater. Her free, public talk is titled “In the Beginning Is the Body: Implications for Social Psychology.” “The ‘biological determinism’ question is an old one,” says Duane Alwin, professor of…
  5. April 18, 1994

    Education a primary tool in discouraging cheating

    By Mary Jo Frank Education and changing the way cheating cases are investigated and adjudicated are the best ways to discourage students from cheating, according to an LS&A faculty-student committee. Presenting the LS&A Joint Faculty-Student Policy Committee’s report at last Monday’s LS&A faculty meeting, David Schoem, committee chair, asked the faculty for feedback on its…
  6. April 18, 1994


    By Mary Jo Frank Chester Posby found guilty but mentally ill A Washtenaw County Circuit Court jury found Chester L. Posby, 70, guilty but mentally ill of first degree murder charges April 12 for the June 1992 shooting death of John L. Kemink, professor of otorhinolaryngology, in a U-M Hospitals examining room. Posby, a retired…
  7. April 18, 1994

    ‘Shrinking Week’ expands Michigan Radio contributions

    Michigan Radio’s “Incredible Shrinking Week” fund-raising effort was successful again this year, cutting three days of on-air fundraising from the station’s programming. A new high of $124,000 was raised, surpassing the 1992 record of $118,000. The number of listeners who mailed contributions or phoned in pledges came to 2,002, including 452 first-time donors. The Incredible…
  8. April 18, 1994

    Clinton’s chief health policy analyst to speak here

    Judith Feder, chief health policy analyst with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), will speak about the Clinton health care reform plan at noon April 26 in Heath Auditorium, School of Public Health. Feder’s talk is part of the University’s FORUM on Health Policy Reform, a two-year series of educational events tracking…
  9. April 18, 1994

    Innovations earn math department $25,000

    By Mary Jo Frank The Department of Mathematics has received LS&A’s 1994 Departmental Award for Contributions to the Undergraduate Initiative. The department will receive $25,000 for its innovative efforts to improve undergraduate education. Donald J. Lewis, chair and professor of mathematics, will recommend the department use the money to furnish a commons room for students…
  10. April 18, 1994

    Hispanic Student Leadership Award ceremony scheduled

    The first annual Hispanic Student Leadership Award celebration will be held at 5 p.m. Tues. (April 19) in the Tribute Room, School of Education. Six students will receive $300 scholarships, awarded by the Michigan Educational Opportunity Fund Inc., the Office of Minority Student Services and the Programs for Educational Opportunity at the School of Education.…